Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3011: Rage Tree

Chapter 3011 Anger Blood Tree

Yanlong Shenjun said that the division of worries and problems.

In fact, he came forward to invite Ji Tianxing on behalf of the second prince, and the two sides sat down to negotiate.

The second prince nodded without hesitation and agreed.

"Okay, Yanlong will take care of this matter!"

After a short pause, he continued to order: "The meeting place should be in Chengyang Courtyard in the western suburbs.

There are many people in the city, and all the forces are staring at the sky, so he must be guarded.

Meeting the king outside the city, he should feel more relieved. "

Yanlong Shenjun made a bow and said: "Subordinates obey, then do it."

After all, Yanlong Shenjun bowed and exited the study.

The three staff members stayed behind and were about to report other matters to the second prince.

At this moment, a spiritual light flew from the night sky and fell in front of the second prince.

The aura dissipated, and a jade slip for communication appeared.

There is a special purple symbol on the jade slip.

The second prince saw that this was a secret letter from Purple Fiend Star.

Zisha Xing is the deputy palace master of the Blood Fiend Palace.

On weekdays, the palace lord Blood Fiend practice retreats and basically does not show up.

In the entire Blood Flame Kingdom, this person is one of the most mysterious powerhouses.

The affairs of the Blood Fiend Palace are basically presided over by the Purple Fiend Star.

But many people know that the Blood Fiend Palace has long since taken refuge in the second prince.

Therefore, when the purple evil star encountered a major event that was difficult to decide, he had to ask the second prince to make a decision.

The second prince picked up the jade slip and read the contents with divine consciousness.

After a while, he threw Yujian on the table with a sneer on his face.

"That idiot Duanmuxiong can't sit still so soon!

Only one day after Tianxing came to the capital, he was irritated and lost his mind.

It actually costs 30 billion sacred stones to ask the Blood Fiend Palace to kill Tianxing! "

When the three staff members heard the news, they all showed complicated expressions.

The humpbacked aides leaned slightly and said, "Lord, our main task now is to destroy the five princes and the crown prince.

To deal with the five princes, we have to win over Tian Xing and cooperate with the three princes.

Therefore, Tian Xing is still useful for the time being and must not be killed! "

Zipao's staff also nodded in agreement, and said in a contemptuous tone: "The second generation son is young and vigorous, but he is not good at conspiracy and scheming.

The subordinates heard that he was interested in the captain of the maid of Changfeng Academy.

It is estimated that he also inquired about the incident that happened today, which made him so angry.

The captain of a maid made him so uncomfortable... alas! "

Another staff member thoughtfully said: "Given the financial situation of the Grand Prince's Palace, it is difficult to come up with 30 billion sacred stones.

Unless... the second son wants to empty the family of the Grand Prince's mansion!

He did this, it was a lasting fight, leaving no room for it. "

The three aides said everything that should be said, and the second prince did not say much.

He picked up the transmission jade slip, and said in a majestic tone: "Purple Fiend, you reply to that idiot Duan Muxiong, 30 billion wants to buy the life of the sky, it is too naive!

If he is sincere, let him add another bargaining chip.

The tree of fury blood!

Unless he puts out 30 billion and the sacred tree of anger and blood, this king will promise him! "

After speaking, the second prince waved Yu Jian out.

The three aides were shocked when they heard the words "Angry Blood God Tree".

Because the three of them all knew the origin of the tree of anger and blood, as well as its powerful effects and precious value.

many years ago.

The prince sacrificed for the monarch, shocking the entire blood flame **** kingdom.

At that time, the entire king was in a state of solitude, and hundreds of surnames and courtiers cried bitterly.

The monarch also blamed himself very much and was heartbroken at the sacrifice of the prince.

Therefore, the monarch gave the prince a lot of titles.

To the widow and two sons of the elder prince, he also tried his best to reward and comfort him.

Needless to say, the various hereditary titles and treasure rewards.

But the most shocking thing is that the monarch gave the sacred tree of angry blood to the Grand Prince's Mansion.

As we all know, the blood flame tree is the most precious treasure of the kingdom of God, the treasure of the town.

And the sacred tree of anger and blood is a small tree derived from the roots of the tree of blood flames.

Although, the preciousness and efficacy of this thing are not as good as the Blood Flame God Tree.

But it is also a superb fetish of Jun-level, and its effect is very similar to the blood flame tree, equivalent to a weakened version.

Owning the sacred tree of anger and blood can activate the bloodline to the greatest extent, strengthen one's own talents, and assist in the cultivation of the royal family's spiritual method.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the Wrathblood Sacred Tree, the increase in strength is at least five times faster!

When the monarch gave the Wrath Blood Tree to the Grand Prince's Mansion, he wanted to compensate the two sons.

Who ever thought that the two elders were mediocre people, not as talented as the prince.

Using the Wrathblood Sacred Tree to practice for many years, and consumes a huge amount of training resources.

In the end, the eldest son is only the third stage of the god-sovereign realm, and the second-generation son is only the second stage of the god-sovereign realm.

It is also fortunate to have the help of the sacred tree of anger and blood, as well as the countless resources and miraculous medicine rewarded by the monarch.

Otherwise, with Duanmuxiong's dull aptitude, even Shenjun Duo could not reach it!

The second prince, the third prince, the fourth princess, and the fifth prince all coveted the Wrathblood Tree.

However, the monarch bestowed that treasure to the Grand Prince's Mansion.

Even if they want it, they can only curb their thoughts and never dare to conspire to **** it.

Unless... they can have a way to let the two elder sons willingly give away the God of Rage!

Therefore, the second prince would often find a way to deceive the sacred tree of angry blood in the Grand Prince's Mansion.

Although Duan Muxiong's aptitude is dull, he is not too dumb.

He also knew that the sacred tree of anger and blood was a reward from the monarch and represented the blessing of his father's generation.

It is a treasure handed down from the Grand Prince's Mansion and must not be lost.

In the past, no matter how the second prince beat and conspired.

Duan Muxiong was able to hold it all the time, and resolutely refused to take out the sacred tree of anger and blood.

As for this time, the second prince just mentioned it again as usual.

He himself did not hold much hope.

The reason for wanting the sacred tree of anger is more to let Duanmu Xiong retreat.

After all, Tian Xing can't kill it yet!

The three staff members also understood what the second prince was thinking, so they didn't say much.

Soon, the second prince put the matter aside and discussed other matters with the three staff.


Wee hours.

The lively and noisy capital city gradually calmed down.

The tourists and people all over the street returned to their residences and homes one after another.

The streets and alleys also returned to calm and deserted.

Ji Tianxing took Wushuang, Bailong and Zhenhong for a few hours in the city. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Wushuang had a lot of fun and had a great time.

Late at night.

Ji Tianxing took the three of them back to Nanfeng Street.

The carriage has been guarding here, and the coachman has stood respectfully.

Everyone boarded the carriage and returned to Changfengyuan.

A quarter of an hour later.

The carriage arrived at the gate of Changfengyuan and stopped.

As soon as Ji Tianxing and the others got off the carriage, they saw an equally luxurious carriage parked beside the bronze lion at the gate.

A white-haired old man wearing a white robe and holding a whisk came down from the carriage, walking towards Jitian with a smile on his face.

2 chapters will be updated first, and the other 2 chapters will be updated later, please understand.

(End of this chapter)

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