Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3097: Encountered

Under the large black robe, there was an ugly face covered with scars.

When the mother-in-law Yuyu opened her mouth with missing front teeth and showed a stern grin, it was even more terrifying.

Ji Tianxing couldn't help frowning and sneered, "Since the beast-controlling mother-in-law is so stubborn, don't blame my ruthless monarch.

Chop them into meat sauce later, and grill them again to let you taste the taste! "

"Ha ha ha..." Mother Yu Beast sneered even more sternly: "This is a good idea, I will concoct you like this later!"

After speaking, she turned around on crutches and backed behind Long Fen.

Long Fen stared at Ji Tianxing and sneered: "Since we said hello, then we won't waste time.

Let your friends, friends, come out and die together.

Don't try to resist, it's useless!

I have investigated your details a long time ago. Since you dare to lie in wait here, I will be sure to kill you all! "

"Hehe, so confident?" Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth, bursting into the sky with killing intent.

"It just happens to have a new understanding of some magical powers, so let's use you as touchstones!"

When the voice fell.

Ji Tianxing displayed his supernatural powers and skills, and instantly became a golden armored **** of war.

He didn't hide his clumsiness, he used the Heavenly Dragon Domineering Body as soon as he shot, and went all out.

The dazzling golden light illuminates thousands of miles.

The supreme mighty power that suppresses the heavens and the earth, invisibly seals off the Wanli area.

He squeezed the seal of the gods in both palms, burst out infinite divine power, and pointed towards the sky.


Suddenly, more than ten thousand golden light spots appeared in the distant high sky.

Every golden light fell like a meteor, pouring down toward this world.

Before the golden light arrived, the horror sword intent to kill everything had enveloped a thousand miles.

There is no doubt that this is the Zhutian Sword Formation!

Seeing, the golden light in the sky descended extremely quickly.

Everyone can see clearly that it is more than ten thousand huge and incomparable golden swords.

Long Fen and Grandma Yuyu couldn't help frowning, and the eleven Hetianzong powerhouses also sneered, their expressions becoming solemn.

Everyone could feel the tremendous pressure, and their confidence quickly dissipated.

The mother-in-law Yuyu no longer hesitated, and hurriedly waved the snake-head crutches to perform strange magical powers.

Two hundred miles away, the more than three hundred divine beasts suddenly became bloodthirsty and violent, and their eyes burst into flames.




All the mythical beasts roared angry or manic, and rushed to Ji Tianxing desperately.

Obviously, the beast-controlling mother-in-law gave orders to the beasts.

They have locked Ji Tianxing, and will tear it to pieces at all costs.


In an instant, the six-winged divine bird with more than twenty heads as big as a palace and full of flames rushed to Ji Tianxing at the fastest speed.

They all stretched out their sharp front paws and grabbed them towards Ji Tianxing.

And with a sharp mouth, stab at the key of Ji Tianxing.

These six-winged divine birds of the Divine Sovereign Realm, their sharp claws and sharp beaks are comparable to the Sovereign-level artifacts, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing's figure was submerged, he was about to be torn apart by a group of divine birds.

He waved his palms unhurriedly, spilling dozens of colorful sword lights.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Those dozens of colorful sword lights not only contained several divine powers, but also the violent power of the thunder.

Stabbing or slashing those sacred birds, there was a loud and deafening noise, and feathers and flesh and blood were splashed.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 sacred birds were bombarded and slaughtered into dregs, raining blood.

They rushed the fastest, but also died first.

But this horrific scene could not deter those crazy bloodthirsty beasts.

Many large mountain demon cows, silver wind wolves, blazing leopards and flying tigers still rushed over in fear of death.

There were even a few poisonous pythons that looked like giant dragons, spraying out poisonous fog that covered the sky and the sun, covering the godship and Ji Tianxing.

Fortunately, the Heaven-Zhuking Sword Formation was finally formed.


More than ten thousand sacred giant swords, blocking thousands of miles, like a huge golden sky, suppressing everything.

The dazzling sword light danced in the sky, releasing a violent sword intent.

Only the muffled sound of "bang bang bang" burst out one after another in the sky.

Immediately there were dozens of huge divine beasts, cut into several pieces by the sacred giant sword that shuttled across the sky, splashing out a rain of blood.

In addition, the Heavenly Jade Sword Array released an invisible amount of pressure, slowing the speed of many sacred beasts by more than half.

Their speed suddenly slowed down, and their aura weakened a bit.

However, they are already bloodthirsty and crazy, and they don't know what fear is.

Even if every breath time, there are sacred beasts strangled by sword light, reduced to **** and blood rain.

They were also undisturbed, still struggling, rushing towards Ji Tianxing and others like crazy.


At this time, the divine ship was put away by Lin Xue, and she and Zhen Hong and others appeared in the night sky.

Everyone and Ji Tianxing joined forces to form a defensive circle for each other's horns, and jointly resist the onslaught of many beasts.

"Naughty animal, die!"

"Damn beasts, go to hell!"

The Blood Fantasy, the Golden Left Envoy, and the Blood Dragon Right Envoy all shouted murderously, waving their swords and magical weapons, releasing the light and shadow of the sky.

True Red burst into full force ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ directly into the runaway state, becoming a dragon-shaped goddess of war reaching thousands of feet.

She was burning with blood flames, exuding the dragon's might that shocked the world, and slammed against the group of beasts.

Hundreds of sacred beasts have an innate awe and fear of dragons and phoenixes.

This is derived from the nobility of blood and the suppression of the spirit level.

It is the nature of the orcs and hardly accepts the control of wisdom.

What's more, the more than three hundred divine beasts are bloodthirsty and violent, and they are irrational.

When the invisible dragon power released by Zhenhong swept the beasts.

Their boiling blood and killing intent seemed to have been splashed with cold water, and it was almost half cold in an instant.

Even the momentum of the rush is stagnated, and the speed has slowed down a lot.

"Tyrannosaurus Fist!"

Zhenhong roared, the sharp dragon claws clenched into fists, and dozens of blood-colored fist shadows instantly blasted out.

Only the loud noise of "Boom Boom Boom" burst out one after another, and more than 20 divine beasts were blasted to pieces on the spot, splashing out scum and blood in the sky.

Although, Ji Tianxing, Zhenhong and others are very weak in number.

But their aura is stronger and more violent than the more than three hundred divine beasts.

Coupled with the supernatural power of the Zhutian Sword Formation, it also firmly suppressed many divine beasts.

For a while, Ji Tianxing and others had no life concerns.

When the two sides fought for a while, hundreds of beasts were killed in seconds.

Seeing this scene, the mother-in-law Yuyu dripped blood distressedly and her angry face was distorted.

Long Fen also frowned, his face sullenly waved and ordered: "Everyone listens to the order, go all out, and kill Tianxing and his comrades!"

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