Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3350: make up

Suzerain Wanfa killed Chang Yu with his own hands, which could be regarded as clearing the door and reviving the rules of the door.

For Lin Xue and the long-dead Lin Cannot, it can be considered to have explained something.

But this is not the end.

Sect Master Wanfa took out another space ring and four treasure boxes, and solemnly sent them to Lin Xue.

He stared at Lin Xue and said in a sincere tone: "Miss Lin, this seat has cleared the door and killed the villain Chang Yu.

The truth came out, and the wicked had already been punished. I believe that the spirit of the Lord in the sky should rest in peace.

But I know that this incident has hurt you very seriously, and it can never be solved by finding out the truth.

This is a bit of my heart. Please accept it. It can be regarded as a debt and compensation to your father. "

Sect Master Wan Fa is very skillful in speaking. He didn't say that it was compensation for Lin Xue, but he felt guilty for Lin unable.

This made it difficult for Lin Xue to refuse.

Moreover, everyone's eyes are sharp.

The space ring that Wanfa Sect Master took out must contain a large amount of divine stones and cultivation resources.

Those four exquisite and gorgeous treasure boxes must also contain valuable treasures.

The vast majority of gods and powerful people can hardly refuse this gift.

Once Lin Xue accepted this gift, not only did Lin's inability have subsided, her relationship with Wan Fazong also increased.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xue to see how she chose.

As a result... Lin Xue didn't even look at the space ring and treasure box, and shook her head decisively and refused.

"I don't want any gifts. My father has passed away for so many years, let alone any compensation."

Sect Master Wanfa was taken aback, and quickly persuaded: "How can this be done? My father was once one of the best disciples in this school, with an infinitely bright future.

Because the villain Chang Yu was also deceived by Chang Yu for so many years due to our negligence, so that my father was wronged, and until his death he failed to clear his wrongs.

Please accept this gift from Miss Lin, otherwise our conscience will be disturbed.

Moreover, we sincerely hope that Miss Lin will stay and live in Wanfazong for a while.

So, let us take this opportunity to make up for you..."

Sect Master Wanfa gradually expressed his ideas step by step.

Lin Xue didn't even think about it, and said calmly: "Sect Master, no matter what, I won't accept this gift.

Moreover, I will leave after this matter is over, and it is impossible to stay in Wanfazong.

If you really feel ashamed and want to do something to make up for my father, then I have only one request..."

Suzerain Wanfa was repeatedly rejected, feeling anxious in his heart, thinking about how to persuade Lin Xue.

Hearing these words, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked: "Miss Lin, please say, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Xue Lin nodded and said: "For my father and me, all resources and treasures are things outside of our bodies.

Only innocence and fame are the most important.

I hope Ten Thousand Fazong will tell the world, announce the truth about the old grievances, and return my father's innocence! "

"Uh..." Sect Master Wanfa was taken aback for a moment, nodded and said, "Miss Lin, I can understand your feelings and thoughts.

This door will indeed announce the truth of the events of the year, wash away the grievances of the wronged, and comfort the spirit of the dead.

But I don’t know, what is the scope of Miss Lin’s so-called publicity? "

The deputy suzerain, the left and right guardians, and the elders all thought to themselves that with the power of the Ten Thousand Dharma Sect, it was enough to announce the truth in the Izumo Empire.

But Lin Xue said firmly: "That incident not only spread throughout the Izumo Empire, but also spread widely throughout the Yunyang Region.

Many races and forces mistakenly believed that my father was a traitor who deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors.

Therefore, I hope Ten Thousand Fasects will announce the truth, not only in the Izumo Empire, but to do everything possible to spread across the entire Yunyang domain! "

"This..." Sect Master Wanfa frowned slightly, obviously a little bit troubled.

The deputy suzerain, the left and right guardians, and several elders also showed embarrassment, unable to understand Lin Xue's thoughts.

Everyone began to persuade.

"Miss Lin, I will definitely announce the truth and clarify the honor of my father.

However, the main gate is based on the Izumo Empire, and its sphere of influence is limited to this, and it cannot affect outside the empire. "

"Miss Lin, the deceased is dead. Now that you have been wronged, you have to let go of your knots and obsessions, so that your honorable person can rest in peace in the spirit of heaven."

He said so, in fact everyone was muttering.

Isn't it good to accept the gift from the sect master, stay in the Ten Thousand Fazong, and let the sect find ways to make up for it?

Why refuse to give gifts and let Wan Fazong do something meaningless?

Even if Ten Thousand Fazong tried their best to clarify the truth in the entire Yunyang domain, what then?

It is better to accept the gift and get the benefits more practical!

Suzerain Wanfa also looked at Lin Xue, and asked solemnly: "Miss Lin, although your request is a bit difficult, I can do everything I can.

But please consider it carefully before making a decision. "

Lin Xue said without hesitation: "Don't think about it, I don't need any gifts or gifts, I just need to wash away my grievances, and return my father's innocent reputation!"

"Hey..." Sect Master Wanfa sighed silently, nodded helplessly, "Well, since Miss Lin has decided, then this seat will naturally follow suit."

This matter was settled, and the deputy suzerain, left and right guardians and elders could only accept this result.

Lin Xue refused to be thousands of miles away, and was unwilling to accept the gift of Ten Thousand Fa Sect Master.

So, Sect Master Wanfa took the space ring and four treasure boxes and came to Ji Tianxing.

Just now Ji Tianxing has been silent and has not made any comments.

But the person who most feared and wanted to win over the Lord Wanfa was him.

When he came to Ji Tianxing, he bowed respectfully, and said, "This son, I and Wanfazong would like to thank you for this matter today!

If it wasn't for the son of a torch, who could expose Chang Yu's ugly face and find out the truth of the year?

We must thank the young master for his help, so that we can clean up the door and revive the door rules...

This thank-you gift represents the heart and soul of this family, please accept it. "

Everyone thought that Ji Tianxing was a cruel and arrogant God King and powerhouse, and most of them disdained receiving gifts.

Suzerain Wanfa was also very worried, thinking about how he would persuade if Ji Tianxing refused.


Ji Tianxing didn't mean to refuse at all, and nodded blankly and said: "Since the hospitality is hard to resist, the king reluctantly accepted it."

While talking, he reached out and took the space ring and four treasure boxes, and put them away.



"Is this style wrong?"

Sect Masters, Deputy Sect Masters, Law Protectors, and elders all had expressions of astonishment, showing incredible eyes.

Everyone did not expect that this cruel and cruel God King was not reserved at all?

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