Sword Emperor

Chapter 4619 Thunderous

However, the next moment, the dazzling firebird spread its wings and soared in front of it, and the chaotic flames completely burned up the surrounding time and space.

Facing this pressing step by step, the evil eyeball's heart seemed to be filled with endless anger, and it kept shouting:

"Er...wait...this...is...looking for...death..."

The moment the words fell, you could see the terrifying and disgusting tentacles, gathering infinite power to draw towards the fire phoenix.

The force in this was astonishing, even time and space were pulled in half at this moment.

The most important thing is the chaotic power contained in it. Even if ordinary people just glance at it casually, their minds may be in a trance, and they will gradually fall into depravity.

It's just that the fire phoenix with its wings spread showed no signs of collapsing even when faced with such terrifying power.

Instead, the blazing fire of chaos burned in all directions, and then a stinging sound could be heard.

Looking around, you can see that the tentacle of the evil eyeball has now turned into charcoal.

The most important thing is that the chaotic and twisted power that filled his body was completely turned into nothingness under the burning fire of chaos.

This alone is enough to amaze everyone.

After all, the main reason why these strange evil creatures are so powerful is that the chaotic and twisted power emanating from their bodies can unknowingly lead people to fall.

Even if a strong person of the same level has an extremely strong willpower, they still run the risk of falling if they are not careful for a moment.

It is precisely because of this that for such a long time, Sun Bing and others could only flee in panic when they encountered something strange.

Even though I had received a lot of information from Pingpeng before, I was still powerless against these evil things.

Because the power controlled by Ping Peng cannot cause any harm to evil objects at all.

Fortunately, now, Sun Bing has finally found a new kind of power that can restrain evil things besides Chaos Qinglian.

Thinking of this, his face was filled with joy, and then the power in his body started to move, and he swung a sword in front of him again.

"Three Disasters of Karmic Fire"

When the sword light manifested, the fire phoenix spread its wings and soared again, and the fiery power continued to spread towards the surroundings.

The most important thing is that this time even the evil eyeball seemed to feel fear and subconsciously wanted to stay away from the scorching fire phoenix.

But Sun Bing would not stop there. The fire phoenix suddenly flapped its wings, and thousands of flames immediately swarmed forward, blocking all the enemy's retreat like raindrops.

The eyeball was already huge, so there was no way to retreat at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, many flames descended, and then bursts of charcoal gas continued to emit, and many dark marks appeared on the surface of the eyeball.

But the next moment, extremely twisted power continued to emerge, and the scars on the surface of the eyeball's body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the previous actions also completely angered the eyeballs.

Even though it has no facial features, everyone present can feel the raging anger filling its heart.

Immediately, a beam of light shot directly from the eyeball, and at the same time, extremely ferocious tentacles were waved one after another.

The surrounding Broken Soul River seemed to resonate with it, and there was a great sense of crisis coming.

At this moment, Sun Bing's heart was filled with a sense of urgency.

At such a critical moment, you can hear his voice:

"A lotus in the eternal blue sky"

Immediately afterwards, thousands of rhymes competed with each other, and the chaotic green lotus appeared directly on top of his head.

Glancing at the tentacles all over the sky, one could see Sun Bing sneer, and then the Qingping Sword suddenly swung in front of him.

"Creation of heaven and earth"

The extremely sharp edge burst out in an instant, and the originally dark Duanhun River even glowed with dazzling light because of this sword.

The terrifying power swept across all directions, splitting everything in its path into two halves.

Even the many tentacles are like tofu in front of such sharp edges.

Countless tentacles descended from the sky, and the chaotic and twisted power continued to spread towards the surroundings.

But before it pollutes the surrounding environment, you can see the dark fire of chaos coming immediately.

In just a short time, these broken tentacles were completely burned.

"Ordinary means can only cause you a certain amount of damage, but they really can't make you fall. It seems that we have to find another way."

After finishing these things, Sun Bing immediately looked at the eyeball and frowned slightly:

"Since the fire of chaos can cause damage to you, what about the thunder method that is the most effective against evil?"

The moment he finished speaking, Sun Bing could be heard snorting coldly, and then thunder exploded, and a thunder snake flew straight into the distance.

Although Sun Bing rarely used thunder magic for a long time, it does not mean that he cannot do it.

You must know that since he started practicing, he has either been struck by lightning or is on the way to being struck by lightning.

Especially in the later stages, what we faced was no longer a simple thunder catastrophe, at least it was a divine punishment, or even a Tao catastrophe that had not appeared in eons.

It can be said that there are countless thunders that Sun Bing has experienced. Even the thunders that are legendary to others, Sun Bing is quite familiar with.

For a long time, the reason why he never used it was not because he didn't know how to use it, but because it was simply not necessary.

After all, no matter how powerful the thunder method is, it can only compete with Sun Bing's own sword.

In this case, why should he give up his most proficient swordsmanship and use thunder instead? This is completely putting the cart before the horse.

Of course, when this swordsmanship cannot achieve the corresponding results, he can find other means.

After all, Sun Bing has comprehended the existence of 40,000 holy ways.

Among the countless living beings from ancient times to the present, he is definitely the one who has mastered the most means, no one else.

In the blink of an eye, the thunder snake has already landed on the eyeball.

But it seemed to hit a prehistoric beast and disappeared in an instant.

However, Sun Bing was very keen to discover that this did not mean that the thunder snake had no effect.

Although it was only the most ordinary thunder snake just now, it also eliminated a trace of chaotic pollution.

And if it was a more powerful thunder, the result would naturally be more amazing.

Thinking of this, you can see Sun Bing suddenly swinging a sword in front of him.


In an instant, the surrounding void immediately became dim, thunder snakes rose up, and thunder dragons roared.

Various kinds of thunder continued to emerge, such as Yin-Yang Divine Thunder, Gengjin Divine Thunder, Kuishui Divine Thunder, Great Five Elements Divine Thunder, Dutian Divine Thunder, etc.

Looking around, the range of vision was full of purple thunder, and the power contained in it reached a suffocating level.

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