Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3202: Only the wise can live to the end

"of course!"

Ji Tianxing nodded without hesitation.

Yan Yongning squinted his eyes, his eyes became sharp, and his tone was low and said, "You will pay a painful price for this, even death!"

Ji Tianxing spread his hands disapprovingly, and said indifferently: "At most, he is surrounded by countless strong men and fights a battle.

Then, the entire imperial city was destroyed, and I would be injured somewhat..."

Before he could finish his words, Yan Yongning's face turned black, and he slapped his face on the table with anger.


A muffled noise burst out, echoing endlessly in the hall.

The table made of the exquisite **** jade was actually torn apart and scattered all over the place.

"Arrogant! It's so arrogant!"

Yan Yongning smiled with extreme anger and pointed at Ji Tianxing and cursed: "Boy, you are so madly boundless!

The strong under my command is like a cloud, if I want to kill you, you only need to flick your finger and you will be wiped out.

Was it because I was so kind to you that I cherished my talent and made you so presumptuous? "

Ji Tianxing still looked indifferent, and said blankly: "In the beginning, the **** flames, the angry flames and even the princes all reacted similarly to yours.

However, you have seen the result.

Today I will put my words here, you can weigh them yourself.

If you are confident enough, you might as well try to see if the imperial city is destroyed first, or the king is killed first?

Anyway, you are also around this palace, ambushing hundreds of gods and thousands of imperial guards.

As long as you give an order, they will rush to besiege the Lord. "

Ji Tianxing was not only confident and arrogant enough, but also broke Yan Yongning's mind with a single word.

That's right.

Before summoning Ji Tianxing, Yan Yongning secretly arranged an ambush.

Hundreds of kings and powerhouses of the Imperial Guard, plus a thousand elites of the Imperial Guard, are lying in ambush around the palace, standing by at any time.

Yan Yongning was exposed to his thoughts, but did not feel embarrassed, and quickly calmed down.

He took a few deep breaths, suppressed his anger, stared sharply at Ji Tianxing, and was silent for a long time.

To be honest, he was still very unconvinced in his heart, very angry at Ji Tianxing's arrogance.

But he knew even more that Ji Tianxing was also a top-notch powerhouse.

Even if the powerhouses exhausted the palace, they would eventually be able to kill Ji Tianxing.

But the price paid was that the entire palace was razed to the ground and thousands of guards, ministers and royal family members were killed.

Even, the war will spread to the entire imperial city, turning the imperial city into ruins, and millions of people died innocently.

At that time, even if he won the battle and killed Ji Tianxing, he would lose face.

He will become the laughing stock of the world and become the most humiliating emperor of the Great Yan Empire.

the most important is.

The exploration of Qingyu Shrine has reached a critical moment.

The gate of the shrine can be opened at any time.

At that time, the fifty powers will fight for their strength and win the qualifications to enter the shrine.

The royal family is definitely able to enter the shrine.

However, after fighting with Ji Tianxing, the strong under his command suffered a lot.

In the process of exploring the shrine, he couldn't hold the dominance.

Thinking of this, Yan Yongning could only force herself to calm down and consider this matter carefully.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't help it after all, and sighed silently in his heart.

"Oh... nothing!

This son has no grievances or enmity with me, so why fight with him and consume my power for nothing?

At that time, Prince Lian would only be allowed to watch jokes secretly and gloat!

Even if I can kill this son, I still have to pay a heavy price and shame the empire..."

Yan Yongning knew that he, the newly appointed young emperor, had not yet secured the throne.

There are many people with ulterior motives who are always looking for opportunities to drive him from the throne.

At this moment, he must not make a big mistake, he must be cautious.

Therefore, Yan Yongning made up his mind and said to Ji Tianxing with a solemn expression: "Boy, you are smart, but you are also arrogant and annoying.

You are very lucky. I am in a good mood. I have been pursuing a gentle and benevolent governance in recent decades.

Therefore, I can forgive your recklessness and unprovoked, and help you make a request to a few elders.

As to whether the elders of the cabinet agree with you to enter the cabinet to consult the information, that has nothing to do with me. "

Ji Tianxing nodded immediately and smiled and said: "You can weigh the priorities and pros and cons. I am very pleased to make this decision. I would like to say thank you."

Although it was a thank you, Yan Yongning felt awkward no matter how she heard it, and frowned fiercely.

"Boy, what do you mean?"

Ji Tianxing didn't shy away, and said straightforwardly: "You and I know that even if you can kill me with the best of your empire, you will have to pay a heavy price.

The Great Yan Empire has accumulated prestige for too long, and it is sacred and invincible in the eyes of the people of the world.

If I destroy the imperial city and slaughter thousands of people, it will be a great shame, and you will be ashamed of the imperial family.

You have just ascended to the throne for decades, and you still need to use benevolent governance to buy people's hearts and stabilize the situation.

If there is a major chaos, the image you have painstakingly created collapses overnight, and those who attack you in the empire will also take advantage of the situation and create rumors.

In addition, you and I both want to get rid of even the prince, there is no need to fight to death, let the prince sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

The most important thing is that there is still a major event in the northwest. That is what you care about and look forward to the most. You can't influence your plan because of your master..."

When Yan Yongning heard these words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, her eyes narrowed fiercely, turning into a slit, and the cold light flashed.

His whole body was tense, he forgot to breathe, his heart was shocked and angry.

At that moment, he wanted to pinch Ji Tianxing's neck and question, how did you|mother know so clearly?

And the big event in the northwest, do you mean the Qingyu Shrine?

Damn bastard, how did you know the existence of Sapphire Shrine?

Which **** who killed a thousand knives even leaked the news?

Yan Yongning's heart was roaring, his murderous aura was boiling.

But he tried his best to suppress anger and murder, to keep himself calm.


After a long time, Yan Yongning suddenly sneered, and then laughed specifically to raise his head.

"The ancients have said that those who live to the end may not be the strong, but they must be the wise!

I finally understand why you have been able to survive so many catastrophes.

Boy, you can do it! You are so good! "

Yan Yongning stared sharply at Ji Tianxing, extended his thumb, gritted his teeth and said "praising".

Ji Tianxing knew that from this moment on, he and Yan Yongning had become enemies.

Although, Yan Yongning would not deal with him in the imperial city.

However, after he left the imperial city, that might be the case.

He didn't care, and said with a calm expression: "If this is the case, then this matter is decided like this, you can go and tell a few elders."

Yan Yongning frowned, and said in a harsh tone: "My favor is not so good!

I can help you, but you must ensure that no matter what method you use, you will not let even the prince come back alive!

Moreover, this is a secret and must not be known to others.

Otherwise, even if I try my best to chase you to the ends of the world, I will not let you go! "

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