Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3036: Is that kind of person as a teacher?


Ji Tianxing sighed silently.

After all, True Red's focus is a bit strange.

Ji Tianxing didn't say anything, but contacted the white dragon in the tower with divine consciousness.

"Bailong, it's time to work!"

Bai Long was also practicing in the twisted time and space, just when he was fully absorbed.

Suddenly hearing Ji Tianxing's transmission, he woke up suddenly.

He quickly finished his cultivation and asked expectantly: "Master, is there another big battle? Who are you going to kill this time?"

Ji Tianxing said in a playful tone: "With your current strength, there is really a fight, and I won't call you."

"Huh?" Bai Long was a little embarrassed, and asked with a smile: "Then what is the command of the master to find a disciple?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "Do you still remember the sentence that Master said to you before?"

Bai Long thought for a moment, and his face changed suddenly, and he asked with a wry smile: "What do you mean is that... happiness makes sadness, just don't cry?"

"Yes." Ji Tianxing's smile was even more teasing.

"Cough cough..." Bai Long changed his face and said in kindness: "Master, you think the disciple is so well-behaved, sensible, filial and lovely..."

"Stop talking nonsense, come out!" Ji Tianxing interrupted him simply and roughly.

Bai Long left the tower angrily and appeared in the secret room.

Just about to tell Ji Tianxing for mercy, suddenly saw the real red from the jade bed, wearing a scarlet armor.

He was stunned for a moment, with a stunning expression on his face, and he couldn't help cheering: "Wow...this is not...isn't this a female warrior of the Dragon God Race?

God! Such a powerful body, such a powerful figure, it is unique! "

Bai Long's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously asked, "Master, where did you get such a superb dragon girl?"

"Ahem..." Ji Tianxing pretended to cough twice, and gave him a frown.

Zhen Hong is also frowning her eyebrows, staring at Bai Long with a bit of shame in her eyes.

"Uh...hahahaha..." Bai Long came back to his senses, scratching his head a little embarrassingly, and quickly explained: "Girl, don't be angry, I didn't mean to offend you.

The nonsense I said just now was to truly praise you for being beautiful. "

While talking, he still looked really red from top to bottom, and he couldn't hide his surprise.

"Hey...girl, how come you look familiar?

You are... I remember, you are really red! "

Only then did Bai Long recognize that the ‘powerful’ dragon girl in front of him turned out to be a true red god.

He glanced at Zhen Hong, then looked at Ji Tianxing, showing a slanderous smile, like an ‘I understand’.

"Hehehe... Master and the real red girl are alone in the secret room again..."

While he was thinking about it, Ji Tianxing said in a calm tone: "Bai Long, the true red girl has just completed the awakening of the Dragon God's bloodline, and has not yet laid the foundation for Shinto.

This matter is left to you, and it will be completed within five hours. "

"Ah?" Bai Long's face suddenly stiffened, and he said grievously: "It turns out that this is the case, no wonder you...Master, can you discuss it again?"

"No discussion." Ji Tianxing said blankly: "Didn't you laugh happily before?

Besides, you are also half-dragon and half-god, and you are the most experienced in this.

It's most appropriate to leave this to you. "

Bai Long had a bitter expression on his face, frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly thought of something.

He looked at Ji Tianxing shamelessly, and asked through a voice transmission: "Master, are you planning to bring the red girl into the harem?"

Ji Tianxing glared at him, and said angrily: "Is the master of that kind of person?"

"Hey..." Bai Long continued to laugh and said through the voice transmission: "Master, although you are loyal to the two masters, the true red girl is also secretive and deeply rooted for you!

A superb dragon girl like the real red girl, that is a rare fate, how can you let her down..."

Ji Tianxing smiled and asked, "Do you think that if you want to put her into the palace for your teacher, it won't be a disadvantage if you help her?

Otherwise, she is just a passerby and there is no need to make such a big sacrifice for her, right? "

"Well, of course!" Bai Long nodded without hesitation, and said: "You also know that to help her lay the foundation of the divine Dao, the disciple will consume 90% of the divine power and soul power.

A lot of the dragon clan’s unearthed learning has to be paid, and the disciples are also traumatized.

After the event is over, the disciples must at least retreat for a year to recover to their peak.

There is no reason for us to help her like this, right? "

Ji Tianxing hesitated, and felt that it seemed unfair to Bai Long.

But he and Zhenhong... nothing like that.

"Oh... Master only saw that she was pure and kind in heart, and tried to protect her, so she helped her awaken her bloodline. There is no such messy thoughts at all."

Bai Long nodded to express his understanding, and said with a smirk: "Forget it, the disciple will help her lay the foundation first.

Although you don't like her now, feelings need to be cultivated slowly, and more in-depth exchanges are needed. It takes a long time to become affectionate! "

Ji Tianxing guessed that he was driving, but there was no evidence, so he didn't bother to care about him.

"Then let's start."

Bailong nodded and obeyed his orders, and began to use his supernatural powers to help Zhenhong lay the foundation for the divine way.

Zhenhong didn't know his identity before, and only cultivated as an ordinary protoss.

Therefore, her divine power and the foundation of divine Dao are all accumulated by the divine clan practice.

But now, she awakened the Dragon God bloodline and became a dragon girl.

Ordinary protoss techniques are no longer applicable. Only by laying the foundation for the dragon clan's unique knowledge can she spread her wings and go further in the future.

Bailong first used spells to sort out her meridians, divine powers and spirits, and after her condition stabilized, he would teach her the dragon clan's unique knowledge.

This process is very complicated and there can be no mistakes.

Just like building a palace with bricks and stones, once there is a problem with the foundation, it is likely to cause the entire palace to tilt, crack and collapse.

At the same time, he has to speed up, which must be completed within five hours.

This made him have to go all out and consume divine power and soul power regardless of the cost.

After all, he hasn't reached the Divine Sovereign Realm yet, but Zhen Hong is the lower Divine Sovereign of the Triple Realm.

This matter is also a big challenge for him.

Time passed quietly.

Three hours passed quickly.

Bailong completed the first two steps and taught the 18 true red dragon clan supernatural powers.

Next ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he wants to guide Zhenhong again, and integrate the eighteen dragon gods into the foundation of the gods.

Fortunately, Zhenhong completely obeyed Ji Tianxing's instructions and cooperated with Bailong to cast spells.

Moreover, her talent and savvy have been greatly improved, and she can get through.

In addition, Ji Tianxing has been supervising the whole process and has been guiding by the side.

This makes the process very smooth.

Unknowingly, another two hours passed.

The five-hour deadline has come.

After this, the blood of the true red dragon **** returns to silence, and it will be even more difficult to lay the foundation and brand the dragon clan's unique knowledge.

Fortunately, Bai Long successfully completed the task.

The true red foundation of Shinto was successfully condensed, and it was a matter of course to break through the four levels of the gods!

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