Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 55: Black Snake Bloodline

The roar shook the sky, the energy was full of energy, and the python seemed to smash the void, surrounded by coldness and fierceness.

A trace of blue-gray electro-optical light surrounds the whole body of the python, which makes the python more amazing and more terrifying. This attack has some amazing power and majestic power, crushing everything and destroying everything.

As soon as Chen Zong's eyes were condensed, some of the restored power burst out, such as the pouring of water from the river and the river, which were compressed into the heavy dragon sword, and the black sword light became dazzling.


The sword that blends into the essence of refining Yundao is immensely powerful and powerful. One sword is killed. The astonishing sword presses the mountains and the sea and crushes everything. The void within ten meters of the sword is solidified like steel, terrible and extremely oppressive.

The magnificent majestic mighty and overbearing majestic and fierce, immediately changed the appearance of the Dongli Qingyan.


The python seemed to descend from nine days, and was shot down fiercely, Shen Xinjian rushed up and broke the sky.

Collision, burst into an astonishing momentum, swept everything and shattered everything, terrible vitality overflowed, snowflakes within a few dozen meters in a flash, and then shattered into dust.

The ice and snow also cracked and collapsed under the shock of waves of terrible force.

"It's so strong!" Dongli Qingyu's figure flew over the sky, feeling a violent and powerful force rushed into the shock, making Qing Li trembled from the snake sword, and it continued to impact her palms and arms, and seemed to want her hands The fracture was broken.

Chen Zong also endured the force of the anti-shock, and immediately led the force down his feet and shattered the ground.

Standing high, Dongli's body is twisted and twisted like a snake, and the Qingli snake sword in his hand keeps swaying and swinging, as if the snake's head is shaking to confuse the other party to find the best time and angle.


Each turquoise sword-horse flared down from the air, and each turquoise sword-horse twisted and zigzags, as if a venomous snake of long length walked in the air and forced to kill.

The blue-grey serpentine sword-shaped mantle shrouded Chen Zong's entire body for ten meters, blocking the void in general and unable to avoid it.

But the inability to dodge is only relatively speaking. With Chen Zong's realm and a super spiritual cover, it is impossible to make it impossible. The figure is slightly tilted forward, the shoulders are slightly shaken, the speed is disordered, and there are dozens of ways. The blue-gray snake-shaped sword-mantle shuttled out.

The original broken ice ground shattered and was shot into a sieve.

Chen Zong gliding on the ice surface, seemingly slow and fast, appeared directly under the Dongli green cymbals, the heavy dragon sword rose, and one sword broke.

The dark sword light is fierce and fierce. It directly covers the entire ten-meter circle of the Dongli barley. The terrible heavy weight is quantified by the extreme pressure of the sword. The pressure in all directions is so heavy that it makes the barley of Donglan barley look big. Change, it feels like your body is about to be crushed.


With a low drink, the whole body spread out a blue and gray like a snake swimming, instantly exploded away, the terrible breath destroyed the mountains and destroyed the mountain, blasted away, and instantly repelled the heavy sword of the heavy dragon sword, the body flashed, Countless phantoms appeared in the air, as if a python meandering.

The cold, domineering, weird, and tricky atmospheres are merged into one. Under the pressure of the heavy dragon sword, the figure of Dongli and Qingyu is crushed, but the fatal blow also kills Chen Zong from the back. The next breath will be able to penetrate Chen Zong's domineering physique.

As if there were a pair of extremely sharp eyes on the back, everything around was under the control of Chen Zong. The heavy dragon sword that had broken up the heavy phantom in the air was extremely smart and light, as if it was not holding 98,000 A catty epee, but a blade of grass.

The heavy dragon sword was as fast as light, light and fluttering like a cloud, and appeared in the back instantly. The point of the sword was exactly the point of Zhongli Li snake sword.

As soon as Qingli Snake Sword was clicked, it instantly retracted, like a deadly assassin. When he missed it, he immediately flew away, and his body walked again.

The strength of Chen Zong's strength and the heavy weight of the heavy sword made Dongli Qingyu feel frightened and unwilling to fight with him, so he exerted his flexibility and ingenuity to the fullest.

Only under Chen Zong's superb realm and super spiritual consciousness, all skills of Dongli Qingyu were resolved by Chen Zong and counterattacked.

Once, twice, and three times, the more the Dongli barley looked more dignified, and finally realized that I had underestimated this practitioner who had no bloodline.

Being an eight star star disciple, his strength is always outstanding.

"But that's all." Dongli Qingyan's eyes flashed a sharp Yin Yin cold light.

The high-speed Dongli green cymbals are becoming more and more strange in shape, like a snake, sometimes rushing out, sometimes winding around.

Then, Dongli Qingxi's body rushed up into the sky for hundreds of meters, and in the midst of the air, a terrible sound suddenly spread from the body, as if the snakes were hissing, and like a python roaring, there was a faint high. The sharp and cruel dragon yelled in all directions.

Chen Zong was startled slightly, his face solemn.

The dazzling blue-gray light from the Dongli barnyard in the air constantly sprayed out of the body, and the light permeated the whole body, as if a giant cocoon wrapped the whole body of the Dongli barley, and it seemed like a round of blue-gray sun Everywhere.

Under the keen sense of Chen Zong, the tyrannical breath is constantly flourishing in the scorching green-grey giant cocoon, and the speed is astonishing, as if gestating a peerless ferocious beast.

"Is the power of the bloodline?" Chen Zong gazed at the sky and said secretly.

The three major families are all bloodline families, and their bloodlines are extraordinary.

As the bloodline possessed by Dongli's, it is the bloodline of black snake.

Blood veins are divided into high and low levels, which are low-order middle-order and high-order, and super-order above the high-order.

The effects of different levels of blood awakening on practitioners are different.

For example, Gao Leping's awakened fierce tiger blood is only low-level blood, but as soon as he awakens, his cultivation is enhanced, his talent is also enhanced, and as soon as the blood is stimulated, his strength and speed will be increased accordingly. At least 50% stronger.

The 50% increase in strength is like a secret method that will never go out of style.

And the awakening of the middle-level blood will also be improved in one's body, and the talent will be even greater. After stimulating the power of the blood, one's strength can be doubled.

As for the high-end blood, it is even more terrible. After the awakening, the talent has been greatly improved. After stimulating the power of the blood, the strength is enough to double.

If the previous strength index was one, then after a few points of high-level blood power, it was three, which is even more terrible.

This kind of promotion is not the same as having two more people with the same strength to help them. A double strength improvement is difficult to calculate, and it can even compete with the previous ten.

Black snake blood is a kind of high-order blood.

In fact, the bloodlines of the three major clans are all high-end bloodlines.

Of course, this is not to say that all of the three major clans are awakened by high-order blood, most of them are awakened by low-order blood, a few are awakened by middle-order blood, and those who awaken high-order blood are few. There are few. The younger generations of the three major clans could not find a few.

For example, among the Dongli clan, the younger generation awakens high-end bloodlines, but there are only three of them, and the Dongli green pheasant is one of the best.

In the blood of the same rank, there are some differences, which is the purity of the blood.

Bloodlines with higher purity can not only further enhance their own strength, but also mean deep potential and brighter talent. The improvement of potential and talent will also affect their own cultivation.

The purity of the blood of the snake of Dongli Qingyu is astonishing 30%.

Sancheng sounds low, but it's not low at all, because the blood purity of the other two children is 20% and 10% respectively.

Among the surviving members of the Dongli clan, those who can have 30% purity of high-end blood are less than ten.

When the purity of blood is increased to 10%, it is followed by metamorphosis.

Low-order metamorphosis is promoted to middle-order, middle-order metamorphosis is promoted to high-order, and high-order metamorphosis can be elevated to super-order.

Of course, the improvement of blood purity is very difficult. For most of the blood practitioners, it is impossible, unless it is a great adventure.

As soon as the blood of the high-level black snake was stimulated, the force of tyrannical force filled the body of the Dongli green cricket, and the terrible breath fluctuations continued to fluctuate, bombarding all directions.

The turquoise scorching sun is restrained, as if compressing the overwhelming power into the body of Dongli Qingyan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to make Dongli Qingyan's breath soar again.

Dongli's green lotus was bathed in the blue-gray light, Chen Zong's eyes were extremely sharp, staring, and he saw that light seemed to be interwoven and gathered by countless poisonous snakes thinner than hair.

A long black hair turned blue-grey, dancing wildly in the wind, like countless poisonous snakes dancing, making people feel more secretive and cold.

Dongli Qingyan's eyes also changed greatly, as if she had lost her proper appearance, and became a snake-like vertical pupil, with a blue-gray light flickering in the vertical pupil.

The Qingli Snake Sword buzzed and trembled, constantly releasing more terrible sword qi, and the breath became stronger and more amazing. This is the amazing thing of the Blood Vessel.

Although blood vessels can't be cultivated in advance like natural spirits, if blood vessels practitioners excite their blood power, they will also affect blood vessels and strengthen them.

At this moment, the power of Qingli Snake Sword doubled and became more terrible.

In this state, Dongli Qingyan was in the heyday, and possessed terrible strength.

Standing high, the eyes of Dongli Qingying's cold and vertical pupils gazed at Chen Zong, without any trace of emotion, some were cold and cold, making Chen Zong's body film tingle with subconscious tension, feeling like an ancient poisonous snake It is very uncomfortable to stare at the same and become the other's prey.


Dongli Qingyu ’s body drifts slowly in the mid-air of 100 meters, as if it does not have half the weight, but it will not sway. However, under the eyes of Chen Zong ’s eyes, Dongli Qingyu ’s falling body implies an unspeakable trajectory. It's like a mysterious snake walking in mid-air, and its trajectory is full of inexplicable mysteries and mysteries.

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