Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3119: no way no money


"Canglang Palace disciple, cheer up!"

Palace Master Canglang supported his injury, standing upright on the lotus platform, shouting hard.

Her voice is sonorous and powerful, cold and majestic, and contains the power to shock the soul.

Originally, the disciples of Canglang Palace were panicked, and they lost their helmets and armor, and were defeated.

But after hearing the cries of Canglang Palace Master, many disciples of Canglang Palace were calm.

Headed by seven elders, 18 deacons and more than 800 disciples, all tried their best to get closer to the Canglang Palace Master.

Everyone is well aware that the Canglang Ninth Revolution has been broken, and they can no longer disperse.

You must gather together and unite with Palace Master Canglang to have a chance to fight back or escape.

If it is a weekday, everyone can gather together in just two or three breaths.

But now, this process is extremely difficult and took a long time.

When everyone approached Palace Master Canglang, they were repeatedly intercepted and killed by Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others. Every few feet forward, one person died and fell.

After a hundred breaths of time, all the talents gathered beside Palace Master Canglang.

At this time, only seven elders, twelve deacons, and more than 400 disciples remained alive.

Except for these people, the other Canglang Palace disciples were killed in battle.

Most of them were beheaded by Ji Tianxing and others, and a small part were strangled by the Heaven Sword Array.

Fortunately, Palace Master Canglang took the action, desperately resisting the attack and killing of Ji Tianxing and others, and resolving the strangulation of Zhutian Sword Array, only to save the lives of more than 400 people.

If it were not for her desperate rescue, the four hundred people might not be able to gather together.

"Lie Tianbing stabs! Fully break through!"

After the crowd gathered, Palace Master Canglang immediately issued an order.

More than 400 elders, deacons and disciples immediately arranged their formation like a sharp cone of ice crystals.

This is a commonly used assault battle formation in Canglang Palace, which can effectively gather everyone's strength and quickly break through the defensive line and encirclement.

Palace Master Canglang lives in the battlefield, coordinating the overall situation.

The seven elders are located at the tip of the battlefield, turning into the sharpest blades, overcoming obstacles.

The twelve deacons lined up at the end of the battlefield, behind more than 400 disciples.

At this moment, the disciples of Canglang Palace showed a strong cohesion, which can be said to be united and morale like a rainbow.


Thousands of sacred great swords poured down like a storm.

The seven elders confronted the difficulties and went straight up, desperately fighting to resist.

Palace Master Canglang also exerted his unique skills with all his strength, smashing and flying huge swords.

More than 400 disciples also worked together to fight back and resist the strangulation of the sword formation.


Everyone blocked the strangulation of the Heavenly Sword Array, but they could not stop the encirclement and suppression of Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others.

"The galaxy is dead!"

"Monster blood seal magic knife!"

"The stars are gone!"

"Hengkong Tyrannical Slash!"

With a loud shout of anger, the colorful light blades and fist lights that broke the world, carrying the power to destroy everything, rushed into the crowd fiercely.

"Boom bang bang!"


The deafening muffled sound rang one after another in the night sky, shaking the earth.

The sharp cone formation of Canglang Palace was suddenly shrouded by the chaotic divine light and became a mess.

Several gaps were blasted through the formation, and dozens of disciples and three deacons were blasted to scum on the spot.

The rain of blood shed, flesh and blood flew, screams and exclamations one after another.

Such a scene caused Palace Master Canglang and several elders to split their eyes in anger, and a **** flame ignited all over their bodies.

If they can, they want to fight to death and end up with Ji Tianxing.

But the overall situation is important, they can only suppress this idea and desperately protect the disciples from breaking through.

The tragic fighting continued, but time passed extremely slowly.

The disciples of Canglang Palace flew to the south with difficulty, getting closer and closer to the edge of the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation.

One hundred, ninety, eighty, seventy...

But as they progressed hard, the number of people decreased at an extremely fast rate.

More than 430 people, more than 400 people, more than 380 people, more than 330 people...

After half an hour.

The disciples of Canglang Palace were only about forty miles away from the edge of the sword formation.

At this time, the sharp cone battle formation had collapsed and could not take shape.

The first more than 400 disciples were also beheaded 80%.

Only more than eighty people were left, all bloodied and seriously injured, all in a panic.

It was difficult for everyone to move forward, and the speed became slower and slower until it stopped.

Palace Master Canglang, who was covered in blood and disheveled, looked back behind him.

The tens of li-long ruins land is covered with the bones of the disciples of Canglang Palace, and dark red and purple blood stains can be seen everywhere.

Looking at the defeated soldiers beside him, it was extremely tragic and desolate.

A deep sorrow and grief surged into my heart, and the Lord of Canglang Palace was bleeding with tears in his eyes, and he secretly cried out, "Canglang Palace is dead!"

At this moment, Canglang Palace failed to break through, and she had already seen the end.

Just as Ji Tianxing said before the war, Canglang Palace was destroyed on the spot, following the footsteps of the Holy Fire Sect.

Since the struggle was useless, she simply gave up breaking through and fought desperately.

Although the ending will not change, he will die here.

At least, she can release the monstrous anger and murder in her heart.

"Kill! At all costs, kill the beast Tianxing!"

Palace Master Canglang stood on the lotus platform, his face covered with blood and tears, and roared hoarsely.

The five elders, eight deacons, and more than seventy elite disciples who survived had already collapsed and were completely desperate.

They also know that there is no hope of breaking through. If they can fight back desperately and pull Ji Tianxing back, death is worth it.

Upon hearing the command of Palace Master Canglang, they rushed to Ji Tianxing desperately and launched the most fierce siege.

At this time, they looked like crazy, like bloodthirsty and manic beasts.

Regardless of his own injury and the death of his companion, only Ji Tianxing was in his eyes.

The head also lost the ability to think, leaving only one thought.

That is to die with Ji Tianxing!


Hundreds of magical powers and secret methods bloomed with brilliant divine light, bursting out the power of destroying the world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ pouring down towards Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing acted decisively and exerted his skill of ‘Hunting Heaven’s Promise’.

"call out!"

As soon as the white light flashed, his figure became transparent and merged into the world.

With a radius of tens of thousands of miles, the world has become his protective shield, helping him withstand all attacks.

The sword light, sword shadow and divine light that covered the sky and sun passed through him without delay, scattered between the sky and the earth, and quickly disappeared.

Ji Tianxing was unscathed, and everyone in Canglang Palace was doomed to be fruitless.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Xue and the Blood Illusory God Monarch and others tried their best to kill the disciples of Canglang Palace.

The Heavenly Jade Sword Array also exploded with full force, raging more than a dozen sword blade hurricanes, raging on the battlefield.


After a series of muffled noises, the disciples of Canglang Palace dropped sharply by half.

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