Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3085: I'll follow you from now on

When Qianzhang Blood Sword appeared, Ji Tianxing and Prince Lian noticed.

When they saw the appearance of the blood knife, they had different reactions.

Even the prince frowned, his eyes clouded, and a bad premonition surged in his heart.

But he wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

As he expected, the blood knife easily chopped off the heads of two Ouchi masters.

Although it is not fatal, it has destroyed the divine bodies of the two great masters, making it impossible to fight.

But Ji Tianxing's brows were stretched out, and a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"It turned out to be her? Why did she come?"

Of course he could recognize that blade light, it was from the hand of the demon sword Lin Xue!

It's just that he was surprised, why did Lin Xue come to Wangcheng?

Moreover, at this critical moment, did you help him?

Is it a coincidence?

Shouldn't it?

at the same time.

The two masters in Ouchi were destroyed and shocked the other four.

They were all startled, and backed back in horror, staring at the **** knife with vigilant eyes.


The thousand-foot-long blood knife dissipated, and a slender figure appeared.

This is a beauty with a beautiful face and a seductive temperament.

Wearing a long purple dress and bare feet, he stands proudly in the sky.

His head and waist-long white hair was hunting and flying in the strong wind.

He held a **** long knife that was three feet long and shaped like a crescent moon in both hands.

What a strange woman!

She is the master of the blood knife, Lin Xue who has the titles of "white-haired demon knife" and "blood knife demon girl"!

Although, she is just a high-level god.

The realm of strength is similar to that of a few big experts, not much stronger.

But the same is the strength of the Seventh Realm, the background and talents of the two sides are quite different.

Lin Xue is the world-famous master of the blood knife, making countless gods frightened.

But those great masters are not well-known.

What's more, Lin Xue had reached the seventh stage thousands of years ago.

Now at the limit of the Seventh Realm... not right!

Ji Tianxing suddenly discovered that Lin Xue had broken through!

At this moment, she turned out to be Eightfold of the Divine Sovereign Realm!

What's more, the blood knife in her hand is a supreme king-level artifact.

Killing two masters in a second, of course, is easy!

There was a dead silence between heaven and earth.

The air seemed to freeze, and the atmosphere was extremely heavy and depressed.

Even the prince and the four great masters stared at Lin Xue with gloomy eyes and did not act rashly.

But Lin Xue ignored them, holding a demon knife three times longer than her in her right hand, stepped barefoot across the sky and flew in front of True Red.

She looked at Zhen Hong a few times, and then looked at Zhen Hong's shoulder, and her eyes fell on Ji Tianxing.

A joking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his tone was lightly said: "Boy, are you a peach blossom?

How come you can attract bees and butterflies wherever you go, and there is no shortage of beauties by your side? "

Lin Xue's eyes and tone were a little weird, and there was a bit of sourness in her teasing.

Not to mention Ji Tianxing, even Zhenhong, a simple-minded girl, felt a little uncomfortable.

"Ahem..." Ji Tianxing pretended to cough twice, concealing his embarrassment, and bowing his hands in salute: "Master Lin, don't come here without any problems."

Lin Xue waved her hand and said in a calm tone: "The Blood Knife Gate has been disbanded, and this seat is no longer a sect master... Sister!"


Not only was Ji Tianxing stunned, Zhen Hong was also stunned, looking at her with weird eyes.

As for the Prince Lien and the four big masters, it is even more absurd.

what is this?

We are fighting in blood, fighting desperately!

Are you two flirting in public?

Is this inappropriate?

Ji Tianxing couldn't laugh or cry, shook his head and said: "Although, I am very grateful to you for helping you in a critical moment, but your request is hard to forgive.

And, do you know what happened in Wangcheng?

You rushed to rescue me like this, have you ever thought about the consequences? "

Lin Xue was holding a lock of white hair in her left hand, playing with her fingers, and said nonchalantly: "How could my old lady not know? My old lady is the one who knows you best!

Before you entered the royal city, my old lady guessed that you were going to do something!

However, the old lady did not expect that your kid was so bold that he dug the sacred tree!

My mother has never met an arrogant guy like you in her life.

So, of course, the old lady can't just sit back and watch you be surrounded and suppressed, so she will come to rescue you as quickly as possible. "

Although Lin Xue said lightly, both Ji Tianxing and Zhenhong could guess.

She must have had a hunch, and she was very worried.

Ji Tianxing glanced at her deeply, bowing his hands in a sincere expression.

"Xue Lin, I don't want to thank you, I have written down this favor."

"What do you want to do?" Lin Xue frowned suddenly, and said angrily: "Let the old lady give you the queen, you run away with this great beauty, hide and give birth to a baby?"

"..." Ji Tianxing almost sprayed blood.

Zhen Hong was also flushed with embarrassment and couldn't help but reminded him: "Sect Master Lin Xue, you have misunderstood.

My name is Zhen Hong, and I am the maid of the son. "

Lin Xue waved her hand disapprovingly, staring at Ji Tianxing, and said viciously: "Boy, the reason why the old lady dismissed the Blood Sword Gate was here to find you!

My mother is doing nothing now. It's more interesting to see you brave ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and I will follow you everywhere in the future.

You owe my mother a lot, don't want to get rid of my mother! "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I am now the public enemy of the Kingdom of Blood Flame, are you sure you want to follow me?

At that time, there will be no wandering around the world, wind and snowy nights.

Only endless pursuit and running, you think clearly! "

Lin Xue nodded without hesitation, "Isn't this more interesting? My old lady is not a member of the Blood Flame God Kingdom, and she never thought of staying here..."

Seeing, they both recounted the past in public, in an endless posture.

Even the prince finally couldn't stand it, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his eyes flashed cold.

"Have you finished?"

He exclaimed in a harsh tone: "So chattering, do you not exist as a king?"

Lin Xue turned to look at him, looked up and down a few times, and said with a sneer: "My old lady knows you, you are the trash lord of the Great Yan Empire.

Your brother failed to win the throne, and both he and your mother were killed by the emperor.

And you survived and were sent here by the emperor..."

Before Lin Xue finished speaking, even the prince opened his eyes, bursting out with anger and murderous intent.

"You cheap maid, looking for death!"

That incident is his negative scale, the deepest pain and shame in his heart, and it will never allow anyone to mention it!

Lin Xue was not afraid, and didn't pay attention to Prince Lien at all.

She raised her right hand, held the Yaodao Yaozhi and pointed at Prince Lian, sneered: "Although you are very strong, the old lady is not your opponent.

But you look like this, it's not difficult for my old lady to kill you! "

The prince suddenly became angry, and his face was sternly grinning and said: "What an ignorant shrew!

Do you think that you can resist this king and save Tianxing? "


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