Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3251: Destroy the world

   At the beginning, Yan Tiangang and Lei Qianjie were the core figures in the formation of breaking the gate of the shrine.

   Not only are they highly accomplished in the formation, they are also familiar with the formation in front of them.

   Although the gate of the shrine was closed, the defensive formation was restarted.

   But they have the confidence to close this defensive formation and open the gate of the shrine within a hundred breaths time.

   "Wh! Wah! Wah!"

   The five powerhouses cast spells with focused expressions, constantly shining divine power and injecting them into the gate of the shrine.

   The formation on the gate of the shrine suddenly showed its original shape after being impacted by external forces.


   There was only a muffled sound, and a colorful array of masks lit up on the gate of the 100-zhang-high shrine.

   The mask is amazing. It is more than half a meter thick. There are thousands of ghosts of dragons and thunder on the surface, exuding terrifying power fluctuations.

   Yan Tiangang and others looked dumbfounded.

   "This... why is it different?"

   "This is not the previous defense formation at all!"

   "The formation has changed? The power has become stronger!"

   "How could this be? After the return of the azure jade **** king, he rearranged a king-level **** formation?"

   The five powerhouses can all see that the defensive formation on the gate now is completely different from the previous one, and its power has exploded several times.

   This completely unfamiliar divine formation is definitely not something they can crack.

  Don't talk about the hundred breath time, even if you give them one hundred days, it will not break!

  The God King Yanke not far away, seeing Yan Tiangang and the others froze in place, his face was very ugly, he frowned and asked, "What's the matter? Why don't you break the formation?"



   "Sir God King..."

   Yan Tiangang, Lei Qianjie and others are about to explain the situation to King Yanke.

   At this moment, the dazzling multicolored mask of God's light accelerated its operation, exploding with the power of destroying the world.

  Reincarnation Killing Array has started!

   "Boom! Boom boom!"

   At that moment, the multicolored light shield burst out thousands of pillars of divine thunder light, shooting like arrows in the sky, covering everyone outside the gate.

   Not only the five people of Yantiangang, but also the King Yanke and seventeen powerful kings, were also engulfed by the dazzling light.

   Reincarnation Killing Array is a mid-level king-level **** array.

   When the firepower of the large array is fully on, the power of the tens of thousands of gods' thunder beams is enough to destroy a hundred thousand miles of the world.

   But under the control of the Samsara Killing Array, the Lightning Pillar of God Lei was only concentrated outside the gate of the shrine, within a hundred miles.

   It is conceivable that the King Yanke and the many gods, who are enveloped by the beam of light of the gods, bear the terrifying impact.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   Among the crowd, there were several muffled noises.

   There are seven high-ranking gods, after being hit by dozens of gods' thunder beams, they exploded and died.

   The divine body was scorched as black as carbon by the divine thunder, bursting into billions of black slag, splashing in all directions, scattered in the sea of ​​clouds.

   Ten other high-ranking gods, luckily saved their lives.

   But their divine bodies were also chopped into coke by the divine thunder and turned into black ash.

   Godhead survived, but cracks also appeared, the light was very dim, flickering.

   The violent shock wave, enveloping ten badly damaged gods, drifted towards the distant sea of ​​clouds.

   As for the five people of Yantiangang, Lei Qianjie, and Kaitian Palace, the situation is not much better than those of the gods.

   Although they all saved their lives, the **** body was destroyed and wiped out.

   Godhead survived, only slightly injured, and would not be unconscious.

  Rao is so, the Yantiangang five people are also terrified, almost shocked.

   They all had the same thoughts: "Is this the power of the King-level Divine Formation? It's so terrifying!"

  The person who was the least injured is naturally King Yanke.

   Not to mention his realm of strength, he has already reached the fourth level of the **** king realm, and he is a veritable middle **** king.

   When Yan Tiangang and others stopped breaking through the formation, their faces were weird, King Yanke was already on his guard.

   After all, he is not the Great Yan Empire, nor is he the **** of the Tianbei Region.

  Even, he came to Haotian Continent from other continents across the ocean.

   In a completely strange foreign country, he has always acted cautiously, never recklessly impulsive.


   When the Samsara Killing Array released the tens of thousands of **** thunder beams, he did not hesitate to close the bronze armor to protect himself strictly.

   And, he burst out all his strength, urging his defense to the extreme.

   The grayish-brown rock skin has also become cold and black, ten times tougher than usual!

   He put on a full defensive posture, even if he was bombarded by more than two thousand divine thunders, he was safe and sound.

   Except for consuming a lot of supernatural power, he didn't suffer much damage.

   The rock skin was undamaged, and the bronze armor he was wearing was intact, leaving only dozens of shallow dents.

   As long as King Yanke takes some time, he can repair the marks on the bronze armor.

   After a long time.

   The shock wave sweeping tens of thousands of miles, dissipated in the sea of ​​clouds.

   The dazzling light of the Thunder, the deafening noise, all gradually disappeared.

   The silence was restored outside the gate of the shrine.

   The ten gods who were hit hard, only the dim gods were left, all fled in all directions, and quickly moved away from the sapphire shrine.

   The next thing has nothing to do with them.

   If they insist on staying, any aftermath of the battle will kill them.

   God King Yanke didn't blame him, and simply ignored them.

   As long as Yan Tiangang, Lei Qianjie and others did not run away, he would not be angry.

   The five godheads with gleaming divine light hovering around the King Yanke, seemingly shocked, full of fear and indignation.

   God King Yanke glanced at them, frowned and looked at the gate of the shrine, muttering with a gloomy expression: "This turned out to be a king-level mid-level **** formation? Shouldn't it!

   With Chao Sapphire's strength, it is absolutely impossible to arrange this divine formation.

   What's more, when he fled back to the Great Flame Empire, he was already seriously injured and was on the verge of unconsciousness. How could he have the power to re-arrange? "

   The King Yanke doesn't care about the lives of Yan Tiangang and others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He just thinks this thing is abnormal, so he has to be vigilant.

  Even, a thought came into his mind.

  "Who arranged this sacred formation? Does Chao Qingyu have a helper?

   But there are so few middle **** kings, as rare as phoenix feathers..."

   God King Yanke hesitated a bit, his face solemnly thinking.

   Yan Tiangang, Lei Qianjie and others, full of worry and anxiety, couldn't help but say: "My Lord God, that is a king-level divine formation, and its power is too powerful.

   With us gods, it is impossible to crack it. "

   "My Lord God, please forgive us for nothing we can do..."

   The five of them only have the godheads, and they have no effect at all.

   Had it not been for the ferocity of King Yanke, they would have escaped.

  The reason why he had the courage to ask is that he wanted to test King Yanke whether he was sure to crack the reincarnation killing formation.

   God King Yanke converged his thoughts and waved his hand majesticly: "This king-level mid-level **** formation is not something you can touch.

   Stay here, this king will break it himself! "


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