Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4720: Step by step

   The God King Yunkuo has worshipped the door of Dao Xingyun for many years.

   He understands the habit of Dao Nebula. In the past so many years, such a thing has never happened.

   Strong intuition told him that Master must have something wrong!

   However, he knew that the four chief coaches were looking at him, and more than 20 generals and more than 50,000 soldiers were also waiting for news from him.

   At this time, he not only can't mess around with himself, but also keep calm and react reasonably in time.

  Although, the God King Yunkuo has suppressed the panic in his heart and tried his best to show calmness.

   But Dao Xingyun never replied to the news, this is the four coaches are present watching.

   Even if he opens his mouth to comfort everyone, so that everyone does not panic, arranges the team in an orderly manner, and is ready to wait for orders at any time, it still has little effect.

   The four chief coaches passed on his order, but the 50,000 soldiers were panicked and unconscious, and the execution of the order was very poor.

After    delivered the order, the four big coaches asked one after another what was going on.

   Yunkuo God King was naturally unable to answer, so he could only talk to the four coaches and change the subject.

   But the more he is like this, the more the four coaches become flustered.

   Although God King Yun Kuo took out the majesty of the closed disciple, he blasted the four chief coaches back.

   But as soon as the four chief coaches returned to their residence, they were surrounded by a group of generals.

   Those generals were also anxious, asking again and again what happened.

   Of course, the four coaches couldn't answer them, they could only hesitate and talk about other things.

   Things are going to be bad now. Dozens of generals have no idea. After a wild guess, they think things more serious.

   When they returned to the team, they were asked by their commanders and soldiers, and there was no way to explain them.

   So, in just half an hour, fifty thousand soldiers exploded.

   There are discussions everywhere about what has happened.

   The soldiers have different opinions, one is more serious than the other guess, all kinds of gossip and wild speculation, all of them burst out.

   In this way, more than 50,000 soldiers were panicked, as if the sky had fallen and the end had come.

   Yunkuo God King looked even more anxious, and called the four chief coaches over and scolded them and asked them how they caused this situation.

   The four chief coaches were also very aggrieved, and could only urge God King Yun Kuo again to find a way to ask God Emperor Xingyun what is going on.

   The God King Yunkuo felt bitter, so he had to tell the truth, he had exhausted all methods and contacted Master many times.

   However, he did not receive a response from the master from beginning to end.

   He can only confess to the four chief coaches, Master must have something wrong.

   However, everyone don't need to worry too much. After all, Master is a strong **** emperor, and he has joined the Taiyu Temple.

   Even if something happens, it is certainly not serious, and it will pass soon.

   The four chief coaches were skeptical and could only return to their respective camps to appease the soldiers under his command.

   After a day, more than 50,000 soldiers gradually calmed down from the initial panic and panic.

   Yunkuo God King finally breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to contact Dao Xingyun.

   But at this moment, there was another drastic change between the world and the earth.

   In the pitch black starry sky, a huge white light curtain appeared.

   The nine giant peaks that had been swallowed by darkness before, regained their light under the white light curtain.

   More than 50,000 soldiers were in good spirits, thinking that things had turned for the better.

   However, everyone looked at the white light curtain in the sky, only to find a picture appeared on the light curtain.

   There is no one else in the picture, it is the scene of their allegiance overlord Dao Nebula running away in the night sky and being chased by ‘Easy Wind’.

   When tens of thousands of soldiers saw the Dao Nebula, they were all shocked and exclaimed in disbelief.

   It's just because the appearance of Dao Nebula is too miserable. Not only does his head burst, his face is bloody, and even his body is out of order, and it looks like a puppet.

   The people who are waiting for leisure can't see the problem, but the **** king Yunkuo is a disciple of Dao Xingyun, and he is a powerhouse of the pinnacle **** king realm.

   Of course he could see that when the Master was escaping, his head had been smashed and his divine body had died.

  The reason why the godhead is still in the **** body is only to use the **** body as a defensive device.

   His heart sank to the bottom immediately, and his fists clenched unconsciously.

   Next, more than 50,000 soldiers looked up at the light curtain in the sky, and at the same time saw the scene of Dao Xingyun’s divine body being shattered and the divine character being defeated.

  In a short time, there was a dead silence on the nine giant peaks, everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded on the spot.

   No one thought that they would be beheaded so easily if they were regarded as gods, as the **** emperors of the nebula.

   After a while, the white light curtain in the sky dissipated, and the world returned to darkness.

   Nine giant peaks were swallowed by darkness again, but more than 50,000 soldiers came back to their senses, suddenly like a flash flood, sounded earth-shattering roars, exclamations and howls.

   "Sir God Emperor, unexpectedly... was killed?"

   "How is this possible? I never believe that it is true!"

   "Why? Why did Lord God Emperor send out a message instead of running in the face of that sword?"

   "Didn't it mean that Lord God Emperor has already cooperated with the temple? Where is the strong man in the temple? Why don't you help?"

   "The Lord God Emperor has fallen! What shall we do?"

   Various roars and shouts echoed endlessly on the nine giant peaks.

   Yunkuo God King was dumbfounded, his eyes widened in disbelief, his expression extremely sad.

   The four major coaches and many generals also couldn't accept this result. Some cried, some beat their chests, and some sighed.

   As for the more than 50,000 soldiers, they have different attitudes and reactions.

   But everyone knows that the sky is falling. UU reading www.uukanshu.com


   Ji Tianxing looked at everything in the nebula world from the ‘God’s perspective’, calmly watching tens of thousands of soldiers.

   The reason why he did this is of course his intention.

   If he appeared directly in the Nebula World, as a victor, he would announce to more than 50,000 soldiers that Dao Nebula had fallen and ordered them to surrender immediately.

   The result can be imagined. More than 50,000 soldiers will never believe that the sudden and shocking news will definitely fight back.

   Although, he can easily kill those fifty thousand soldiers.

   But his purpose is not to kill the soldiers, but to incorporate them.

   Therefore, he chose to proceed step by step, first to create an atmosphere of panic and anxiety, so that more than 50,000 soldiers felt bad, and were psychologically prepared.

   Then, he used the form of a light curtain to let everyone know the news of Dao Nebula's death.

   At this time, more than 50,000 soldiers are more receptive to this result, and only grief, panic and fear.

  When the soldiers' mood gradually calmed down, he appeared again to successfully receive the more than 50,000 soldiers.

   When the time comes, there is no need to fight or fight.



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