Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3003: Considerate

"Okay, don't be mean, it won't kill you."


   Ji Tianxing waved his hand, interrupting Bai Long's pleading.


   "You stay here, go see them for the teacher."


   After finishing speaking, he gave the tower to Bailong for safekeeping.


   Then, he entered the sixth floor of the tower.


   After flying in the twisted time and space for a while, he found Yun Yao and Ji Ke.


   Neither of them practiced in retreat. They were sitting together drinking tea and chatting, exchanging their thoughts and thoughts on Shinto practice.


   Although, their strength has progressed very quickly.


   Not long ago, both of them reached the half-step gods.


   However, both of them encountered a bottleneck and were unable to break through the realm of the gods.


   Only then had to end the practice and gather together to communicate and discuss.


   Wushuang also stopped practicing and sat beside Yun Yao.


   She is still six or seven years old, exquisite and lovely.


   She drank Shenlu tea well-behavedly, and listened carefully to the exchange between Yunyao and Ji Ke. There was a thoughtful look in her eyes, which was obviously rewarding.


   The sudden arrival of Ji Tianxing surprised Yun Yao, Ji Ke, and Wushuang.


   The two women stopped talking quickly, got up and looked at him, smiling on Qiao's face.


   "Tianxing, why are you here?"


   "Brother Tianxing, are you finished with your business?"


   Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, looking at them tenderly.


   "I haven't seen you for a long time, and the strength of both of you has greatly increased."


   At this time, Ji Wushuang stretched out his arms and rushed to Ji Tianxing in surprise, shouting: "Father, you haven't seen us for a long time, Shuang'er misses you!"


   The crisp voice, the smile from the heart, and the childish words.


   Ji Tianxing's heart was touched, and he was full of guilt, and he quickly spread his arms and hugged Ji Wushuang in his arms.


   "Shuang'er, dad didn't come to see you these days, but can he cultivate with ulterior motives?"


   Ji Wushuang put his arms around his neck and replied without hesitation: "Of course there is, you think I have broken through to the eighth level.


   However, I recently encountered a bottleneck, and I can't break through the nine layers for the time being..."


   At this point, Ji Wushuang curled his lips, showing an expression of shame and self-blame.


   Ji Tianxing rubbed her head and said spoilingly: "Shuang'er is the smartest, don't blame yourself and be discouraged.


Isn't    just a small bottleneck?


   Tell dad, what difficulties have you encountered? "


   Ji Wushuang shook his head and said, "Father, you and your mothers have not seen each other for a long time, so there must be a lot to say.


   Let's talk first, and I'll talk about the bottleneck in my cultivation later. "


   Ji Tianxing squeezed her small face, and said with satisfaction, "Shuang'er is really grown up and sensible, and his mind is so delicate.


   Okay, then dad will help you solve it later. "


   After finishing speaking, he looked at Yunyao and Ji Ke and asked: "I heard that you both reached the half-step God Sovereign Realm, but encountered a bottleneck, and temporarily couldn't break through.


   Now that I am in the royal capital of the Kingdom of Blood Flame, I will stay here for a while.


   Wangcheng is prosperous and wealthy, and the ceremony of the blood of God will be held in two days, it must be very lively.


   After you came to the realm of the gods, you have been practicing in retreat in the tower, and you have never relaxed.


   How about taking this opportunity to stay in Changfengyuan for a few days, so you can rest and relax? "


   Hearing what he said, Yun Yao and Ji Ke looked at each other, and both revealed their doubts.


   But when the two saw each other's reaction, they understood the reason.


   Yunyao showed a faint smile and shook her head lightly and said: "Tian Xing, although we have encountered a bottleneck in cultivation, Ke Ke and I are discussing how to solve it.


   Neither of us thought about leaving the tower to relax outside.


  Because we know that you have no fixed place now and you have made enemies on all sides.


   We have not yet reached the realm of the gods, neither can we help you, nor can we protect ourselves. It is likely to drag you down.


   Therefore, it is better to wait for us to break through the realm of the gods before leaving the tower and stay with you. "


   Ji Ke also nodded in agreement, and said: "Brother Tianxing, you must come to the royal city of the Kingdom of Blood and Flame, and there must be important things to do.


   There must be strong people gathered here, and there are dangers everywhere.


  At this critical time, we won't mess with you.


   Moreover, the elder sister and I have never left the shrine to rest and relax.


   Who told you this? It must be Xiaobai again, right?


Humph! This kid has a lot of tricks! "


   Ji Ke frowned pretentiously, and stopped Bai Long.


   In the bedroom, the white dragon holding the tower quietly waiting, sneezed inexplicably, his back felt a little cold.


   Although, he doesn't know what Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao and the others are talking about.


   But he has a bad feeling in his heart, I am afraid he will be scolded again.


   Ji Tianxing helped Bai Long round the field, smiled and shook his head and said: "It has nothing to do with Bai Long. I am worried that you will feel bored and bored in your long-term retreat..."


   But Ji Ke didn't believe what he said, and said with a chuckle: "Brother Tianxing, don't excuse Xiaobai.


   It must be that he himself couldn't bear to be lonely, and he used us as an excuse to think of playing outside. "


   Ji Tianxing was noncommittal, and quickly turned the subject away, "Okay, let's not talk about it.


   Since you don't want to leave the tower, let me help you solve the bottleneck in your cultivation first.


   Come, talk about the problems you each encountered. "


   Yunyao and Ji Ke nodded at the same time, and said in unison: "You speak first."


   Seeing that the two of them are in such a tacit understanding, Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "Ke Ke comes first."


   So Ji Ke explained in detail the difficulties she encountered in cultivation.


  Although she had become the pinnacle **** a thousand years ago.


   It stands to reason that with her cultivation experience, there shouldn't be any problems in the pinnacle of heaven.


   But in this life, she inherited the inheritance of the sacred beast Phoenix, and cultivated the five-color sacred fire and dozens of magical powers.


   This is something she has never touched in her previous life.


   With the memory and experience of the pinnacle god, to cultivate the inheritance of the pinnacle god, it is reasonable to encounter a bottleneck.




   After she revealed the problem in its entirety, it took Ji Tianxing only a quarter of an hour to find the corresponding solution in her memory.


  The problem that can be solved symptomatically, he directly states the solution.


   can't be solved, he can also click sideways, prompt and wake up Ji Ke.


   In this way, Ji Ke pushed aside the clouds and saw the blue sky, and suddenly realized.


   The previously puzzled and intractable problems were immediately solved.


   The previously obscure concept ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has suddenly become clear.


   Ji Ke's problem was solved and she became confident.


   She has the confidence to break through the bottleneck within ten days and reach the first level of the gods.


   Ji Ke's problem is solved.


   Yunyao's turn to tell about the problems she encountered, as well as the obscure and uncertain confusion.


   Originally, she combined six divine beads and awakened most of the memory of the goddess Yaoguang.


   But what she is currently practicing is the inheritance of the goddess Yaoguang, and they are all top supernatural skills.


   But the memory of the soul is still missing, the most important memory is not awakened.


  This has caused her to encounter difficulties occasionally when she is enlightening the divine way and cultivating the king-level magical powers. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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