Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3078: It will be a big disaster in the future

Eleven strong men besieged Ji Tianxing.

Among them, even the prince is still a **** of the nine levels.

If Ji Tianxing resists hard, there is only one dead end.

Even if the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers are sacrificed, they can only resist, and it is difficult to fight back.

Therefore, when the powerful men attacked, he had already used the law of space and teleported three hundred miles eastward.

The group of people in the east is the second prince, the third prince, and the four commanders of the Imperial Army.

Not only are they weaker, the two princes will not kill them.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing easily broke through their defense line and teleported to the distant mountain peak.

Then, he teleported away without looking back.



He was wrapped in the white light of the space, constantly flickering between heaven and earth, and moved thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the monarch furiously said: "Chasing! If you let him escape, this monarch will punish you both!"

The monarch obviously blamed the guilt on the two princes.

The two princes did not have killers, but they did a lot of momentum and performed hard.

The monarch throws the pot at them regardless of whether they are indiscriminate or indiscriminate. Both brothers are very wronged and wronged.

"Huh! Huh!"

The monarch took the lead, leading the two princes and a few commanders of the Forbidden Army to pursue and kill Ji Tianxing together.

Even the prince chased unhurriedly, and there was still time to send a voice message to tell his five gods.

"Everyone, be careful, that beast is very treacherous!

He must be trying to lengthen the battle line and break them one by one! "

Several gods all felt the same, and nodded to express their understanding.

It turns out that even the prince did not guess wrong.

Ji Tianxing did not run away, but broke down the encirclement of the crowd, and then scattered and broke.

While teleporting away, he quietly used the law of poison, leaving an invisible poison in the world.

Of course, it is the kind of poison that is very hidden and difficult to detect, but has a slower attack.

The monarch was seriously injured, and the four imperial army leaders were slightly weaker, and they were all easily poisoned.

Moreover, the monarch was eager to hunt down Ji Tianxing for fear that he would escape.

As he pursued and killed with all his strength, of course, the heart of prevention was much lower.

Soon, a quarter of an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing teleported for 90,000 miles continuously, his divine power was exhausted, and his face was a little pale.

He calculated the time, and the poison was almost on the verge of an outbreak, so he slowed down.

When he released his spiritual knowledge and wanted to explore the situation behind him.

But found that the person closest to him turned out to be Prince Lien.

Between them, they were only twenty miles away.

But the monarch, two princes and the four commanders of the Forbidden Army were still thousands of miles away.

"The magic blade is hanging in the air!"

Even the prince looked at Ji Tianxing with a sneer, waved his palms and shot out the skylight blade.

More than three thousand golden light flashing blades, like countless guillotine knives, envelop Ji Tianxing with their radiant power.

Ji Tianxing didn't dare to underestimate him, and quickly used the Tianlong Overlord Body to increase his combat power to the extreme.

He also wielded the Heaven Burial Sword, cutting out the overwhelming sword light, resisting the attack of Prince Lien.

"Boom boom boom!"

The skylight blades collided, bursting with a deafening noise, echoing in the sky endlessly.

The sword light and the light blade collapsed one after another, exploding divine light fragments that covered the sky and the sun.

Although Ji Tianxing tried his best, he was still slightly inferior, and was shocked and flew out.

After all, he only broke through the fifth stage soon.

And even the prince broke through the Nine Realms many years ago.

Ji Tianxing wanted to defeat him, it was too difficult!


Ji Tianxing just retreated Bailiyuan and stabilized his figure.

Even the prince chased and killed him, punching out dozens of large mountain shadows.

Each boxing shadow contains the blue fire, which stuns Ji Tianxing's soul and makes him confused and dizzy.

Obviously, there are many laws and powers contained in these shadows, specifically to restrain the soul.

Ji Tianxing can only take precautions, keep his soul clear, and use the Dragon Elephant Fist and Tianlong Ao Shi Zhan.

"Boom boom boom!"

Various magical powers collided with light and shadow, and then burst into a loud noise, bursting into sky fragments.

Ji Tianxing was still lost to Prince Lien, and was blasted a hundred miles into the mighty mountains.

He regained his strength and just rushed out of the rubble.

At this time, the purple-robed old man of the Eighth Layer suddenly appeared, swiping a knife from the diagonal stabbing, and splitting two violent blood blades.

Ji Tianxing was caught off guard, and it was too late to escape.

At the critical moment, he struggled to get himself injured, and also used his best move to launch a counterattack.

"The galaxy is dead!"

He stubbornly resisted the beheading of two **** blades, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, splitting out a thousand zhang starlight, and slashing towards the purple-robed old man.


There was a dull loud noise, golden light flashed randomly and blood splashed.

Ji Tianxing was hit by two blood blades, leaving two wounds on his back, splashing countless golden light.

The purple-robed old man was also cut off by the starlight, and both legs flew out and fell to pieces.

The results were shocking.

Ji Tianxing severely injured the purple-robed old man at the cost of a minor injury and cut him in the waist.

The purple-robed old man flew out and fell into the ruins, making a miserable cry of pain.

But even the prince didn't frown, his eyes were still cold and clear, and he continued to cast spells to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing.

For him, it's okay for his confidant to be injured, as long as it can hurt Ji Tianxing.

"Immeasible slanted palm!"

Even the prince’s robes were agitated, and his whole body was full of colorful lights. He waved his palms and shot the shadows of the sky, blocking the world of thousands of miles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing had nowhere to hide, so he could only go all out.

"Catch the dragon palm!"

In the past, when his strength was low, he could only use this trick with Yun Yao.

Now he is a middle-ranked god, and then he can use this magic trick, which is extremely powerful.

From above the nine heavens, two giant golden dragon claws that covered the sky and the sun came out and slapped Prince Lian fiercely.

"Boom boom boom!"

The golden dragon's giant claws were invincible, smashing the palms of the sky.

However, even the prince changed his move in time and blasted two more punches, smashing the golden dragon claws to pieces.

This time the two confronted each other, they were evenly matched.

The prince even grinned and sneered: "Hehehe...you are growing very fast, and you can compete with this king just by entering the blood flame secret realm.

If you don't kill you today, given time, it will be a big disaster! "

Although Prince Lian is very confident and domineering, his eyes are venomous and the city is extremely deep.

He never despised Ji Tianxing, but attached great importance to it.

Therefore, he is determined to get rid of Ji Tianxing today.

At this moment, the monarch, two princes and the four commanders of the imperial army finally arrived in the field.


The monarch roared, and without a word, he waved the sea of ​​blood and killed him in front of Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing glanced intently at him, and suddenly a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the monarch slaying aggressively, he didn't even fight back, but said silently, "Explosion!" ’

As a result, the invisible poison that had long invaded the monarch's body was instantly detonated.


The monarch's body suddenly bulged, all blood vessels burst and bulge, his body turned black and smoked, and strange blood spewed out black blood.

He just rushed to the front of Ji Tianxing, but he stopped abruptly and planted from the air.


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