Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3089: Why is he?


"Branches of the Blood Flame God Tree?"

The Blood Illusory God Lord and Lin Xue were shocked by Ji Tianxing's words.

Both of them were surprised, a little unbelievable.

Lin Xue was not the party involved, and did not say much.

She just looked at Ji Tianxing with complicated eyes, with some emotion in her heart.

The Blood Illusory God Sovereign was a little embarrassed, and said with a wry smile: "Young Master, this...this is too...too expensive, right?"

He has been in the Kingdom of the Blood Flame for thousands of years, and he knows that the tree of the Blood Flame is the **** of the kingdom, very precious and powerful.

Although, everyone knows that Ji Tianxing robbed the blood flame tree.

But that was the top fetish that he earned after fighting for his life.

And the blood illusion **** monarch and him, really are not related to each other, and have no relationship or friendship.

However, Ji Tianxing was actually willing to use the branches of the sacred tree to help him reshape the sacred body.

This is too generous!

Simply let the blood fantasy gods be flattered!

Ji Tianxing saw his thoughts, waved his hand quickly, and persuaded: "Blood Illusion, you don't have to be so surprised.

I have already captured the entire blood flame tree, and it's okay to intercept a branch.

But this is a great opportunity for you.

The blood flame tree is a quasi-king-level god, and a branch of good texture is also a king-level god.

In your current situation, you definitely can't use quasi-king and king-level gods.

Using ordinary Sovereign-level fetishes will greatly reduce your strength.

The branches of the Blood Flame God Tree are the most suitable. They have great hopes of success and are easier to shape a new body.

The only regret is that if you use the branches of the sacred tree to rebuild your body, your future achievements will be limited.

It is destined to not break through the **** king realm in this life, and can only reach the peak of **** king. "

Seeing Ji Tianxing's reaction like this, Lin Xue couldn't help muttering, "Looking at what you said, why do you sound so awkward?

Even if the blood illusion does not reshape the body, it is impossible to break through the Divine King Realm in this life.

Being able to reach the peak of the God Sovereign Realm is already the limit!

Don't talk about him, aren't even all of us present the same?

How high is the supreme powerhouse of God King Realm?

That's an extremely strong man who has never met in a thousand years. Can anyone reach it casually? "

The Blood Illusory God Monarch nodded quickly in agreement and thanked Ji Tianxing.

"Yes, the sect master is right.

With my aptitude and current state, it is fortunate to be able to break through to the eighth realm.

If I can reach the pinnacle of the Ninth Stage, I will have no regrets in this life.

As for the Divine King Realm, I didn't even dare to dream about it, it was too illusory! "

"..." Ji Tianxing was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

Only Zhen Hong shook his head and said in a serious tone: "Senior Lin Xue is wrong! We really have no hope, and we don't dare to imagine becoming a **** king.

But the son is different from us, he is the most hopeful of becoming the king of God! "

When he said this, his clear eyes were filled with determination and expectation.

Xue Lin glanced at her and thought to herself: "Oh! This little girl is really fascinated by him, love is really irrational."

"Okay, stop this question." Ji Tianxing waved his hand to interrupt the topic.

He looked at the Blood Illusory God Sovereign, and said with a serious face: "Since you think it's okay, then so be it.

After I retreat and heal my injuries, I will take a branch of the sacred tree to help you reshape the sacred body! "

The blood illusion **** monarch was moved, condensed into a figure with blood and light, bowed at him, and solemnly thanked him.

"Thank you, my son, for helping me. This kindness will be remembered in my heart, and I will never forget it in this life!

From now on, if Young Master Fan has any instructions, he will be willing to go through fire and water, and he will not hesitate! "

Ji Tianxing smiled and waved his hand, and said, "It's a trivial matter, you don't have to be so polite, it's serious."

The matter was so negotiated.

Everyone chatted for a while, then each entered the secret room, meditated and adjusted their breath.

Ji Tianxing stayed in the secret room and sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers and placed it on the table.

He entered the sacred tower, returned to the twisted time and space, and began to use power to heal his injuries.

His injuries were too serious, and his internal organs, meridians and bones were all damaged.

In desperation, he had to take a large amount of **** pill and consumed a lot of **** stone and source stone.

Even, he had to absorb the power of replenishing dzi beads.

Fortunately, his own self-healing ability is very strong.

Coupled with these pills and resources, he can recover faster.

at the same time.

Yunyao and Ji Ke had already broken through the realm of the gods, and were cultivating in the distortion of time and space to consolidate the foundation of the gods.

After breaking through the gods, they entered a new realm.

Talent and savvy were stimulated and stepped into a higher level.

Those magical skills that could not be practiced before can now be comprehended and cultivated.

The two felt that their strength was not strong enough, and they practiced more diligently.

Bailong, Qianyue, Heilong, and Ji Wushuang are also cultivating with full concentration.

Their goal is to break through the Divine Sovereign Realm as soon as possible.

What happened before gave them a clear understanding of the God Realm.

Without reaching the realm of God Sovereign, there is almost no qualification to travel and walk in the realm of God.


For the next three days, Ji Tianxing never appeared.

He has been healing in twisted time and space.

In the past three days from the outside world, five months have passed since warped time and space.

After five months of treatment, his injury recovered nearly half.

Although, the injuries of the viscera and godhead are still there.

However, the injuries of the meridians and the divine body have recovered seven or eighty-eight, and there is no major problem.

He doesn't seem to be embarrassed or weak anymore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is back to normal.

It's just that the strength is still somewhat empty, only about 70% of the heyday.

Of course, as long as you don't encounter a strong man like Prince Lien, there is no problem with self-protection.

Late that night, the divine ship arrived at Xiefeng City.

When there were thousands of miles away from Xianfeng City, the godship stopped in a mountain.

Everyone stayed in the divine ship, and Lin Xue flew out of the divine ship alone.

She waved her hand to bleed, shrank the divine ship tens of thousands of times, and took it into her body.

Then, she passed through the night alone and sneaked into the Xianfeng City quietly.

She didn't walk through the city gate, found a remote and unmanned city wall, and cast a spell to sneak into the city.

There are guards patrolling inside and outside the city wall, and a high-ranking defensive array of Jun-level is also arranged.

But these didn't cause much trouble for her.

It didn't take long before she sneaked into Xianfeng City.

Following Ji Tianxing's previous prompt, she quietly touched the residential area in the south of the city and arrived at the door of a quaint and vicissitudes of residence.

There was someone guarding the door, a gray-haired rickety old man.

Xue Lin reported a secret signal.

The white-haired old man's eyes flashed brightly, and he opened the door silently and asked Lin Xue to enter it.

After Lin Xue entered the house, she took out the divine ship.

Ji Tianxing, Zhenhong and others appeared in the courtyard one after another.

At this moment, the lights gradually lit up in the dark courtyard.

A young man wearing a golden dragon robe emerged from the dark hall and walked towards Ji Tian.

"Sure enough, the son came here, seeing that you are safe and sound, the king is finally relieved."

Hearing this voice, Lin Xue was startled.

Seeing the face of the man in the golden robe, she even stared slightly, revealing an expression of disbelief.

"Why is it him?"


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