Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3165: 2 hard

The divine light that covered the sky and the sun, as well as the light and shadow of various divine powers, could not break the defense of the divine tower.

Ji Tianxing also used the full of boundless sky, his body became transparent and fuzzy.

The unique skills of many gods passed through him without delay, scattered between the sky and the earth, but he was unharmed.

Seeing this scene, even Er, Liang Jianqing and others were stunned for a while, and they all showed disbelief and angry expressions.

"Damn it! Our supernatural skill passed through him?"

"Are we dazzled? He was unscathed? This is weird!"

"Damn beast, what sorcery did he use?"

"There is also the **** tower, which protects everyone, and it must be destroyed!"

"The breath of that black tower is very mysterious, it is definitely not an ordinary Sovereign artifact, everyone must be careful!"

"The strength of that little beast is already outrageous, and he has mastered this supernatural skill, how can we kill him?"

"How long can such a weird supernatural power last?

If it's okay within a quarter of an hour, if he can hold on to an hour, then we will be miserable! "

Everyone exclaimed, reminded each other, and responded cautiously.

Especially the broken star three old people, more worried and anxious.

Liang Jianqing coldly shouted with a majestic expression: "What are you in anxious? The facts have proved that our joint attack has already caused great pressure on the kid.

He is strong, but the group of people around him are rubbish, and he has to rely on his protection.

Now that the group of people are hiding in the black tower, only the kid is fighting alone, how long can he hold on?

As long as we continue to attack and put pressure on him, he cannot control the sword formation.

When the time comes, the power of the sword formation will weaken, and thousands of troops will be killed, and his end will come! "

After Liang Jianqing's analysis, the surrounding gods and powerhouses were relieved a lot.

Especially, more than 30 other high-ranking gods, and a dozen more broke through the sword rain and killed near the black tower.

In this way, the number of high-ranking gods who besieged Ji Tianxing reached forty-two people!

Although many people have been injured, their combat effectiveness has declined.

But with so many of them, they besieged Ji Tianxing, of course their morale is like a rainbow and they are full of confidence.

Ye'an also exclaimed in a spirited voice: "Everyone has seen it, the preaching is so amazing, it blows that kid to the sky.

But in fact, no matter how good he is, we have to defend passively when encountering us.

Let's continue to attack, continue to put pressure on him, and we will be able to kill him soon! "

Lian Er didn't say much, waved his hand aggressively and ordered, "Kill!"

As a result, the forty-two high-ranking gods attacked together, unleashing powerful magic killer moves, and poured out towards Ji Tianxing.


Ji Tianxing sat cross-legged in the night sky, pinching Shen Jue with both hands, concentrating on manipulating the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation.

Above his head, he ignored the magical light and shadow that covered the sky and sun.

"Huh! Huh!"

The sky filled the sky with supernatural powers, passing through him without hindrance, scattered between the sky and the earth, without making any waves.

A part of the magical ultimate move blasted down on the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers, bursting with a loud noise, but it was useless.

The **** tower stands motionless in the night sky, and its surface is covered with a mysterious black light, which is indestructible.

Although everyone's offense didn't work, nor did it put pressure on Ji Tianxing.

But even Erhe Liang Jianqing and the others were confident and attacked again without stopping.

Time passed bit by bit.

Within twenty breaths, the crowd launched more than a dozen consecutive attacks.

There is no doubt that the results did not play any role.

Ji Tianxing still sat in the night sky, concentrating on manipulating the sword formation, without being affected.

Finally, the old broken star found something was wrong.

"Broken! The situation is not good!"

"Look, everyone, the power of the sword formation seems to have increased again!"

"Our army of more than 10,000, why is there only so few people left?"

Lian Er, Liang Jianqing and others focused on Ji Tianxing, ignoring the surrounding army.

Suddenly hearing the exclamation of the three old broken stars, the crowd suddenly awakened.

They turned their heads and looked around, only to realize that something was wrong.

Within a hundred miles around, the number and power of the great swords remained the same as before, without any change.

However, over a hundred miles, the sky full of giant swords became colorful, releasing sword energy that shielded the sky and sun, causing countless hurricanes of sword light.

The power of those sacred giant swords was obviously twice as powerful as before.

Moreover, the law power contained in the giant sword has also doubled.

Looking around, there are Jianguang Hurricane and Jianyu in all directions, and the others are completely invisible.

Even the screams and killings of the army became faint and could not be heard clearly.

Lian Er, Liang Jianqing and the others frowned and their expressions changed.

"Time has passed so long, why haven't the army rushed over?"

"Damn it! That beast is delaying time, playing around with us while intensifying his efforts to slaughter our army!"

"What a treacherous bastard! He wants to stop the army from encircling and massacre our army indiscriminately, and finally come to deal with us!"

The facts are just as everyone expected.

Although, the sword light and the hurricane that obscure the sky cover the surrounding scene.

But everyone can observe the miserable scene on the battlefield by using their divine sense to observe.

The mighty violent sword rain and hurricanes, like raging waves, swallowed the surrounding army madly.

There were 12,000 people in the army before, divided into more than 30 regiments.

And now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the number of the army is only about nine thousand, only 20 regiments are left!

Where Jianyu and the hurricane passed, batch after batch of elite masters and lower gods were directly strangled into powder, and the blood rained.

Only those middle-ranked gods who could barely support a few rounds were shattered by sword light.

During the time everyone was observing the battlefield, more than 400 people died tragically under the rain of swords.

Lian Er, Liang Jianqing and others, seeing through Ji Tianxing's purpose, their eyes were split in anger.

"Damn bastard, he's a demon, executioner!"

"What are you doing in a daze? Help the army resist the sword formation!"

"Anyway, that kid used his magical powers and became transparent and blurred. We can't hurt him. Why waste time with him?"

"Yes! Let's ignore him and rescue the army. What else can we do to see him?"

Several commanders exchanged a few words, and then decided on a plan.

However, Po Xing San Lao raised objections.

"We finally got together, do we really want to spread out?"

"Don't forget, everyone, the initiative is in the hands of that kid!

He is now transparent, but after we disperse and rescue the army, what should he do if he returns to normal? "

"He is slaughtering the army now, and when we go to rescue the army, he returns to normal and kills us one by one.

At that time, it will be too difficult for us to get together again! "

Hearing the words of the three old broken stars, the commanders also froze for a moment, and their faces were embarrassed.

Even the backbone of everyone was hesitant, and they sighed bitterly, "Ah...a dilemma!"

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