Sword Emperor

Chapter 4388: Insignificant

In just a few moments, the figures one after another crossed the infinite space and came directly to Sun Bing.

"You guys move really fast!"

Sun Bing was not surprised by this situation. After all, he never restrained his aura from beginning to end.

But he never expected that they would come so fast.

Hearing this, Tianchen, who was the first to arrive, had a face full of excitement and said hurriedly:

"Your Majesty, I have been waiting for nine years. During these nine years, I have been worried about accidents day and night.

If I weren't worried about disturbing His Majesty's retreat, I would have come to the door in person, so when I noticed that you were leaving the retreat, I naturally rushed over immediately. "


The next moment, the Demon Emperor's figure arrived, and he seemed extremely excited, nodding at the same time:

"Although the Sea of ​​All Realms is still very calm, on the way back with the universe, we clearly noticed that the heavens were searching for Your Majesty.

Fortunately, in the past ten years, the Sea of ​​All Realms has remained safe, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. "

As for the Immortal Refining Furnace that finally arrived, although he did not speak, his expression clearly agreed with what the two of them said.

Hearing this, Sun Bing immediately frowned and sighed secretly:

"Sure enough, although the hiding time this time is a little longer, it must not be safe here anymore. We must

Leave immediately. "

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then Sun Bing's eyes fell directly on the three of them:

"Since the situation is so serious now, then you can leave your universe to me.

Just take this opportunity to integrate your universe with the sea of ​​all realms. "

It can be said that the Demon Emperor, Tianchen and the Immortal Refining Furnace have been looking forward to this matter for a long time. Now that they heard these words, they nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

What the Demon Emperor summoned was an extremely huge monster called the Sky-Swallowing Beast. Its belly was so huge that it seemed to contain a universe.

Then the Demon Emperor gathered the power of the entire Yun Dynasty and tried his best to shrink his own universe, and then he was barely able to swallow it.

Tianchen manifested his own Dao tree. The space sycamore tree was filled with an obscure aura, and a universe could be vaguely seen in it.

As for the Immortal Refining Furnace, it is even simpler. There is an innate spiritual treasure under his command called the Void Map, in which the space is infinite.

Coupled with the help of many treasures, it can also contain the universe.

At this moment, Sun Bing just glanced at the three of them lightly and waved his hand casually.

The Demon Emperor, Tianchen and even the Immortal Refining Furnace were shocked to find that the universe that was originally in their hands had fallen into Sun Bing's hands without knowing it.

The one who felt the deepest among them was Tianchen. You must know that the universe is under his

Inside the Dao tree, it can be said to be quite hidden.

But it disappeared from his hands in an instant. One can imagine how far Sun Bing has achieved in the space.

He was certain that although Sun Bing was strong ten years ago, he was not at this level.

Suddenly, Tianchen looked at Sun Bing with eyes full of awe, and at the same time, he secretly made up his mind to follow him no matter what.

Just as Tianchen and others were thinking a lot in their minds, Sun Bing's voice slowly sounded:

"You must have experience now. Next, just seal the time and space around you like before."

Hearing this, the three people immediately came to their senses.

At this moment, they were horrified to find that the environment around them had changed, and they came to the wild universe where the Demon Emperor lived.

The surrounding scenery is extremely rough, and from time to time many ferocious beasts can be seen hunting in the mountains.

Naturally, the Demon Emperor was very clear about the place where Heavenly Dao was suppressed in this world, and he brought everyone to an overseas island in just a few moments.

Needless to say, when you see the many monsters gathered here and the terrifying aura hidden within them, you can tell that this is the place of sealing.

The demon emperor opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something more, but Sun Bing just waved his hand.

The next moment, thousands of Tao Yun manifested, the Chaos Green Lotus suppressed all directions, and at the same time, the Chaos Pearl also bloomed brilliantly.

With light, the seal in front of him suddenly opened.

"Hahahaha, Demon Emperor, I'm going out..."

Tiandao, who had been sealed for endless years, began to run rampant subconsciously, but before he finished speaking, Sun Bing could be seen moving.

"Destroy the Way"

The simple sword seemed to be no different from before, but the sharp edge swept across the front.

The Heavenly Dao that was so arrogant just now dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene with their own eyes, the Demon Emperor, Tianchen and others present all gasped in unison:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, is it possible that you have made a breakthrough?"

In response, Sun Bing shook his head helplessly:

"How could you not understand that after cultivating to this level, it is almost impossible to break through?"

However, after receiving this answer, the Demon Emperor and others were filled with disbelief:

"This is impossible. If it wasn't a breakthrough, how could it be so easy to kill Tian Dao."

"Hahahaha, there is no breakthrough, just a little bit of insignificant progress."

Sun Bing smiled slightly, then glanced at the three of them, and continued to explain:

"Besides, that Dao has been sealed for endless years. I just took advantage of the fact that He was just born and attacked him unprepared, so I succeeded.

Don't be so surprised. Isn't this a very simple thing? You can do it too. "

This simple sentence made the Demon Emperor and others feel mixed emotions. Looking at Sun Bing's figure, they didn't know what to say.

They were sure that if they wanted to do this, they would be the ones to die in the end.

The only person in the world who was qualified to say that this matter was simple was Sun Bing himself.

After a while, the Demon Emperor and others finally figured out that they were a waste.

When they came back to their senses, they could see that they had come to Tianchen's universe.

Compared to the previous wild universe, this place was full of vitality, and all kinds of spiritual roots of heaven and earth could be seen everywhere.

What trees, flowers, and plants, etc., were one after another. A living being.

After receiving Tianchen's instructions, the group quickly arrived at the sealed place.

Just like before, when Tiandao broke the seal, he didn't even say a complete sentence.

That simple sword swept in front of him, turning his body and everything into smoke.

In response, Tianchen and others fell into silence.

They may not have seen it clearly before, but now they clearly felt the terrifying skills contained in it.

There may not be much difference in cultivation, but the control of power has reached a peak.

It is precisely because of this that Tiandao was almost killed by Sun Bing's sword when he was not prepared.

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