Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3595: The truth is out


Hearing Ji Tianxing's cold shout, not only Lu Ming was stunned.

Even the Fox Moon God King was stunned on the spot, showing a look of surprise on his face.

Neither of them expected that Ji Tianxing would make such a judgment!

At the same time, the red robe **** king also changed drastically.

He glared at Ji Tianxing angrily, then turned and flew away without hesitation, trying to escape from the abyss.

After all, his disguise was exposed and his identity was seen through.

Moreover, he only has the helper of the Tiger God King.

Fox Moon God King and Lu Ming, plus Ji Tianxing, there are three strong God Kings.

The red robe **** king was very cautious and vigilant, and when he saw that the situation was not good, he decisively fled.

However, his ideas are destined to fail.


With a flash of divine light, Ji Tianxing teleported a hundred miles, blocking the way of the red robe **** king.

Lu Ming didn't care about the tiger king, and he hurriedly chased him, blocking behind the red robe king.

As a result, the Red Robe God King was surrounded by front and back, unable to escape at all.

He looked somber as ice, staring at Ji Tianxing as sharp as a sword, and exuding a biting murderous intent.

But he was silent to avoid revealing any flaws.

Lu Ming was still a little unbelievable, and asked Ji Tianxing, "Brother Dragon, you said this guy was in disguise by Sirius?"

"Of course!" Ji Tianxing nodded, and said with a certain tone: "I have observed carefully just now, even if he broke out to fight with all his strength, he still has spare energy.

That's because he wants to retain a part of his divine power and maintain a certain disguise of transforming appearance.

However, no matter how he changed his appearance and concealed his breath of power, he still couldn't change his soul.

I have observed his spirit and can see that he is a dark silver Sirius.

In addition, his eyes and expression changed, indicating that he knows the Fox Moon God King and you.

Especially for you, he responded with great hatred and jealousy. "

Ji Tianxing's analysis was clear and thorough, and both Lu Ming and Fox Moon God King heard clearly.

The two suddenly realized that they immediately believed Ji Tianxing's judgment.

And the Red-robed God King was also shocked, just unbelievable. He looked at Ji Tianxing with great dread, and asked, "Who are you?"

Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, the key is that we know who you are!"

Lu Ming and Fox Moon God King both stared at the Red Robe God King, and said with a sneer: "Sky Wolf King, don't pretend to be anymore, show your true shape!"

"Sirius, you have been seen through by us, is it necessary to continue to pretend?"

The red robe **** king's expression was quite ugly, staring at Ji Tianxing in resentment, gritted his teeth and shouted coldly: "Little bastard, count you cruel!"

While talking, he was lit up with dark silver stars, and his body began to change.

In the blink of an eye, he became a middle-aged monster of more than ten feet tall and a vigorous body.

He doesn't look burly and sturdy, but he is extremely tough and contains terrifying explosive power.

He has thin cheeks, a slightly pointed chin, and a pair of dark green pupils in his eyes, flashing a frightening cold light.

The ears on the temples are pointed and raised high, obviously a pair of wolf ears.

There is no doubt that this is what Sirius was like!

Lu Ming and Fox Moon God King stared at him, their pupils tightened, and a sullen sneer appeared on their faces.

"Sirius, it really is you!"

"Brother Dragon is so insightful that he can see through the disguise of Sirius at a glance!"

At this moment, Lu Ming became more afraid and awe of Ji Tianxing's strength and methods.

After all, he and the Fox Moon God King are very familiar with the Sirius King, but they have never seen the clue.

But Ji Tianxing had never seen Sirius King, but he could see through the disguise of Sirius King in such a short time.

This strength and means is simply amazing!

Now that the real body was revealed, the Sirius King stopped pretending and immediately revealed his true form.

He stared at Lu Ming and the Fox Moon God King with bitter eyes, and gritted his teeth and cursed: "You two **** bastards! If you didn't help Qin Ying deal with this king, how could this king lose to him?

Everything that happened that day, this king will keep in mind, and will never forget it.

This king once swears that one day, you will all be ashamed!

Since you are all here today, this king will send you on the road! "

While talking, the heavenly wolf king lit up with a bright silver light, exuding an earth-shattering murderous aura.

The Tiger God King not far away also realized that things were tricky, and met a very powerful opponent today.

With a serious expression and serious eyes, he silently offered a scarlet battle axe and held it firmly in his hand.

Since now, he holds the battle axe and spear in both hands, and his aura is more powerful.

When the Tiger King took out the battle axe, Ji Tianxing frowned, his eyes fixed on the scarlet battle axe.

Immediately, his brows stretched out, and a sneer formed at the corner of his mouth.

"Haha... It seems that my inference is correct, it really was the Heavenly Wolf King who seized the national division and stole the battle axe!"

Lu Ming was about to start fighting with the Sirius King, when he suddenly heard these words, his eyes fell on the crimson battle axe.

At the same time, the Tiger King was taken aback, revealing a look of doubt.

The Sirius King showed a stunned look, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked at Ji Tianxing and said, "It's you! Didn't you find this by coincidence, but to track down that incident?"

Obviously, the Sirius King finally recognized who Ji Tianxing was ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the young dragon from the Celestial Emperor's Capital who made trouble in the city.

Ji Tianxing sneered and said, "Sirius, you admit that you stolen the battle axe from the master of the country, and you killed Xiangyu?"

While talking, he held a photo-taking crystal in his left hand and recorded this scene.

Sirius King grinned and said with a sneer: "Hehe... This king thinks that he is acting in a concealed manner, and he is not aware of it. Didn't expect you to see it through?

But you obviously left the Tianxiang Imperial Capital, why would you still investigate this matter? "

Ji Tianxing did not answer his question, and continued to ask: "It's good if you admit that! However, I would like to ask you, how could that battle axe be in his hands?"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the tiger **** king who was in a trance.

Obviously, the Tiger God King did not know that the scarlet battle axe in his hand had such a complicated origin.

The Sirius King squinted his eyes, staring at Ji Tianxing gloomily, and said, "Boy, this king really didn't expect you to be so capable.

If I knew this, he shouldn't hesitate when he was in the Heavenly Emperor Capital.

It was time to kill you halfway and refine you! "

Ji Tianxing thought about it for a moment, and immediately understood what he meant, and analyzed: "Before I appeared in the Tianxiang Emperor Capital, you already seized the national teacher.

Maybe you had another plan before, but after I appeared, you wanted to kill me, refine my dragon blood, and become a noble dragon?

However, you are not sure to kill me, and you are afraid that things will become serious and your identity will be revealed, attracting Lu Ming and Tianren Domain Lord to pursue and kill.

Later you went to find Xiangyu, and unexpectedly found Xiangyu fell to the ground in a coma, and the battle axe was on the table, so you stole the battle axe.

You are afraid that things will be revealed when Xiangyu wakes up, so you kill her! "


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