Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3068: Fight hard

The monarch is aloof, overlooking the billion people of the kingdom of God.

In the past, Ji Tianxing was just a useful material in his eyes.

He never thought that Ji Tianxing could grow to such a level.

Moreover, the time is so short and the growth is so fast.

It's almost unprecedented!

The monarch couldn't help but imagine that if Ji Tianxing were not allowed to enter the blood flame secret realm, it might not be so troublesome.

It's a pity that things have happened, and it's too late to regret now.

He can only try to remedy it.


As the monarch retreated, he waved his palm and gave out an order.

Through the formation of the blood flame secret realm, the order is to fly out of the secret realm and pass to the hall of prayer.

In a short period of time, the powerhouses who were always on standby in the Hall of Prayer for Souls passed through the door of the blood flame and stepped into the blood flame secret realm.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

A group of more than sixty people flew into the secret realm mightily, cut through the night sky, and went straight to the blood flame **** tree in the middle.

The leader is a withered old man whose whole body is shrunk in a black robe.

He is the Great Commander of Dark Moon, the monarch's most loyal confidant, and the former commander of the court guard.

Immediately behind him were eight commanders of the imperial army wearing purple robes and embroidered blood phoenix on their necklines, all middle-ranked gods.

More than fifty people in the future are the elite and strong guards of the Hall of Praying for Souls.

They are either the commander of the banned army or the secret post hidden in the dark, and they are basically the lower gods.

All in all, these sixty-five people are gods and powerful, and they are absolutely loyal to the monarch!

After entering the secret realm, the Great Dark Moon and the eight purple-robed leaders knew that the monarch was going to deal with Ji Tianxing.

In their eyes, Ji Tianxing was not worthy of being an opponent of the monarch.

Especially in the blood flame secret realm, it is normal for the monarch to control the power of the secret realm and instantly kill Ji Tianxing.

And their task is to protect the tree of blood flames from the war.

Therefore, after entering the secret realm, everyone went straight to the sacred tree in the middle.

However, when they flew into the night sky, they found a mess in the secret realm.

Several of the sacred blood platforms in the outer circle were all destroyed by the aftermath of the battle, and most of them collapsed, opening numerous cracks.

The blood flame sacred tree in the middle of the secret realm also became crooked.

The blood flame hanging in the night sky was very dim and weak.

Seeing this scene, the dark moon leader's eyes became more gloomy, speeding up his flight to the sacred tree.

The eight leaders and many elite powerhouses have also accelerated to keep up.


Soon, everyone arrived at the third platform of the **** blood, only a few thousand miles away from the **** tree.

At this time, everyone discovered that the center of the **** blood platform had collapsed.

The towering sacred tree also fell to the ground, with hundreds of millions of roots exposed.

In the night sky thousands of miles away, Ji Tianxing was fighting fiercely with the monarch, and there were loud and deafening noises, bursting with divine light.

Even more shocked everyone's jaws, it is incredible that the monarch is not Ji Tianxing's opponent!

He was pressed and beaten by Ji Tianxing, and he could only retreat while fighting, not daring to resist.

Moreover, his dragon robe was in tatters, his crown was broken long ago, and his face was covered with blood.

Looks very embarrassed and miserable!

Seeing this scene, the Dark Moon Commander was murderous and roared in a hoarse voice: "Guardian! Help him!"

The eight leaders and many elites panicked, and rushed over desperately, desperately besieging Ji Tianxing, and rescued the monarch.

Ji Tianxing was besieged by many strong men, had to give up chasing the monarch, and fought and retreated far away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Dark Moon Commander quickly rescued the monarch and stepped aside.

The eight commanders and fifty-six elites immediately formed a circle of thousands of miles, encircling Ji Tianxing.

The Dark Moon Grand Commander supported the monarch and stood outside the encirclement.

Regardless of cursing Ji Tianxing, he quickly checked the monarch's injuries and asked anxiously about the situation.

"Your Majesty, how could the rebel so vicious that he hurt you like this?

Your kindness to him is like the sea, so much in the dark.

He is so awkward, he is extremely vicious in facing you with swords and soldiers! "

The Dark Moon Grand Commander was very clever, and didn't ask why the monarch was beaten like this, how could he lose to Ji Tianxing.

He only mentioned that the monarch was kind to Ji Tianxing, and Ji Tianxing would avenge his revenge.

After hearing these words, the monarch felt much better in his heart.

After taking two divine pills and his luck suppressed the injury, he panted and said, "This lord is not a serious problem, you don't have to worry about old dog.

That thief is a poisonous snake, no matter how the Lord takes care of him, he will eat the Lord after all!

Old dog, you came in time, and I'll leave it to you here.

To capture him for this monarch, we must catch him alive! "

The Dark Moon Commander quickly nodded and said in obedience, bitterly: "The rebel committed such a heinous crime. If he killed him with a single sword, wouldn't it be too cheap for him?

It must be caught alive, put in the blood flame prison, tortured for thousands of years, in order to impersonate you! "

He didn't dare to say that this was to relieve the monarch's hatred, so as not to appear that the monarch would repay him.

As the closest confidant to the monarch, he knows the harsh and ungracious monarch best, and he avoids the importance of words.

The monarch was really satisfied and nodded and said: "Yes! Just do as you said!"

At this time, Ji Tianxing stood with his sword in the night sky, ignoring the surrounding imperial soldiers, looking at the monarch with a sneer on his face. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Ha ha ha ha... Facts have proved that you, the monarch, is nothing more than that. You have been beaten so miserably by the monarch, you can only call a helper to relieve the siege.

This monarch has long said that the temple of the Kingdom of Blood and Flame is too small to accommodate my big Buddha.

Now, do you believe it or not? "

These words changed the monarch's irritating face, turning blue and white, and he was rather ashamed and angry.

The Dark Moon Commander hurriedly scolded, and cursed murderously: "Naughty animal, you are so mad!

Your Majesty loves the people like a son, and has good intentions when he takes action against you, leaving room for you, and hopes that you will know how to return when you get lost.

Unexpectedly, you are so cruel and vicious, you don't understand your majesty's good intentions, and you are still triumphant here!

However, this seat will not be soft to you, which will let you know how great! "

After speaking, the Dark Moon Commander gave an order and shouted: "The monarch has an order, keep alive, and capture alive!"

The eight leaders and fifty-six elites all agreed.

Then, everyone wielded swords and magic weapons, exerted their magical skills with all their strength, and launched a siege to Ji Tianxing.



Hundreds of mysteries of the divine way, the phantom of the divine light that obscured the sky and the sun, and tens of thousands of sword shadows and sword lights, immediately covered thousands of miles in a radius.

The endless sword light and sword shadows are like a torrent, pouring down from the night sky, about to drown Ji Tianxing.

At the critical juncture, Ji Tianxing also no longer reserved, and decisively resorted to a unique trick.

"Zhutian Sword Formation!"

He swung the Sky Burial Sword with all his strength, cut out the sky-filled golden sword, condensing the sword formation.

This time, the Heaven-Zhuking Sword Formation he used was ten times stronger than before.

The divine power consumed is also incalculable.

His own divine power was not enough, he had to absorb the divine power stored in the dzi beads.


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