Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3170: Destroy the world

Lian Er and Liang Jianqing were forced to desperately have no choice but to blew themselves up.

In addition, they couldn't think of any other way to hurt Ji Tianxing.

The two of them lit up with bright divine light, their divine bodies swelled violently, bursting out a dangerous aura of destruction.

Ye'an and Sifang Gods were shocked when they saw this scene, their expressions became extremely complicated.

They instinctively wanted to retreat, persuading Lian Er and Liang Jianqing.

However, they all knew it well.

Self-detonation will certainly die, but not self-detonation will still be death.

Since both the left and the right are dead, just blew it up!

Maybe he could hurt Ji Tianxing and ruin this **** sword formation.

As a result, the Sifang Divine General and Ye'an also broke their hearts, and at the same time they blew themselves up!

When they burned their godheads and their bodies rushed into the sky, their **** bodies also swelled violently, bursting out a violent breath.

Everyone was suffering tremendously, with strong anger and hatred, staring at Ji Tianxing with canthus, and roaring with grief.

"Beast! You forced us!"

"Boy, let's meet death together!"

"Even if we die, we have to push your back and go down to the Yellow Spring together, hahaha..."

Seeing, the seven upper gods all blew themselves up.

By then, the entire Heavenly Jade Sword Formation will be destroyed, and a radius of 100,000 li will be razed to the ground.

At this extremely dangerous and critical juncture, Ji Tianxing made a choice that stunned everyone.

He exploded with the most powerful force, used a trick to capture the dragon claws, and grabbed Lian Er.


The condensed golden dragon claws instantly grabbed the bulging Lian Er of the divine body and captured it in front of Ji Tianxing.

What is even more incredible is that Ji Tianxing released his incomparable divine power, and even sealed Lian Er.

Lian Er's self-destruction was forcibly suppressed by him!

Then, he used his divine mind to control the Zhutian Sword Formation and cancelled the sword formation.


Only seeing the light and shadow flash, the Zhutian Sword Formation that enveloped thousands of miles, the 25,000 sword lights disappeared without a trace.

This didn't stop there, Ji Tianxing wielded the Heaven Burying Sword again, using a trick to learn magical powers.

"Thanglong Duankong Slash!"

He brazenly swung his sword to cut out a golden dragon shadow, splitting it between him and the Sifang God General, Liang Jianqing, Ye'an and others.

The path that was hundreds of miles long, like the sword light of a golden dragon, broke through the night sky on the spot, dividing this area into two.

A huge space crack appeared between the two sides.

Obviously the two sides are two hundred miles apart, but they are in different spaces.

Liang Jianqing, Ye'an and the Four Directions God Generals were all dumbfounded, and their hearts were shocked to the extreme.

They couldn't believe that Ji Tianxing could cut through the night sky and cut a huge gap in space.

"Can even cut through space? How powerful is he?"

"Break through the void, only the **** king can do it!"

"It seems that we didn't guess wrong, he is really a strong **** king!"

"No wonder, we didn't lose injustice!"

The six gods all exclaimed and sighed, feeling extremely complicated.

However, they have no time to think about it.

In the next instant, they all burst open suddenly, turning into six groups of dazzling rays of light like the scorching sun, blooming the most brilliant colors in the night sky.

This is the most splendid and last moment in their lives.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

Six consecutive earth-shaking explosions are connected together, like a long loud bang, echoing endlessly between the sky and the earth.

The endless flames and rays of light spread in all directions, sweeping everything!

The earth with a radius of a hundred miles was blown out of deep pits, arousing endless dust.

However, after the shock wave facing Ji Tianxing spread hundreds of miles, it was blocked by space cracks.

The shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth rushed out from the cracks in the space and poured into the vast void.

Of course, the space crack is only a hundred miles wide, like a gap of a hundred miles.

More colorful shock waves swept across from other places, shining the night sky as bright as day, and the earth blasted out of deep pits.

Ji Tianxing was standing next to the crack in the space. The area around him was calm and safe.

Lian Er's self-detonation was suppressed, his godhead was severely injured, and most of his **** body was burned, already dying.

But he was still sober, witnessing this scene with his own eyes, and he was shocked.

It was so shocking that he almost lost the ability to think.

His brain was blank, with only two words left.

It's over.

The army of more than 13,000 was completely destroyed.

He was the only one who survived, but he fell into the hands of Ji Tianxing, and he couldn't help himself.

He is not worried about his safety, anyway, the end is a death.

What he worried even more was that many gods blew themselves together and would destroy more than a hundred thousand li.

And one hundred and fifty thousand miles away in the south is the City of Rage Flame!

If the shock wave swept the city, the consequences would be disastrous!


The shock wave that ruined the world had spread to a hundred thousand miles away, and its power gradually weakened.

When it was 150,000 miles, the colorful shock wave gradually dissipated.

From the explosion point to the north, the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles is covered with mountains and valleys.

Now they have been razed to the ground and turned into rubble.

And tens of thousands of miles to the south, there are flat grasslands that have been connected to the outside of the city of the King of Fury.

There is no doubt that the hundreds of thousands of miles of plains have also been leveled, and the ground has been cut off by nearly ten thousand meters.

The shock wave that ruined the sky and the earth extended to the outside of the royal city, and when it quickly reached the wall, it gradually dissipated.

The large moat formation in the north of the royal city was all affected by the shock wave, and it automatically turned on ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the brilliantly illuminated royal city, countless people saw the overwhelming divine light and the power of destroying the world.

I don't know how many people are frightened, screaming and shouting in horror, even preparing to escape.

For a time, the originally quiet City of Rage Flame became lively and boiling.

Countless people walked out of their homes, took to the streets, looking up at the night sky in the north, and talking.

Ordinary people have no idea what happened.

That boundless divine light does not seem to be a battle between strong men.

After all, no one can release such a terrifying light.

As a result, many people wondered whether it was a vision of heaven and earth, or some kind of omen?

But in the palace of the royal city, when the King of Fury heard the news, his face went dark on the spot, and a deep hatred and disappointment flashed in his eyes.

He knew well that it was definitely not a phenomenon of heaven and earth, but was caused by the explosion of the gods and the strong.

Moreover, if a certain **** blew himself up, it was impossible to have that great power.

It must have been formed by many gods and powerhouses who blew themselves together.

The answer is already here.

He had already guessed that Ye'an, the Four Directions God Generals, and the powerful insiders should not be able to return.

Even if the shock wave of self-detonation swept over hundreds of thousands of miles, the 13,000 army must have died.

But after grief and anger, there is only one question left in his mind.

"The power of self-detonation is so terrifying, should that beast of Tianxing be dead?

If they die together, the sacrifice of the 13,000 army is worth it. "

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