Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3076: We cleared 2

Since coming to the God Realm, Ji Tianxing has rarely used the power of the Five Elements World.

After all, the power of the power of the world is too terrifying.

In the starry sky of the lower realm, he used the cut of the world, enough to cut a star.

Therefore, he dared not use it easily in the God Realm.

So as not to cause too terrifying disaster, it will also attract the attention of many powerful people.

Because, besides him, no one can master the power of the world.


Following Ji Tianxing's cold cry, a sacred blade of light as long as ten thousand feet, dazzling like a scorching sun, severely smashed the palace's defense formation.

Only a loud noise was heard, and the sky-like colorful barrier was cut open on the spot by a huge gully.

Dense cracks spread around the gully, spreading in all directions.

The entire large array shook violently, bursting with a cracking sound of ‘click, click’, and it was about to collapse.

After breaking through the large defensive formation, the bright golden blade of light flew all the way south for hundreds of miles.

Along the bluestone avenue in the center of the city, a straight line was formed, leaving a huge ravine on the ground, like an abyss.

The entire royal city was divided into two halves by this abyss, and while shaking violently, it splashed with dust.

After the sacred light blade flew out of the king's city, it split a dozen mountains and stretched out eight thousand miles before gradually disappearing.

Such a shocking momentum awakened the entire royal city and frightened millions of people.

But Ji Tianxing's grasp of power is at its peak.

Even if the power of World Slash was so terrifying, no one was killed.


With a flash of his figure, he passed through the gap in the palace formation and left the palace.

He flew up into the sky, crossed the panicked king city, and flew towards the distance.

Before leaving, he glanced back.

I saw that the thousands of people in the palace, including the monarch, were stunned.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Not only was he safe and sound, he also broke through the palace's defenses and cut the palace in half.

Such a power of ruining the world is simply beyond the reach of the gods.

Everyone had a cold back and a chill in their hearts.

Many people have the same idea.

"If his move is not to smash the palace formation, but to kill us, who can survive?

Did he show mercy to our men? how can that be? "

While everyone was stunned, Ji Tianxing turned and left.

The monarch reacted first, his face was blue with anger, and his roar sounded like Hong Zhong: "Chasing! Even if you chase to the ends of the world, you must kill him!"

Many imperial soldiers and Ouchi masters all rushed out of the palace and pursued Ji Tianxing.

The monarch personally led thousands of people and killed them mightily.

The two princes did not dare to lag behind, and quickly followed.

Zhen Hong cried with joy, and his hanging heart finally fell, and quickly followed.


After escaping from the royal city, Ji Tianxing flew all the way south, as fast as lightning.

Many imperial soldiers and Ouchi masters were quickly thrown away by him for thousands of miles.

Only the monarch took the lead, chasing after him with anger.

Thousands of miles behind him are two princes and several high-ranking gods.

Unconsciously, two hours passed.

It was close to noon, and the sun rose to mid-heaven.

At this time, Ji Tianxing had left the royal city for 200,000 li, and was in a vast expanse of mountains.

Looking around, there are endless mountains at the foot, even to the horizon, without any city.

Surrounded by white clouds, the sky is scorching sun.

Ji Tianxing stopped, still calm and relaxed, turning around to look at the monarch who was chasing him.


The monarch stopped far away from him, panting with rage, staring at him with blood red eyes.

"Rebel! You never want to escape from the Lord's pursuit!

Even if you flee to the end of the world, this monarch will do his best to kill you and retake the sacred tree! "

The monarch held the Blood Sea Buddha in his left hand and the Dark Gold Divine Sword in his right hand, pointing at Ji Tianxing far away, and shouted murderously.

Within a 10,000-mile radius, there were only two of them.

The two princes and a few high-ranking gods are still thousands of miles away, and they haven't followed up yet.

Ji Tianxing looked at the monarch calmly and said, "I have obtained the sacred tree, and it is absolutely impossible to return it. You should give up.

Moreover, we have just kept our hands and did not hurt the innocent.

If you insist on entanglement, don't blame me for being rude. "

"Hahahaha... a big joke!" The monarch smiled angrily, cursing grimly: "Rebel, do you continue to pretend to be confused?

Ben Jun said long ago that the sacred tree is the foundation of the town and the foundation of the sacred kingdom.

Even if the Lord died here, he would never let you take the sacred tree!

Today, either you die or I die, there is no second way to choose! "

He didn't say something, but both of them knew it well.

If Ji Tianxing is really allowed to take the sacred tree, and the matter is immediately spread throughout the kingdom of God, then he can also abdicate as a god.

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "Well, if you are so persistent, then I will fulfill your wish."

Having said that, he waved the Heaven Burying Sword with his right hand and used a sword to break through the nine days, killing the monarch.

Thousands of feet high Hyun Jin giant sword, carrying the power of destroying everything, descended from the sky.

The monarch also refused to give up, wielding a magic sword to use his unique magic, and desperately killed Xiang Ji Tianxing.

"Boom bang bang!"


Swords in the sky fought against each other, and there was a loud and deafening noise.

Four moves between the two talents ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The wounded monarch was once again knocked out by Ji Tianxing, and his injuries were even more tragic.

The monarch was severely wounded and vomiting blood, feeling very sad and indignant, so he put away the divine sword and waved a sea of ​​blood to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing frowned fiercely, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He once again swung the Heaven Burial Sword, absorbing the light of the Five Elements World, and slashing out a brilliant golden sword with all his strength.


The thousand-foot-long sacred sword light cut through all obstacles, split the sky full of blood, and hit the monarch.


There was a dull loud noise, the monarch's left arm and leg were cut off, blood spattered from the sky, and he flew back embarrassed.

The sword light formed by the power of the world flew six thousand miles away, splitting eight mountains, and then gradually disappeared.


After the monarch flew thousands of miles away, he crashed into the broken mountains and was buried in the ruins.

He was so badly injured that he almost lost half of his body, and he couldn't help but groan in pain.

But he gritted his teeth to hold on to his injury, struggled to crawl out of the ruins, and had to attack again.

However, as soon as he left the ruins, a cold black sword was placed on his forehead.

The monarch raised his head and saw Ji Tianxing looking down at him.

The Heaven Burial Sword was shining with a faint black light, conveying an icy breath of death, making the monarch cold.


The monarch opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but swallowed it back.

He has already lost, and any harsh words will only look ridiculous.

Ji Tianxing said blankly: "This time, this lord spared you, plus the lives of the five million people in the royal city, this lord has fulfilled his promise.

Your life is changed to the sacred tree, and we are both cleared.

If you entangle again, you will definitely die! "


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