Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3133: Send sheep to wolf den

Hearing Ji Tianxing's words, Nie Feiyun was stunned on the spot.

He didn't understand it for a while, what did it mean?

Ji Tianxing did not explain, pinching the seal of the gods with both hands, continuously hitting dozens of lights, which fell into Nie Feiyun's mind.


In a blink of an eye, those dozens of divine lights formed a walnut-sized golden mark, enveloping the immortal soul.

In just two breaths, Ji Tianxing finished casting the spell and retracted his hands.

Nie Feiyun hadn't recovered yet. He carefully sensed the imprints in his mind with his spiritual sense. After pondering for a long time, he changed his color in amazement.

He showed an expression of shock, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he stared at Ji Tianxing excitedly.

"My son, you... you actually... cut off the connection between Prince Lien and Shen Yin?!"

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said calmly: "From now on, even the prince can no longer control your life and death."

The subtext means that from now on, your life and death are under my control.

Of course Nie Feiyun knew it well, but was still surprised and happy, and quickly bowed and saluted.

"It is a miracle that the son can accomplish this in just two breaths!

For the son's methods and abilities, Lao Yu is truly admirable! "

At this moment, Nie Feiyun increasingly felt that it was the wisest to take refuge in Ji Tianxing.

Not only because of Ji Tianxing's ability and means, they are better than even the prince.

More importantly, even the prince has always been arrogant and pretentious.

For the guards and servants under his command, they have been beating, scolding and even beheading at will.

Nie Feiyun is in the outside world, like a worldly expert and famous person.

In front of Prince Lian, he could only nod his head and bow his waist and sigh in a low voice, like a running dog.

However, through brief contact, Nie Feiyun could see Ji Tianxing's mind.

Although arrogant, he was not as fierce as Prince Lien.

At least, Ji Tianxing will be a more benevolent master who rewards and penalizes clearly!

Xue Lin frantically curled her lips on the side, and muttered angrily: "Just for a while, how much flattering you have done, isn't it embarrassing?"

This time Nie Feiyun did not evade, bowed to her, and said sternly: "This girl is old and polite.

Although you are a bit disdainful of Lao Yu's actions, what Lao Yu said just now is all from the bottom of your heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are the companion of Lord Tianxing. You should know better than Lao Yu, how powerful is the son? "

"..." Lin Xue was choked, speechless for a while.

Of course she could not refute, otherwise she would look down upon Ji Tianxing.

After a moment of silence, she said angrily: "Even so, none of us flatter like you.

You can live to such an old age, right? "

Nie Feiyun was not angry either, and smiled slightly: "If the girl thinks so, then take it as it is."

Afterwards, he saluted the blood illusion gods, Zhenhong, Jin Zuoshi, and the blood dragon in turn.

After some simple and embarrassing greetings, everyone became acquainted.

Ji Tianxing knew that everyone could not accept Nie Feiyun as a companion for the time being, and he was also embarrassed here.

So he waved his hand and ordered: "Don't be stunned, go clean the battlefield."

Lin Xue, Xue Hua Shenjun and the others hurried to clear the battlefield for thousands of miles to search for the spoils.

Ji Tianxing also withdrew the Zhutian Sword Formation, and stood in the sky with Nie Feiyun, asking him about the situation.

"Since you are the confidant of Prince Lien, you should know his next plan?"

Nie Feiyun nodded and said: "Of course I know! After the incident of the Burial Mountain Range, the young master's name spread throughout the Kingdom of Rage Flame, and even the royal family heard of it.

Even the prince did not dare to attack easily, and could only gather the power of the nine sects to form an encirclement in God's country.

As the son continued to move south, the encirclement was shrinking.

The ultimate goal of Prince Lian is to complete the encirclement outside the city of King of Fury and start a decisive battle with you.

Of course, now Feiyunmen has been removed, and even the prince has only eight sects left. "

"Sure enough, it's not what I expected." Ji Tianxing nodded and sneered: "He is not the opponent of the monarch, and there is no superpower who can kill the monarch.

In today's situation, he can only do this, there is no other way.

By the way, what about the strong man who divided the rudder of the Hetian School? Did you participate in the encirclement? "

Nie Feiyun shook his head and said: "No! These nine major sects are the forces that the Prince Lien has subdued. Although they work for him, they cannot be trusted by him.

Hetianzong is his true confidant and backer.

The powerhouses of the angry flames, all stay in the king city to protect him, and stand by at any time. "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and sneered: "So, even the prince has been hiding in the royal city for healing?

How is his injury? How much is it recovered? "

Nie Feiyun said with embarrassment and guilt: "It is true that the prince is extremely guarded, and he will not completely trust the forces of us.

The location of his retreat and the recovery of his injuries are only known to the two Sect Masters of the Fury Division Rudder and a few close friends beside him.

The old man didn't know his specific situation, but he could tell from the clues that he should have another month to recover.

After all, the eight major sects will gather the encirclement in a month~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to join forces to kill you.

Even the prince will definitely be there in person..."

Ji Tianxing nodded to express his understanding, and said in deep thought, "Even after a month, he can only recover 80% of his injuries, which is quite shocking.

It can be seen that he has a lot of resources, has a miracle medicine, or the help of top doctors..."

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing asked again: "Even the prince is in the Kingdom of Rage Flame, and he has so many powers and fans, wouldn't the Royal Family of Rage Flame be jealous?

Or maybe even the Prince has something to do with the Royal Family of Fury? "

He thought of the blood flame **** kingdom, and even the prince intended to support the five princes ascended the throne, and then control the blood flame **** kingdom.

Therefore, even the relationship between the Prince and the Royal Family of Fury... he had to doubt!

Nie Feiyun showed a look of admiration, and bowed his hands in salute: "The old man is just trying to remind him, but he didn't expect him to have doubts long ago, and he really admires him.

That's right! The Prince Lien and the Royal Family of Fury indeed have an unclear and unclear relationship.

Although on the surface, they didn't have much contact, they also behaved very courteously and well.

But the old man observed for more than ten years and found many coincidences and unexplainable things.

Over time, the old also gradually became convinced that even the prince must have a relationship with the Royal Flame Royal Family.

Moreover, the old man also investigated that before the enthronement of the King of Fury a few decades ago, he was secretly assisted by Prince Lien..."

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing basically had the answer in his heart.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he said in a playful tone: "In that case, entering the Kingdom of Rage and Flame is equivalent to sending sheep to the wolf den?"

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