Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3245: Reincarnation Killing Array

   Originally, with Ji Tianxing's strength, it would take at least seven days to deploy a king-level low-grade **** formation.

   But everyone worked together and worked together to complete it in only ten hours!

  Even though everyone has been engrossed in the spell, they are all a little tired.

   However, when the first Dragon Slashing Divine Formation was completed, everyone was excited, showing extremely proud and excited expressions.

  Even, the left ambassador Jin, the right ambassador of the blood dragon, and Nie Feiyun could not help but exclaimed.

   "Gosh! It's incredible!"

   "We are such a god, we have arranged a king-level **** formation? It's almost like a dream!"

   "Who can believe it? This is a miracle!"

  "Young Master Tianxing is too enchanting!

   Such a cumbersome and profound King-level Divine Formation was actually mastered by him to the fullest.

   Even if he splits the divine formation into more than a dozen parts, he can piece it together clearly and clearly.

   This is horrible!

   Even if he is a true king, he may not be able to do it! "

   It's no wonder everyone is so excited and unbelievable.

   It’s just because everyone understands that it’s nothing unusual for a second- and third-level **** king to quickly set up a king-level lower-grade **** formation.

   More than a dozen gods can work together to set up a king-level low-grade **** formation in one day, that is a shocking miracle!

   After all, the strength of power and the degree of control over the formation of the king and the king are different.

   Moreover, more than a dozen gods do not understand the king-level **** formation.

   Ji Tianxing can reversely disassemble the sacred array into a dozen parts, and direct everyone to cast spells at the same time.

   In the end, he can piece together a dozen simple magic formations and restore them to the original king-level magic formations. This is a heaven-defying method!

   Everyone couldn't help but wonder how terrifying Ji Tianxing's array of attainments had reached?

   Is he really a god?

   Judging from his various enchanting performances, he is clearly the king of the world!


   Seeing everyone's emotions, they exclaimed and talked in excitement.

   Ji Tianxing asked everyone to take a pill, exercise energy to adjust the breath for an hour, and restore the spirit and strength.

   Anyway, everyone has an extremely amazing wealth, and all kinds of magical medicine and training resources are inexhaustible.

   Everyone quickly calmed down, sitting cross-legged in the sky, each took out the medicine and sacred stone, and began to exercise and adjust the breath.

   Soon, an hour passed.

   Ji Tianxing commanded the crowd again, scattered around him, each occupying a specific position.

   After everyone lined up, he led them again and began to arrange a second divine formation.

   The second king-level inferior **** formation, named Po Xing.

   is also a cumbersome, profound, and extraordinary magical formation.

   But Ji Tianxing used his super array talents to divide it into more than a dozen parts and command everyone to cast spells and arrays.

   Everyone has the previous experience, and this time when they cast the spell, they felt much more relaxed and smooth.

  Furthermore, when the exercises were adjusted just now, everyone noticed that their own strength had improved again, and they also had new insights into the practice of Shinto.

   Everyone understood that it was because they participated in the arrangement of the king-level **** array.

   This unprecedented novel challenge has broadened their horizons and their strength can be improved.

   Therefore, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong, Nie Feiyun and others are grateful to Ji Tianxing.

   Unconsciously, one day passed.

   The second star breaking array was also declared complete, superimposed on the gate of the palace.

   The divine power of the people is more consumed, and the spirit is more tired.

   This time, Ji Tianxing asked everyone to exercise their breath for two hours.

   Two hours later, when everyone's strength was restored, they began to line up again in vigor.

   The third divine formation is called Split Air, and the difficulty has increased significantly.

   Fortunately, everyone has the experience of the first two formations.

  'S control of divine power and position has also reached a more subtle level, and it is more in harmony with Ji Tianxing.

   Therefore, everyone lived up to Ji Tianxing's expectations and completed it again in twelve hours!

   After taking the miraculous medicine of the gods and adjusting the breath for three hours, everyone began to arrange the fourth **** array.

   The result is still there, and it was completed in one day.

   The Fifth God Array is the finishing touch and the most important part.

   The five divine formations arranged by the people, and the original divine formations at the gate of the shrine, can they be integrated into a new and powerful divine formation?

   Not only Ji Tianxing attaches great importance to this, everyone is also going all out, not dare to be careless or careless.

   Time passed quietly.

   Everyone was immersed in the cast array, completely forgetting themselves.

   This time is the most difficult and it takes the longest.

   After two full days, the fifth divine formation was completed.

   At that instant, there was a mysterious change at the gate of the shrine.

   Six layers of masks appeared on the surface of the gate, each layer was palm-thick, gleaming with dazzling divine light, and exuding terrifying divine power fluctuations.

   Under the gaze of everyone, hundreds of millions of veins appeared on each mask, like densely packed nerves and blood vessels, gently squirming.

   At this moment, the context and structure of the six king-level divine formations are clearly presented.

   Then, under the expectant gaze of everyone, the six masks began to wave, rotate and twist, and gradually merge.

   "Wh! Wah!"

   Divine light shines, all kinds of strange lights and shadows emerge in endlessly.

   The six-layer masks are continuously gathered, and after twisting and folding, they gradually merge together.

  With the passage of time, the number of masks has continued to decrease, from six layers to five, four, three...

   Of course, while the number of masks is decreasing, the thickness is increasing, and the power is doubling.

   When everyone saw this amazing sight, they all showed expressions of shock, excitement and expectation.

   "The method of Young Master Tianxing is really breathtaking!"

   "Such an amazing array of accomplishments, comparable to the king of the world, alone in the world!"

   "Don't talk about the Great Yan Empire, even if you look at the entire Tianbei Region~www.wuxiaspot.com~, no one can beat it!"

   "When the six formations are unified, they will surely evolve into a more powerful divine formation. Even the middle-ranked divine king can resist!"

   Everyone was excited about the work, and they worshipped Ji Tianxing more and more.

  Unconsciously, an hour passed.

   All six defensive masks merged into a super divine formation half a meter thick.

   This sturdy and extremely thick sacred formation is shining with colorful lights, and there are thousands of dragons and thunder shadows on the surface.

   Even if the power of the **** array is restrained, everyone feels jealous and fearful.

   One can imagine how terrifying the power of this divine formation is when it is fully fired.

   Ji Tianxing also breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled and said: "Finally lived up to expectations and successfully evolved this reincarnation killing formation. Thank you for your full assistance!"

   Everyone dared not take credit, and quickly waved their hands to show that it was not hard.

   Because everyone understands that he is the most exhausting and tiring person.

   Ji Tianxing waved his hand and shot out a few divine lights, making the colorful mask disappear and restrained in the palace gate.

   Then, he explained to everyone: "Although this reincarnation killing formation is only a king-level mid-level, it is complicated and mysterious, and the middle-ranked **** king may not be able to crack it..."


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