Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3143: Ill fame

Five days later.

The news of the annihilation of the Spirit Sword faction spread in the Kingdom of Fury.

Countless sects and forces have obtained news from various channels, knowing that the murderer is from the heavenly line of the kingdom of blood and flame.

More than that, there are various rumors in God.

The several major sects that had been'punished by the heavens' and destroyed the mountain gates were actually destroyed by the heavens.

This person is vicious and vicious, and enters the Kingdom of Rage Flame with boundless murderous aura, just to stir up the blood and blood, and kill all major sects and forces.

All kinds of rumors and news spread quickly in the Kingdom of Fury.

For a time, all the factions and forces in the kingdom of God were discussing Ji Tianxing.

The people of these sect forces had never seen Ji Tianxing, only heard of his brilliant record.

Everyone used false information and portrayed him as a brutal and ugly murderous monster with three heads and six arms, blue-faced fangs.

As a result, countless people hated him and were very afraid.

For a long period of time, the sect forces of the Kingdom of Fury have talked about the change of the sky.

All in all, Ji Tianxing is completely famous in the Kingdom of Fury.

Although it is notorious, it is also known as the Kingdom of God, and the limelight has overshadowed countless strong people.

It is said that even the royal family of the Kingdom of Fury is paying attention to this person.

The royal family expressed anger and condemnation for what he did and the act of killing in the kingdom of anger and flame.

He is advised to surrender as soon as possible and accept punishment from the royal family of God.

Otherwise, the royal family will send the Forbidden Army and the Ragefire Legion to arrest him in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Rage Flame.

When the news spread, the people of the Kingdom of Fury, all major sects and forces all hailed and expressed their support.

In addition, those sects who were afraid and thought they might be patronized by Tianxing all looked forward to the monarch's order to punish Tianxing as soon as possible.


Yunyang County.

In the prosperous and prosperous Yunyang city, in a humble house.

Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others were sitting in the underground secret room, whispering.

At this time, the stone door of the secret room opened.

The Blood Illusory God Lord, the Golden Left Envoy, and the Blood Dragon Right Envoy entered the secret room in turn.

Everyone saluted Ji Tianxing and Lin Xue. After greetings, they began to report: "My son, we have been around the city for a few times and we have heard a lot of news."

"Young Master, the news of the demise of the Spirit Sword Sect has spread, and the destruction of the mountain gates of the previous sects has also aroused discussion among the people of the Kingdom of God."

"My son, you have become a celebrity in the Kingdom of Rage Flame, everyone knows.

We walked on the streets and alleys, and we could hear the protoss discussing your deeds..."

Obviously, the blood illusion **** monarch, Jin Zuo envoy and blood dragon three people had inquired about news in the city before.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Sure enough, I didn't expect it! What news is there? How does the outside world talk about this monarch? Report it truthfully."

As a result, the Blood Illusory God Lord and Jin Zuoshi reported the news they had heard truthfully.

After Ji Tianxing listened, the sneer on his face became even worse.

"Ha ha ha... This is clearly the news released by the **** of Prince Lian, spreading rumors and slandering him, and deliberately causing panic and hostility among the major forces.

As for the royal family of the Kingdom of Fury, they will pretend to pay attention to this matter, and gradually deepen the conflict with the king.

In the end, the Royal Family of Fury also had enough reasons to take action. "

Hearing this, Lin Xue frowned and said worriedly: "Why does the Royal Flame of Fury want to take action? Ordinary people are fooled by Prince Lien and don't know the truth.

But the royal family should know that this is our grievance with Prince Lien, why should the royal family wade into the muddy water? "

Before Ji Tianxing could speak, Nie Feiyun, who was standing behind him, proactively explained: "Lin Sect Master does not know that the Royal Family of Fury and Prince Lien are closely related and have long been secretly colluding.

If even the prince can solve us, of course the Royal Family of Fury does not need to take action.

But if even the prince is powerless, sooner or later the royal family will help. "

"Damn it!" Lin Xue frowned fiercely, gritted her teeth and cursed: "So, we are in the Kingdom of Rage and Flame, and we are about to become public enemies?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "In the past, our opponents were only the power of Prince Lien and the Royal Flame Royal Family.

But now, Prince Lian deliberately spread rumors and spread rumors, just to instigate many sect forces and unite against us.

His plan of Tianluodiwang failed, so he wanted to use this trick to gather the forces of countless sects to deal with our public enemies..."

The Blood Illusory God Lord said worriedly: "My son, we can still kill the forces under Prince Lien one by one, making them fearful.

However, the factional forces of the entire Kingdom of God have united to deal with us, and I am afraid that killing can not be solved.

The more we kill, the more fear and hatred of the major sects.

They will unite more and fight back crazily...

In that case, even the prince’s conspiracy was achieved. "

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said: "Of course these princes understand, and they are psychologically prepared.

However, don't worry about it. Those sects are just mobs and hard to become powerful.

As long as we cut off Prince Lien's wings and kill Prince Lien as quickly as possible, everything will be resolved. "

Xue Lin hurriedly nodded in agreement, "Yes! The top priority, we must cut the mess quickly and solve Prince Lien as soon as possible!

Fifty thousand li outside the city is where the gate of the Magic Sword League is located~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shall we act tonight? "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, this lord has already sent Bailong and Zhenhong to find out the news.

It will not be too late for us to act until they find out the situation of the Shendao League.

Now the entire Kingdom of God is full of turmoil.

The people of the Shendao League and Wanliu Sect knew well that they knew that the next target of the Lord was them, how could they just sit and wait for death? "

Nie Feiyun affirmed this, and said solemnly: "The son is extremely true!

Shendao League and Wanliu Sect are among the seven sects of the Kingdom of God, and they are the top sect forces.

These two sects not only have profound backgrounds, but also have branches and treasure houses, as well as other sects as allies.

Now they have a foreboding of a crisis, or they will find ways to strengthen their defenses and go all out to resist.

Either hold together for warmth, or transfer wealth and foundation...

In short, they will not wait to die, they will definitely take action. "

Just as everyone was discussing, a flash of light flew into the secret room and fell in front of Ji Tianxing.


The aura dissipated, and a jade slip for communication appeared.

Ji Tianxing glanced at it and smiled and said: "Be safe, don't worry, Bai Long has sent back news."

After all, he stretched out his hand to grab the jade slip and read the content inside with his spiritual sense.

After just a few breaths, he finished reading the message in the jade slip, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"At the moment, the Great Enemy has no choice but to do so.

Although they are still wise, the speed is still too slow.

Let's go, let's act now! "

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