Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3087: I will be my own from now on

One day later.

Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others left the scope of the royal city.

In the beginning, there were many gods and powerhouses from the king's city, leading a large number of masters to chase and kill everyone.

As time passed, those people were thrown away.

Today, the powerful from the royal city have long lost the traces and news of everyone.

Even if he was still around the royal city, searching everywhere for the whereabouts of the people, it didn't help.

Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others have all explored, and there is no danger within 30,000 miles around.

Everyone was relieved and their spirits relaxed.

The night is as cool as water, and the starry sky is gloomy.

At the junction of Wangcheng and Linfeng County, there is a majestic mountain range.

Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others, standing on top of a mountain, facing the cold night breeze, were discussing major issues.

The blood-red demon sword that was three feet long had shrunk a hundred times.

It turned into a three-inch long delicate knife, which was played with Lin Xue between her fingers.

She stared at Ji Tianxing and asked solemnly: "Boy, what are you going to do next?

We are now people on the same boat, all public enemies of the Kingdom of Blood Flame.

There is no place for us in this kingdom of God.

From tonight, shall we start to flee? "

Ji Tianxing looked at her and said with a smile: "What's the matter? The impulse has gone too far, are you regretting it now?"

Lin Xue glared at him and smiled contemptuously: "You kid look down on people? Is my old lady that kind of impulsive and reckless person?

This is a deliberate decision made by my old lady.

My mother is 100% sincere to you, but you dare to doubt my mother? "

"It's fine if you don't regret it." Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, then looked at the Blood Illusory God Monarch, Jin Zuo Envoy and Blood Dragon Right Envoy, and asked: "Are you guys? Have you regretted it?"

The Blood Illusory God Sovereign and the Blood Dragon Right Envoy both shook their heads and said with a smile: "Of course I don't regret it! Wherever the master goes, we will follow."

Envoy Jin Zuo quickly shook his head, and said with a certain tone: "It is also our dream and honor to follow a genius and powerful man like Young Master Tian Xing and do a vigorous event!"

Ji Tianxing smiled even harder. He glanced at Lin Xue and asked the three of them, "Is this your voluntary or was it forced by her?"

"Humph!" Lin Xue snorted coldly, then glared at him.

Xue Huan, Blood Dragon, and Jin Zuo envoy hurriedly waved their hands and explained in unison: "The son is joking, of course we are voluntary!"

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said with a serious face: "Okay! Whether you are sincere, or imaginary, I will take it as real.

I hope you remember what you said tonight, and don’t regret and complain in the future.

From now on, we are our own.

Then I will tell you the next plan and plan. "

Seeing Ji Tianxing accepted their participation, Lin Xue, Xue Huan, Blood Dragon and Jin Zuo Envoy all smiled with relief.

Everyone looked at Ji Tianxing expectantly and listened to his plan.

Ji Tianxing said solemnly: "Blood Flame God Kingdom, we can hardly stay any longer.

However, we are not in a hurry to leave.

My injury is a bit serious, and I need to find a place to hide and retreat for a period of time.

When I return to my peak state, there are still a few things to deal with before I can take you out of the Kingdom of Blood Flame.

As for the future...I might go to the Great Yan Empire to do more important things. "

Hearing this, Lin Xue suddenly frowned her eyebrows, her clear eyes revealed a thick color of doubt.

"Hey, are you crazy?

You have already forged a death feud with Prince Lien, dare to go to the Great Yan Empire?

Isn't this self-investing?

If I were you, I should leave the sphere of influence of the Great Yan Empire as soon as possible after recovering from the injury. "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and explained: "There are more than a dozen kingdoms under the Great Yan Empire, and the sphere of influence is too large to leave in a short time.

Moreover, the Great Yan Empire is more powerful and may hide what I want.

Even if I offend Prince Lien, Prince Lien is a criminal of the Great Yan Empire.

The Emperor of the Great Yan Empire has the final say, and even the prince can't cover the sky with one hand, so what can I do? "

After hearing this, Zhen Hong nodded quickly, and said firmly, "I follow the son's orders and decisions. I just want to follow the son and perform the duties of a maid."

Lin Xue glanced at her, waved her hand disapprovingly, and said to Ji Tianxing: "Okay, knowing that your kid will go it alone, the old lady won't persuade you.

Anyway, my old lady has only friends, no relatives and family, so it's the same everywhere.

You come to make up your mind, you can go wherever you say. "

Now that Lin Xue had made the decision, Blood Illusory, Blood Dragon and Jin Zuo Envoy certainly obeyed, and there would be no objection.

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "That's all set, we will enter Linfeng County and sneak into Xianfeng City in secret."

Lin Xue showed a puzzled expression again and asked, "Xianfeng City? That place is not far from here, there will definitely be a large number of strong people searching, what are you going there for?

Could it be that you have long left behind and arranged someone to respond in Xiefeng City? "

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, then said with a chuckle: "Forget it."

"What do you mean by that? Is it reliable?" Lin Xue muttered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ while offering a black divine ship.

This divine ship with a hideous appearance and a gloomy atmosphere is exactly Lin Xue's ship.

This is a Jun-class high-grade divine ship, and its flying speed when fully activated is no less than that of Ji Tianxing flying at full speed.

Everyone boarded the divine ship one by one, controlled by the left envoy of the gold and the right envoy of the blood dragon, flying swiftly into the sky.


The divine ship turned into a hidden black light, galloping through the dark night, and headed straight for the Xianfeng City.

Inside the divine ship, Ji Tianxing, Zhenhong, Lin Xue, and Xuehuan sat in the wide hall.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing didn't mean to retreat, Lin Xue couldn't help asking: "From here to Xiefeng City, it will take three days to say nothing.

Your injury is so serious. If you don't go to the secret room to do your exercises and heal your injuries, what are you doing here? "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said slowly: "Even if you want to retreat and heal your injuries, you are not in a hurry.

Let me talk about you first, what are you doing this time? How did you find me? "

Lin Xue saw that his injury was stable and did not deteriorate further, so she did not urge him to heal.

Since Ji Tianxing wanted to chat with her, she said, "After we were separated, I went back to the blood knife gate to arrange the dissolution of the sect.

After a few days, the overall situation is settled.

Xue Huan and I leave the sect first and come to the Wangcheng to find you.

Trivial matters were handed over to the Blood Dragon and Jin Zuo.

Originally, I should have arrived in Wangcheng seven days ago.

But on the way, I couldn't help but attack Lin Shan's godhead.

After the revenge, it didn't make sense for me to keep his godhead, so I refined it.

I was already at the limit of the Seventh Realm, so it was a matter of course and I broke through to the Eighth Realm..."


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