Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3109: Fisherman's Profit

After hearing the advice of the four gods, Shengwuyin frowned and pondered for a long time.

The status of Shenghuo Sect and Canglang Palace has changed, he has seen it all these years and knows it well.

He was also jealous of Canglang Palace's tricks, and despised the Canglang Palace Master's ingenious words and expressions in front of the little prince.

However, Canglang Palace's power is getting stronger and stronger, and all aspects are stabilizing the Holy Fire Sect. This is also an indisputable fact.

He had also thought about countless times that there was any way to please the little prince and win more resources and benefits for the Holy Fire Sect.

But it is a pity that the situation in the Kingdom of Fury is very calm, and he has not found any chance.

Now the opportunity has finally come.

The neighbouring country had a evildoer called Tian Xing, which not only killed all the powerhouses of Hetian Sect, but also caused the little prince to suffer a big loss and became the little prince's life and death enemy.

Shengwuyin also understood in his heart that this kind of opportunity has never been met in a century.

As long as you can kill Tianxing, or besie it, it is a great achievement.

After solving the little prince's heart disease, the Holy Fire Sect could soar into the sky, and it was only a matter of time before he surpassed the Canglang Palace.

Almost immediately, he wanted to nod his head in agreement with this matter.

However, he has always acted cautiously.

Even if interests are at stake, he must consider the consequences clearly.

Tian Xing can make the little prince suffer a big loss, and also killed all the powerhouses of Hetianzong, one can imagine how powerful the strength is.

A strong person of this level, even if he is seriously injured, is still terrifying!

I'm afraid that when the time comes, the strong of the Holy Fire Sect will swarm up, failing to catch the sky, but will suffer heavy casualties.

In that case, the Holy Fire Sect would be finished.

Seeing Shengwuyin's silence, the four gods were secretly impatient and couldn't help but persuade again.

"Sovereign, we know that you have concerns and worry about everyone's safety.

But as the old saying goes, wealth is in danger.

If you don't take risks, how can you get rich? "

"Yeah! We have been idle these years, we have all the skills, but we have nowhere to use it.

Nowadays, it’s hard to come across an opportunity. If we don’t fight it, we will regret it forever! "

"Things we can think of, people in Canglang Palace can also think of.

Sovereign, you quickly make a decision!

If this is the only opportunity for meritorious service and is snatched by Canglang Palace again, our Holy Fire Sect will never think of getting ahead! "

"Sect Master, this is not only the meaning of our four elders, but also the wish of many disciples!"

The four elders persuaded one after another, which was really noisy.

Sheng Wuyin was a little upset, and he was still hesitant, so he turned his mind and made a decision.

"Shut up!"

He gave a dignified cold voice, and the four elders immediately fell silent and looked at him nervously.

Shengwuyin raised his head and looked at the four of them, with a majestic expression and a low tone of voice: "The order is passed on, and everyone is on guard.

Once you find that kid's trail, immediately send out a signal, fully siege and intercept!

As long as you successfully stop that kid, you will be rewarded!

If you can capture that kid alive, this seat will reward you! "

Upon hearing these words, the four elders were all overjoyed and smiled.

"Sovereign wise!"

"Subordinates obey the orders, then go to send orders!"

"Sect Master, the rise of our Holy Fire Sect is expected!"

Three of them were overjoyed and quickly turned around to send a message.

Only the middle-aged **** with the eight-character beard, after a moment of indulgence, said: "Wait, everyone!"

He called out the three elders who were about to leave, and said to Shengwuyin: "Sect Master, since you have decided to take this opportunity, it's not okay to just sit back and wait.

We should take the initiative, explore the interior of the Burial God Mountain Range, and search the trail of that kid, so that we can take the initiative.

Otherwise, when we find that kid, the people from Canglang Palace will also come and kick in, so what shall we do?

If we really want to grab the credit, we may not be able to grab the Canglang Palace! "

Hearing what he said, the three elders were also taken aback for a moment, and looked towards Shengwuyin one after another.

Obviously, they also feel reasonable and hope Shengwuyin makes a decision.

Shengwuyin frowned, thinking that if he wanted to fight anyway, he would do his best!

"it is good!

Then pass the order, and each deacon will lead fifty disciples to form a small team.

A total of thirty teams, at the same time advancing towards the Burial Mountain Range.

Each team is five hundred miles apart, what situation can take care of each other..."

Shengwuyin adjusted the deployment, and the four elders quickly relayed the order.

In a short while, more than 1,500 disciples of the Holy Fire Sect divided into thirty teams and quietly stepped into the God Burying Mountain Range.

Everyone is in high spirits, searching around vigilantly, ready to charge at any time.

Sheng Wuyin and the four elders flew in stealth across the sky, monitoring the movement in a radius of 20,000 miles.

Unconsciously, half an hour passed.

The people of the Holy Fire Sect left the border and entered the God Burying Mountain Range for more than 10,000 miles.


at the same time.

On the edge of the Burial Mountain Range, the disciples of Canglang Palace are still lurking in the forest, grassland and underground.

A dark divine light was shining in a certain cave.

A middle-aged woman in an ice blue dress with dark blue gleaming skin and a thin face was sitting on an ice-lined lotus platform with her eyes closed.

Seven middle-aged protoss wearing ice-blue armor were standing in the cave, their eyes gathered on the middle-aged woman.

Someone bowed down and saluted and reported respectfully: "I would like to report to the palace lord, things are not what you expected. The people of the Holy Fire Sect did not stick to the border, and they have entered the God Burying Mountain Range."

Another burly man said in a loud voice: "Palace Master, the Holy Fire Sect has been overwhelmed by the pressure of his own door over the past few years. He has been looking for opportunities to do meritorious service and wanted to please the little prince.

It is indeed an excellent opportunity to intercept Tianxing from neighboring countries.

Do you really want to wait and see the Holy Fire Sect to grab the credit? "

A handsome young man with a cold face and a cold temperament also persuaded: "Palace Master, we have beaten the Holy Fire Sect everywhere, and this matter must not lag behind them, let alone give them a chance to stand up!

The subordinates are willing to lead three hundred disciples into the God Burying Mountain Range and actively search for the whereabouts of Tian Xing. "

Several other elders also agreed to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to ask the suzerain.

"Palace Master, his subordinates are also willing to lead the elite disciples to search for the traces of Tian Xing!"

"Palace Master, the subordinates are also willing to go!"

After hearing the words of the elders, Palace Master Canglang still closed his eyes and calmed his mind.

After everyone was noisy for a while and gradually calmed down, she said slowly: "The more impatient, the easier it is to make mistakes.

We have become one of the seven major sects, above the Holy Fire Sect, so why bother with them? Don't you lose your identity?

What's more, if the evil young man named Tianxing is so easy to deal with, how can he become the enemy of the little prince? "

Hearing these words, the seven elders were silent.

Palace Master Canglang continued: "The Holy Fire Sect is so anxious, let them play the forward first.

When they lose both sides, we can reap the benefits of the fisherman before the wise can do it! "

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