Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3080: Loss of merit

Although, Ji Tianxing can severely injure the monarch and many high-ranking gods with the Zhutian Sword Formation.

But even the prince's strength is indeed extremely powerful.

He also mastered more than one hundred kinds of the laws of the gods, more than three hundred kinds of magical secrets, and more than three supreme king-level artifacts.

Compared with the monarch, he is more than one grade stronger.

Ji Tianxing kept fighting, and consumed too much divine power.

Even with the support of Dzi Replenishing Beads, the divine power can quickly be replenished.

But he was limited by the realm of strength, and he really could not defeat Prince Lien.

Even if he tried his best, he could only draw a tie with Prince Lien.

But more often, they are still at a disadvantage and get injured one after another.

Even if he was in the state of the Heavenly Dragon Overlord, his body was as high as one hundred feet, it was still scarred, and the golden blood was constantly spilled.

On the other hand, Prince Lian was not injured much, he still maintained his peak state, and his divine power was very abundant.

Ji Tianxing hated in his heart.

If the monarch stops him one day later, he will practice for one more day in the blood flame secret realm, the result will be different.

As long as he breaks through the sixth layer of the gods, he will have a chance to defeat Prince Lien.

Unfortunately, there is no chance today.

He made up his mind to solve the other people first, and then seek revenge from Prince Lien later.

Even the prince was not in a hurry, attacking methodically, pressing on every step of the way.

He stared at Ji Tianxing and said with a sneer: "Tianxing, in this little kingdom of blood flames, you are indeed the number one genius.

But after all, you are just a frog at the bottom of the well. How can you understand how Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is in the Great Yan Empire?

Now, do you understand the gap between yourself and this king?

Stop stubbornly resisting, your mission has been completed, it's time to die! "

While resisting his attack, Ji Tianxing sneered, "Ha ha ha... I am a frog in the bottom of the well? How funny!

It was just a mere Great Yan Empire, in the eyes of the Lord, it was no different from Yi Wang Pond.

This monarch is a roc that soars in the sky for nine days. How can you compare to the chaffinch?

No matter, I don't bother to say this to you, but just talking to Xia Chong. "

Ji Tianxing disdain to talk with Prince Lian.

Even the prince was too lazy to argue, he was still aloof.

After a pause, Ji Tianxing went on to say: "As for the task you mentioned...Are you shuffling the cards of the Kingdom of Blood Flame by the hand of the Lord?

This monarch has destroyed the monarch's divine body and severely damaged his divine personality, so that he can no longer preside over the overall situation.

The two princes also suffered heavy losses and their power was greatly weakened.

With your support, the five princes will be able to take over the Kingdom of Blood and Flame immediately, and your goal will be successfully achieved...right? "

Even the prince did not deny it, and asked with a sneer: "Is it not?

Without the presence of you, the rebel, this king's plan will be achieved smoothly, and it will take some effort.

Now it's alright, you help this king remove obstacles, this king has to thank you!

Actually, this king really appreciates you, and his wisdom and means are almost catching up with this king.

However, because you are too outstanding and outstanding, this king will not recruit you, just want to get rid of you as soon as possible!

After all, a rebel like you can't control this king! "

Ji Tianxing smiled playfully, and shook his head repeatedly: "It's really rare to see a narcissistic person like you.

One day, Ben Jun will let you know.

Firefly can hardly compete with Haoyue, what a ridiculous words you have today! "

The prince frowned fiercely and was about to rebut.

At this time, Ji Tianxing secretly manipulated the sword formation and launched a lore on the five princes and others.


Around the five princes and others, three thousand divine swords flew out suddenly, forming a small sword formation.

Everyone was caught off guard, before they had time to escape, they were enveloped by the sword formation.


I only saw colorful divine light flying, sword light crisscrossing the sky, and flesh and blood splashing.

The screams of the five princes and five gods continued to be heard from the sword formation, particularly stern.

This scene made even the prince's eyebrows violent, and his entire face turned blue.

"In the formation! You...you have been planning for a long time, you have long been secretly deployed!"

Even the prince understood immediately, and Ji Tianxing talked to him, distracting him.

In his back, he quietly gathered three thousand divine swords and hid them around the five princes and others.

At the critical moment, the Three Thousand Great Swords instantly ended, making the Five Princes and others overwhelmed.

Sure enough!

Even the prince did not care about his anger, and immediately gave up attacking Ji Tianxing, teleporting to the sword formation.

He eagerly displayed his supernatural powers to destroy the small sword formation and save the five princes.

Even if the five gods under his command were killed, the five princes must be rescued!

That is not only his nephew, but also the most important chess piece in his hand!

If the five princes die, his plan will go bankrupt, how can he control the Kingdom of Blood Flame?

Can't he be the monarch?

The name is not right, the words are not smooth, and they will also be infamous for stealing the country.

What's more, he is the body of the Great Yan Empire.

If he forcibly occupied the Kingdom of Blood Flame and proclaimed himself a monarch, Emperor Dayan would not forgive him.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Even the prince Zhuangruo waved his palm frantically, splitting hundreds of giant purple blades, and quickly defeated the small sword formation.

Three thousand giant swords were blasted into slag, scattered in all directions.

When he saw the situation in front of him clearly, even the prince's complexion became stiff, and a monstrous anger rose up.

I saw that the five princes, the purple-robed old man, and the two gods were all strangled by the sword formation.

Not only the **** body was destroyed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the godhead was shattered, and dozens of fragments were scattered.

The fragments of the godhead of the four people are mixed together, and it is difficult to distinguish clearly between the breaths.

Only one **** was lucky, but his **** body was destroyed, but his godhood was preserved.

Of course, his godhead was also scarred and he was in a coma.

Even the prince was almost mad, his eyes became blood red, and he muttered to himself: "How could this be? This king has asked everyone to protect him, why was he still killed?

This king is about to succeed soon, why did it fall short?

Tianxing! This king is not at odds with you! "

At first it was still whispering, but in the end it turned into a roar and a roar.

Even the prince could no longer remain calm and confident, and ran away on the spot with anger.

"You humble beast! This king wants to crush you!"

Even the prince was trembling with anger, roaring hysterically.

He turned around abruptly, carrying the scarlet slaughter flames, violently killing towards Ji Tianxing.

At this time, Ji Tianxing is doing another very important thing.

He manipulated the Zhutian Sword Formation and threw the two severely wounded and **** princes out of the formation.

Then, he used his supernatural powers to capture the **** Buddha.

The second prince was injured the most, his consciousness was blurred and he was on the verge of unconsciousness.

The third prince is a little better than him, still able to stay awake.

The brothers flew out of the big array and fell into the mountains, splashing countless mud.

The third prince breathed a sigh of relief, and while taking out the **** pill, he whispered: "After all, he is still merciful."

Just after speaking, he suddenly thought of a question.

"No! Father is still in the sword formation, what does he want to do?"


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