Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3064: Uprooted

The third baptism of divine light finally came.

The aggrieved geniuses finally felt some comfort in their hearts.

They quickly concentrated their attention, received the baptism of divine light, and refined the ripples of divine power.

But this time, the effect of God's light baptism is even weaker!

Even the envelope of the divine light and divine power ripples has shrunk to a radius of 20,000 li.

The young Yan Wolf in the outer circle saw the divine light and divine power ripples with his own eyes, and dissipated thousands of miles away from him.

In other words, the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth platforms of the blood of God did not receive the baptism of God's light!

Yanlang Youth almost collapsed.

With tears in his eyes, he looked at the sacred tree of blood flame 30,000 miles away, and knelt on the ground with a ‘poof’.

"Sacred tree, sacred tree! Why are you so unfeeling, and refuse to give me any kind of grace!"

I am loyal to the kingdom of God, and I respect you very much, and treat it as faith.

But you...ahhhh! Why is this? "

Yanlang youth was depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

He even wanted to turn around and leave in a fit of anger.

However, he quickly suppressed this impulsive thought.

Not to mention that he can't leave without permission.

Even if he could leave the secret realm, he would be infamy, slandered and slandered by the world.

More than that, the royal family will also punish him, which is a blasphemy against the sacred tree and ancestors!

In desperation, the Young Yanlang could only endure grief and pain and continue to meditate.

Unable to receive the baptism of divine light, he can only absorb the scattered blood flames and divine power between heaven and earth.

As for the effect, it is better than practicing outside, better than nothing!


The five people, Shang Qi, Zhen Hong, Qin Yu, Gu Chunfeng, and She Yuanlong, have just received the baptism of divine light and are cultivating with full concentration.

at the same time.

Ji Tianxing under the sacred tree slowly opened his eyes.

He just broke through to the fifth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and his strength has increased several times.

At this moment, his combat power is much stronger than before.

Even if you encounter the purple-robed old man under the command of the prince again, you will be able to win the battle against the **** of the eighth realm!

While strong, his perception has also increased sharply.

Prior to this, the entire blood flame secret realm was still a bit hazy and mysterious to him.

But now, when he uses his divine sense to explore the secret realm, he can break through layers of mist and touch many truths!

He could clearly recognize that this blood flame secret realm was a quasi-king-level space with a radius of 36,000 miles.

In the secret realm, the sacred tree and ten sacred blood platforms unite to form a supreme king-level sacred formation.

Unless the king of the gods comes in person, no one can destroy the secret realm, let alone remove the tree!

Ji Tianxing stared at the sacred tree and observed the problem carefully.

After two days of devouring him and the Sky Pearl, the power of the sacred tree was reduced by 30%!

The sacred tree is spiritual and will instinctively protect itself, withdraw the overflowing power, and strengthen itself.

It was supposed to release the divine light three times a day, once every four hours.

However, its own strength quickly passed away, it slowed the speed of releasing the divine light and greatly reduced the frequency.

But even so, it is not a living life after all, without wisdom.

It still couldn't resist the swallowing of the Mending Dzi Bead, and its power was still fading.

Ji Tianxing estimated that in five more days, filling the dzi would be able to swallow the sacred tree.

He took a look at the situation of replenishing dzi beads.

The Heavenly Patching Bead swallowed up 30% of the power of the sacred tree, and has not been purified and refined yet, and they are all stored in the sacred orb.

Ji Tianxing is very satisfied.

After all, after he leaves the palace, he can refine the power of the sacred tree and continue to improve his strength.

Replenishing the divine power stored in the dzi bead can help him restore to the peak of the gods, and it can also help Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others quickly increase their strength.

"Now my strength has increased more than ten times, and I can understand the mystery of the blood flame.

The power of the sacred tree was weakened by 30%, and its power was not as good as before.

The time is finally ripe, I now move away from the sacred tree, it shouldn't be difficult! "

After clarifying the situation, Ji Tianxing weighed it up a bit and made up his mind.

There is only one day, and the conditions are ripe.

If you don't **** the sacred tree now, when will you stay?

Therefore, Ji Tianxing urged the strength of the dzi bead to hit two huge white palms with the size of a mountain, firmly holding the torso of the sacred tree.

"Get up!"

He gave a low cry, and suddenly burst into ten percent strength.

Those two blazing white palms, with the momentum of moving mountains and mountains, grabbed the sacred tree and lifted it up.

Suddenly, the blood flame sacred tree trembled violently again.

The sacred blood platform under the tree swayed and shook wildly, and the purple light burst.

As Ji Tianxing continued to exert his strength, the Shenxue Platform burst out with a crisp sound of ‘Kacha Kacha’.

A series of tortuous cracks opened up from the ground and quickly spread to the surroundings.


The blood flame **** tree encountered a crisis, and the ten **** blood platforms immediately connected to the divine power, lit up a brilliant purple light, forming a superb king-level **** array.

The large formation of 30,000 li in radius circulated, drawing on the power of the entire secret realm, blocking this area, and severely suppressing the sacred tree.

Ji Tianxing's power was blocked, and the sway of the blood flame tree became smaller and stabilized.

Seeing that he was going to fail again this time.

However, he was confident in his mind, and displayed the secret technique indifferently, and continuously shot thousands of sacred golden lights, slashing to the surroundings of the sacred tree.

"Boom bang bang!"

Thousands of sacred golden lights cut into the sacred blood platform around the sacred tree.

Suddenly, the context of the Jun-level Supreme Divine Array ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was cut off by the sacred golden light.

The power of the large formation was blocked, and its power dropped sharply.

Obviously, Ji Tianxing has seen through the superb king-level divine formation and found the context, nodes and key positions of the great formation.

He didn't bother to waste time, slowly cracking this big formation.

Directly use the simplest and rude ways to destroy the operation of the large array and weaken its power.

It really worked.

The sacred formation that covers 30,000 miles is running slower and slower, and the power it releases is constantly weakening.

Even the ten Shenxue Platforms were dimmed and trembling violently.

Several divine blood platforms, unable to withstand the pull of two divine powers, cracked huge gullies and fell apart.

"Crack, click!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The popping sound and muffled sound one after another continued to be heard in the secret realm.

Several young geniuses were all awakened by this huge movement, and they ended their training one after another, investigating the situation in doubt.

When Ji Tianxing sensed that everyone was awakened, he couldn't help frowning and muttered.

"Since there is a lot of noise, there is no room for recovery. I can only do my best."

As a result, he successively shot three thousand golden lights, piercing each node of the **** array.

The large formation was severely damaged again, and its power fell again.

The power to imprison the sacred tree weakened sharply, and the sacred blood platform that wrapped the roots of the tree began to fall apart.

Ji Tianxing controlled two giant palms, firmly held the sacred tree, and uprooted it ten feet and ten feet!

at this time.

Just above the blood flame tree, the highest point of the secret realm suddenly lit up with colorful divine light.

A majestic and domineering anger sounded like thunder.

"Nie Hu, you really are plotting wrongdoing, wanting to destroy our clan's long-standing foundation!"


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