Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 53: Contention (5)

Still snow-capped, still icebergs.

Chen Zongfei leaped during the period, looking for a suitable snow beast to hunt.

"All other snow crystals have been gathered, and only snowflake-shaped snow crystals have not been obtained." Chen Zong's eyes swept across as brightly as possible, looking all around, looking for a snow beast with snowflake-shaped snow crystals .

However, this kind of snow beast seems to be rare and rare. Seven days have passed, but Chen Zong has not found any traces.

And in this secret area of ​​snow, apart from the snow beast, there is actually nothing practical.

The eighth day passed and the ninth day passed. During this period, Chen Zong also encountered three other Zongmen forces, but there was no conflict between them.

On the tenth day, Chen Zong was happy because an ice dragon appeared in front of him.

The ice dragon was a hundred meters long, hovering on an icy hill, and seemed to be sleeping.

Chen Zong's eyes gaze on the forehead of the ice dragon with a slab of three red palm-sized spar, inlaid in the shape of a complex and regular snowflake.

Snow-like snow crystals!

It was found that looking for snowflake-shaped snow crystals for several days, Chen Zong was very happy, but he was not complacent, but became quieter.

Because the snow beast is an ice dragon.

From ancient times to the present, no matter in which world or in which secret world, dragon-shaped creatures are often astonishingly strong, much more powerful than other monsters of the same level.

Moreover, the ice dragon is 100 meters long, and the sleeping body is filled with a terrible coercion, which makes Chen Zong feel threatened.

Very strong!

This is a very powerful snow beast.

Chen Zong hesitated a little bit and decided to take a shot.

Snowflake-shaped snow crystals are very rare, and so far, Chen Zong has only found one of the gates of the secret realm. Just to inspire it, a snowflake-shaped snow crystal is needed. It is now in front of you and you should not miss it.

Taking a deep breath, like a whale sucking water, all the breath within a few kilometers of the circle was absorbed by Chen Zong, the chest undulations seemed to burst, and a force of force exploded.

The heavy dragon sword turned into a black aurora laser.

The 10% spiritual power and the 10% refining dragon power all condensed and merged into the right arm.

Three extraordinary secret powers: the power of the ninth center of gravity sword, the power of the eighth center of the eight clouds, and the power of the eighth center of the fire also poured into the heavy sword.

The ninth product of Ziyun Hexingyan also rushed into the heavy dragon sword.

This sword condenses Chen Zong's strength.

While the ice dragon is still asleep, it will kill it with all its strength, and strive to kill the ice dragon. If it is to no avail, it will be severely damaged, which will greatly weaken the ice dragon's strength and better kill it. crystal.

Chen Zong's control is extremely amazing. Even if all of his strength erupts, the power is extremely astounding, but he has blocked all the breath in the heavy dragon sword without being leaked in half, so that he will not be awakened in advance by the ice dragon.


Shen Xinjian is undoubtedly the most suitable for such an attack.

Because the centering sword is the basic sword type, it is a method of combining the powers of the two systems. The Tianxin sword is a sword that carries Tianwei. The power is amazing and it is naturally powerful. After all, that power does not belong to Chen Zong. The power cannot fully converge.

Chen Zongke is not yet strong enough to fully control Tianwei, and will be discovered by Binglong as soon as he casts it.

The unintentional sword is erratic, although it can converge, but it is killed by its own subconsciously following the flaws of the other side. The sleeping ice dragon is full of flaws, no need to do so.

While Shen Xinjian is a mighty Shen Xiong and overbearing, direct destruction is the first.

At this time, Shen Xinjian is the best choice.

The snow beast can only take the snow crystal if it is killed. If it is alive, it will not be able to take down the snow crystal. Therefore, Chen Zong's sword killed the ice dragon's neck.

The head of the ice dragon is one of the hardest places, it is difficult to break, and the neck is easier.

The moment Shen Shenjian approached the neck of the ice dragon, the eyelids of the ice dragon lifted, and the icy light burst out from the huge cold and ruthless eyes, and Chen Zong was locked instantly.

Chen Zong's heart jumped suddenly.

Still found.

Suddenly, the ice dragon woke up and found himself facing danger. He suddenly roared and roared, the horrible sound of waves burst, and swept all directions with the ultimate coldness, freezing everything around him.

The frost quickly came to Chen Zong's eyes, and one of the front claws of the ice dragon also lifted up, leaving the claw light in the void to leave stunning scratches, as if breaking through the boundaries of time and space with an extremely cold kill To Chen Zong.

His tail trembled at the same time, rolling up the snow storm as if to sweep the iceberg into a smashing slap, and the horrific force of the mountains and the sea was crushed to the extreme.

too fast!

The speed of Binglong from waking up to counterattack is really too fast. This reaction speed is more shocked than Chen Zong.

Moreover, Binglong's counterattack was not so simple, but three counterattacks all at once, almost at the same time, forming a three-sided attack posture, each of which was terrible.

Facing Binglong's counterattack, Chen Zong's face sank slightly, his eyes were dignified, and he did not have the slightest fear of retreat, nor did he mean to retreat.

With a bang, the horrific power suddenly burst out from the heavy dragon sword, making the power of this sword soar again by 30%.

The strength was completely restrained in the sword, in order to better attack the ice dragon, and its power was somewhat weakened, but now that it was discovered by the ice dragon and made an amazing counterattack, Chen Zong no longer needs to be restrained, completely released, the power The surge of 30% is even more terrifying.

The astonishing weight of the heavy dragon sword released a terrible pressure, making the void under the sword seem to smash into an invisible funnel shape, extremely sharp.


The sword hit the ice dragon's neck instantly, and the click sounded suddenly, pieces of hard ice broke apart, and the amazing black energy continued to explode, crushing the hard ice into ice debris, and the ice around the ice dragon was also One after another, there were cracks in the hills below it.

The amazing blazing heat of Ziyun Hexingyan is constantly burning, which makes the ice dragon feel uncomfortable.

After all, the Ice Dragon is a monster of the Frozen system.

And the ninth product of the Ziyun Hexingyan power is terrible, the damage to the ice dragon is also very amazing, making the ice dragon extremely uncomfortable.

It ’s too late to speak, as if it was a long time ago, the ice breath of the ice dragon swept through the sky like a raging cloud, the claws of the ice dragon tore the sky and left a few crystal clear scratches. The tail carried a thunderous and terrifying terror and came to death.

Even if Chen Zong is not strong enough, he can't withstand such an attack. If he is hit, he will lose his combat power if he does not die.

Shen Xinjian struck to the point, carrying the mysterious sword of Lianyundao, exerting his strength to the extreme.


Yin Hong's blood had not been ejected, and was burned and evaporated under the terrible high temperature of Ziyun Hexingyan.

Chen Zong's shoulders couldn't be traced, his body moved forward and back like a cloud, his pace was as light as smoke and wind, and countless phantoms were hard to distinguish from true and false.

The icy breath immediately covered the surroundings, a thick layer of frost condensed, the huge ice dragon claws cracked and killed, shattered the heavy phantom, and tore the ice-covered ground into deep bottomless claw marks, The huge tail was bombarded with the astonishing might of the sky.

With a bang, the ground shook, and the ice covered with claws was crushed and crushed by the fierce blow of the tail.

All figures were defeated and dissipated.

Shen Xinjian did not do all he could, but it also blasted Binglong's neck out of a huge wound, and the blood at the wound was evaporated by high temperature, leaving a scorched black.

Chen Zongzhen appeared in the sky, his eyes flashed coldly, his sword lifted, and the sword light burst into the sky as if he shattered the dome of the snow above him. Light.

Heaven Heart Sword!


The majestic sword light contains the horrific and smashing vacuum down of Huanghuang Tianwei, and it is also killing the ice dragon's neck.

The strength of the ice dragon that has already been hit is greatly reduced. It is impossible to evade the sword, but the strength of the ice dragon is very arrogant. It immediately rises, and one claw grasps the extreme cold and frost strength into the sky.


The sky was torn and left a trail of ice claws quickly rushing up into the sky.

Following this, the tail of the ice dragon swept again, smashing and killing like a mountain.

Chen Zong's body was shattered again, and it was another afterimage. The real body had already fallen at a rapid speed, and a sword was reached.

Unintentional Sword!

The subconscious instinct erupted, followed the best trajectory, and was extremely powerful.

This sword penetrated through the wound on the neck of the ice dragon, further aggravating the injury, and the sword gas poured into the body of the ice dragon and strangled frantically ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ kill!

The severe pain caused the ice dragon's 100-meter-long body to swell.

Suffering heavy losses even before falling asleep, resulting in a great reduction in strength, and now it is falling behind.

The ice debris continued to splash, and the Ice Dragon withstood the violent attacks of Chen Zong again and again.

Although Binglong is also fighting back, Jedi fights back, the power of each counterattack is very terrible and astonishing, breaking the world up and down, but it can not bring too much threat to Chen Zong.


Fight back!

Chen Zong was calm, his face was as cold as the iron in the deep sea, his eyes were sharp like a sky sword.

Sword after sword, each sword is wonderful to its peak, constantly expanding the wounds on the ice dragon, terrible and hot sword gas constantly pouring into the ice dragon's body causing secondary damage.

It was another sword.


Jianguang was majestic and mighty, descending from the sky, as if a ray of sky was tearing Jiuxiao and sinking the earth.

Inevitable and difficult to resist.

All defenses were shattered and torn under this sword.

Binglong gave the final roar, his neck was finally cut off, and the huge head fell, smashing the ice hard ground into a huge pothole.

Chen Zong's body plummeted, relieved as a relief.

This battle was very difficult, and I did my best. This is still an ice dragon that was not badly damaged. If it was the ice dragon in its heyday, I don't know how strong it is.

Fortunately, after the battle was over, I also killed the ice dragon. Apart from consuming a lot of power, I did not receive any injuries.

However, in this secret area of ​​Feixue, Chen Zongke did not dare to relax in the slightest, and quickly took out the elixir to quickly recover the consumed power. At the same time, he drew a sword and dug out snowflake-shaped snow crystals from the forehead of the ice dragon.

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