Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 29: Space Treasure

The geniuses gathered in the Shenwu Giant City, and the turbulent breath fluctuations permeated in all directions, filling every corner of the Giant City. The vastness and endlessness made the Shenwu Giant City extremely terrible.

An invisible and indifferent breath quietly passed by like a gust of wind, permeating the entire giant city, and every corner was never missed.

"Hahahaha, it's pretty good. I didn't expect that there is still some truth in this true martial arts domain." In the main residence of Shenwu City, an old man in a black robe suddenly opened his eyes, and a faint flash of light flashed through his eyes.

Just now, the old man in black robes performed mysterious exploration and found that there were still some pretty talents in the Shenwu Giant City at this time, which is why he was happy.

Time passed, and it was time for the start of Zhen Wu Zhan Zhan.

"Taoyou, the battle of Zhenwu is about to begin." A loud voice sounded and passed into the ear of the old man in the black robe.

"It's about to start." The old man in the black robe opened his eyes, a smile on his face flashed, and he got up and left.

The center of the Shenwu Giant City has undergone some transformations, and has become huge and empty. Many people come from all directions to gather in this huge empty space.

One by one, the eyes were hot.

Two prerequisites must be fulfilled to participate in the True Martial Fight.

One: less than one hundred years old.

The second: cultivation is not possible.

However, some people will inevitably have a fluke mentality and want to get over the border.

It is difficult to fake in cultivation, because there are so many strong people, it is easy to see through, but it is possible to fake in age.

In this case, it is natural to check it.

The method of checking the age is to verify the blood with treasure, which is very accurate.

After such a double verification, it turned out that many people tried to get rid of their age.

These people also received some punishment, but fortunately, the loss was small.

In the end, there are many people who meet the two conditions. After all, only the upper age limit and the upper limit are restricted, but there is no lower limit.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of people were qualified and qualified to participate in the Zhenwu Peerless Battle.

"Zhenwu Peerless War is divided into two stages, the first stage is the elimination stage, and the second stage is to decide the top 100." The vigorous voice sounded, and it was the Lord of Shenwu City who spoke.

The Lord of Shenwu City sits high and sits in the center, while surrounded by the other strongest men who enter the sacred realm, they are the strongest men from various forces.

Such as the three major nine-star forces, many eight-star forces, and so on, and there are two other giants of the city.

As for the masters of the seven-star power, they are not eligible to be equal with them.

Looking up one by one, staring at the talking **** Wucheng.

"Now, the first phase begins." As the Lord Wu of the Lord of Wuxi dropped, suddenly, a terrible breath slammed into the air, as if a mighty sky came down.

In an instant, everyone was under tremendous pressure.

This pressure comes from above, and from every direction, squeezing crazy, as if squeezing everyone into a fan.

Just moments later, thousands of people could not afford to slump to the ground. Once slumped, the pressure of terror disappeared.

The pressure is gradually increasing, becoming more and more powerful, and more and more people can't bear and collapse. The people who are basically collapsed are either not strong enough or tough enough.

A quarter of an hour!

The Lord of Shenwu City released the breath for a full quarter of an hour before it ended. Of course, the breath released by the Lord of Shenwu City was very weak and weak for him. After all, he was the strongest man in the sacred realm. Once he released all the breath, there were many people present Transcendental and semi-holy levels do not say resistance, it is good to be immortal.

Momentum oppressed for a quarter of an hour!

Hundreds of thousands of eligible people, but most of them collapsed and eliminated, leaving only about 10,000 people in the end.

This group of people is at least ninefold in transcendental realm, and the strongest is high-grade semi-holy.

And these 10,000 talents are the ultimate participants in Zhenwu Battle.

Each of these 10,000 people has extraordinary strength.

Choosing one hundred out of 10,000 people means that there will be 9,900 people who will not be able to go to the Yuan Sanctuary that day. I can imagine how fierce the competition will be.

"Old man ... Ming Daozi." A sound of vicissitudes suddenly sounded, the world was silent, only that voice permeated and passed into everyone's ear.

Everyone also looked up, staring at the tall figure of the old man in black robes.

"The old man is not the cultivation of Zhenwu Realm, but comes from Tianyuan Sanctuary."

As soon as this remark came out, many people's eyes burst into hot glow.

The repair of Tianyuan Sanctuary, the strong one in Tianyuan Sanctuary, that is, the man who proposed the true martial arts battle, and planned to lead the top 100 to Tianyuan Sanctuary to worship the ancestral gate, is the black robe old man in the eyes of everyone .

Ming Daozi!

"Peak into the holy realm." Chen Zong secretly said.

As far as King Taiyuan's memory is concerned, Chen Zong can better judge the opponent ’s approximate behavior through the breath of the other person. Of course, it is just the cultivation. As for the strength, it is impossible to judge directly. Only by seeing or experiencing it can he know. .

However, this old man is the cultivation of the peak of the sanctuary, and is also a strong person in the heavenly sanctuary. It is estimated that his strength is very strong. At the level of the peak of the sanctuary, it may be stronger than most of the scenes.

However, in the end how the strength of the other side, Chen Zong did not care, what really let Chen Zong care about is the opportunity to enter the heavenly realm.

"This time, the old man is going to return to Tianyuan Sanctuary and is going to take some people back to worship the old man's gate. Only the top 100 have this qualification." Ming Daozi continued: "Now, select the top 100 out of you. . "

While talking, Ming Daozi waved his hand, and Jin Guang masterpieced it. Among the golden lights was a city, about the size of a slap.

But when that city flew down, it even kept expanding.


This city fell directly on the huge square that was reconstructed and expanded by the Shenwu Giant City for several months.

When the Golden City Pond fell, the entire Shenwu Giant City shook with it.

The city, which was only the size of a palm, has now become a huge city with a length of ten miles.

Of course, the ten-mile long and wide city is actually nothing, at most, it is just a small city. If it is compared with the Shenwu giant city, it is an infinite number of times, not even one thousandth.

"This city, named Jinguang City, is the same treasure of space." Ming Daozi said, a proud smile on his face.

"The secret of space!" Most people are confused.

But Chen Zong and the strong men who reached the pinnacle of the sacred realm have changed their faces and looked dignified.

In the memory of King Taiyuan, there are naturally various secret treasures. Among them, the more special and precious is the secret treasure of space.

The secret of space is different, if you want to use metaphor, it is to accept the ring.

A small admittance ring, there is a lot of space inside.

Of course, admittance is not a secret of space.

The real space treasure is not only a huge internal space, but also has powers like offense and defense.

In other words, this Cosmopolitan City now looks ten miles away, but the internal space will be larger. As for how big it is, Chen Zong is not clear.

"In this Cotai City, there are thousands of miles in length and width." Ming Daozi continued: "In addition, the gravity in Cotai City will be double the outside world."

"Each of you who enters Cotai City will get a Cotai Mark. This Cotai Mark can be plundered." Ming Daozi continued, with a smile on his face: "Every Cotai Mark will be eliminated by the predators, and eventually get Cotai Mark. The top 100 people are eligible to follow me to Tianyuan Sanctuary. "

"Remember, the battle in Cotai City, life and death conceit, don't take any chances," Ming Daozi added.

"If there is a sceptic, before exiting Cotai City, you can exit on your own." Shen Wucheng said Shen Sheng.

Each of these 10,000 people is a genius. They are all real geniuses. It doesn't matter if you die one or two, but if you die dozens or hundreds, then the loss will be very heavy.

However, going to Tianyuan Sanctuary itself is a rare opportunity, and opportunities are often accompanied by danger.

If you want nothing to gain, daydream.

"It's going to die!" Among the 10,000 people, some people contracted their eyes and hesitated.

They are competing for the so-called top 100, but they also know that their chances are not great. After all, their level is just extraordinary, and they are of a more general level among these 10,000 people.

"I quit."

"I also quit."

Suddenly, many people began to say that they would withdraw from Zhenwu.

No way, of course, chance is important, but it also depends on whether it can be obtained. If you know you ca n’t get the chance, you still have to risk your life and death. It ’s not cost-effective. In case of being killed, everything will be empty ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ why talk about opportunities.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of people said they would quit. These people are basically the weaker of these 10,000 people.

There are almost 9,000 people who have not left.


The top 100 may be able to get it if you work hard and have a little luck.

Some people are lucky and ready to fight, but some people have great confidence in their strength and feel that they can get one of the top 100.

"Now that you have made your decision, then enter Cotai City now." Ming Daozi smiled.

Suddenly, nearly 9,000 geniuses set off together, and quickly headed for Cotai City.

Chen Zong felt that when he touched the layer of golden light outside the city of golden light, a trace of power diffused silently, condensing on the back of his left hand, leaving a golden mark.

Golden Light Mark!

In the next breath, Chen Zong's body crossed the golden light, stepped into the golden light city, stood on the edge of the golden light city, and at a glance, it was a dazzling array of towers, standing in the golden light city, with streets extending in all directions.

But here, there is no one other than the entrant.

Nearly 9,000 entrants were randomly sent to Cotai City, and dispersed directly, so as not to cause a crowded situation as soon as they entered Cotai City.

"Next, I looked for someone else and seized the golden light imprint." Chen Zong said secretly, as soon as his body unfolded, he quickly flew forward along the street.

While exercising, Chen Zong noticed the movements around him.

The force of gravity in Cotai City is double that of the outside world. Performing martial arts here will increase people ’s power consumption.

However, Chen Zong's physique is strong, and such a gravity environment has nothing to hinder him.

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