Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3183: Never want to enter the empire

Although Ji Tianxing knew, the chances of even the prince still at Yunwuguan were not high.

But now he is hunting down Prince Lien by looking for a needle in a haystack. Hope is very slim.

In this case, he must try whenever there is a possibility.

Otherwise, if he missed the best chance to kill the Prince Lien, he would regret it later.


Ji Tianxing flew into the night sky, and quickly swept out five hundred miles, and came to Yunwuguan.

In front is a deep canyon, which is full of towering trees, filled with thick clouds.

On both sides are huge peaks as high as three thousand feet, very steep and sinister.

However, the two peaks are not far apart, only about a hundred miles apart.

On the tops of the two peaks, the soldiers of the Great Yan Empire built a floating city that connected the two peaks.

The floating city suspended in the sea of ​​clouds is only a hundred miles around, but it looks very prosperous, with palaces and tall buildings lined up.

On the mountain peaks on both sides, flat open spaces were also opened up, and barracks and armory were built.

Eighteen thousand frontier soldiers were stationed in barracks and floating cities.

Even in the middle of the night, there are a large number of soldiers patrolling the floating city, and the lights are still on in the city.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing used his invisibility magical powers and flew to the floating city quietly.

What surprised him was that the floating city and the two barracks were protected by the best king-level gods.

At this time, the defensive array of Floating City was opened with all its strength, and a brilliant divine light bloomed in the night sky.

He wanted to enter the floating city, but he could only crack the divine formation.

So, without delay, he avoided a few groups of patrolling sergeants and began to cast spells to break the formation.

The king-level superb divine formation is not difficult for him, but it takes a long time.

Moreover, in the process of cracking the divine formation, he needs to constantly cast spells to play divine power, it is difficult to be concealed.

Half an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing finally cracked the divine formation and tore a gap in the colorful mask.

He had just passed through the gap and entered the floating city, only to find that a large number of soldiers had gathered in the open space in front of him.

A thousand elite black-armored warriors, led by four lower gods, are in a neat formation, and they are waiting.

At the forefront of the battle formation, there were three strong men who also stared at him coldly.

A high-ranking **** in armor, reaching the seventh level of strength, like a general guarding Yunwuguan.

The other two high-ranking gods all wore luxurious robes, exuding majesty and dignity, and their strength reached the eighth realm.

Obviously, Ji Tianxing has exposed his traces and was discovered by the other party.

Is it going to fight again?

Ji Tianxing thought to himself that he was not afraid of fighting.

If it really fought, he would be able to destroy the entire Yunwuguan gate within an hour, destroying hundreds of thousands of troops.

But is there a need to kill?

If you really want to kill the 180,000 army at Yunwuguan, Emperor Dayan will surely jump into thunder and order him to encircle and suppress him.

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing decided not to do anything, and acted by chance.

At this time, the two leading Chinese suit experts took the lead in speaking.

An old man of the Protoss with white beard and hair looked at Ji Tianxing blankly and said, "If the old man guessed right, you are Tianxing, right?"

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and asked: "You two, don't you look like the defenders of Yunwu Pass, you are more like waiting here for the Lord?"

Another middle-aged man nodded and chuckled, "You are very smart, and you can guess this.

To be honest, this seat and Yuan Lao are the imperial envoys of the emperor's majesty, and are ordered to wait for you here and convey a few words to you. "

As Ji Tianxing suddenly realized, more doubts appeared in his heart.

"Emperor Dayan's commission? Are you here waiting for me?"

He frowned, feeling vaguely not good.

After all, he fought an earth-shaking battle in the two great kingdoms of Blood Flame and Fury Flame, and even killed the Lord of Blood Flame.

Emperor Dayan's eyes and ears spread all over the great kingdoms of God, and he must have known the truth a long time ago.

It's just that Emperor Dayan has always been indifferent, pretending to know nothing.

Now that he came to Yunwuguan, Emperor Dayan sent someone to wait here, and he still had to pass a message to him.

No matter how you look at it, this is not good news.


The white-bearded old man stared at Ji Tianxing and said in a majestic tone: "Tianxing, the matter between you and Prince Lien is a personal grievance.

You make such a big disturbance in the two great kingdoms of Blood Flame and Fury, it is also a matter between you and the two great kingdoms.

His Majesty knew all of this, but he did not intervene to stop it.

Because, His Majesty is the king of benevolence and righteousness, he only protects the people of the Great Yan Empire, and will not interfere in the internal affairs of other kingdoms.

But tonight, it is absolutely impossible for you to break into the Yunwu Pass, or even enter the Great Yan Empire!

Your Majesty said that the Great Yan Empire does not welcome you, please leave! "

The middle-aged man also said in a majestic tone: "Tian Xing, no matter how strong you are, how murderous you are, as long as you don't threaten the Great Yan Empire, your majesty can ignore you.

But if you enter the territory of the Great Yan Empire, you will endanger the safety of the people of the empire. This is never allowed.

I hope you have self-knowledge, don't step into the empire, let alone provoke your majesty's authority.

Otherwise, you will endure the anger of your majesty and face the encirclement and suppression of the entire empire.

You can weigh it yourself! "

Although the tone of the two imperial servants was not good, their expressions were also very arrogant.

But when they came to spread the word on behalf of Emperor Dayan, of course they had to be full of momentum, and they could not weaken the reputation of Emperor Dayan.

What's more, they didn't say anything too much.

Ji Tianxing was not angry. He had expected this result a long time ago, and said with a sneer: "Then please tell the Great Yan Emperor, I will not persecute the people of the Great Yan Empire.

The Lord came here just to hunt down the Prince Lien!

This is not only for the people, but also for the Emperor Dayan, but it is a worry. "

Upon hearing these few words, the two imperial envoys and the **** general changed their expressions and showed anger.

"Asshole, how dare you criticize the emperor?" The Golden Armored God General scolded with a full face.

The two imperial servants also had dark faces and said coldly: "Boy, do you know the consequences of slandering His Majesty the Emperor?"

"Tian Xing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ No matter how you quibble or intercede, the emperor's decree cannot be changed.

If you are acquainted, turn around and leave now, never want to step into the empire! "

Ji Tianxing's smile became even more playful, and he nodded and said: "It seems that you also know the grievances between the prince and Emperor Dayan. Otherwise, how could you be so angry?

That being the case, Ben Jun only asked one thing.

If you give an answer, Ben Jun will turn around and leave. "

The two imperial servants were silent, and they discussed in secret, and the white-bearded old man said: "Just say what you want to ask, but it is our business whether we are willing to answer."

Ji Tianxing didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly: "Is the prince even at Yunwuguan? Did he pass here? Which direction did he go?

This question should not make you embarrassed, and even you should be happy to see it happen. "

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