Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 48: Follow your heart

There are nine realms in the heavenly realm and five realms in the xuanyuan realm. Among them, there are thirty-two houses in the xuanming realm. Each of them is very vast and extremely amazing. Many of them are entangled in competition.

In Zishan Prefecture, there is one of the largest Zishan Towns, which is under the direct control of the main office of Zishan Prefecture. It is the site of Zishan Prefecture, and there are many cities.

In the city of Ziming, Chen Zong stayed in a restaurant with a dignified look. Between the nine spirit wheels running in his body, the powerful and pure super-spiritual force continued to surge away from the back of his left hand.

Chen Zong is trying whether he can eliminate the Heisha mark by his own strength.

Although people in the Heisha Division said that Heisha's mark could not be removed, in any case, they had to try it themselves first.

Several consecutive attempts, or the mobilization of the super-spiritual impact, or the mobilization of the super-dragon-force impact, or the use of the Ziyun Hexing inflammation impact, all failed.

The mark of Heixia, like the bones of the sacrum, could not shake the slightest.

"That being the case, I wrapped it up with my own strength to keep the breath out," Chen Zong said secretly.

During the super-spirit operation, this time, instead of striking the black sha mark, but around the black sha mark, a full circle was formed, and the black sha mark was firmly wrapped to ensure the black sha mark. The breath cannot be leaked out, so it should not be easily perceivable.

As to whether the perception can be completely isolated, Chen Zong did not have much confidence in his heart. The means of the Heisha organization was just beyond his imagination.

But no matter what, at least I do n’t use my left hand to cling to the cloth strips, feel a little, and I ca n’t feel the strange breath on the back of the hand.

However, Chen Zong smiled bitterly.

Because after wrapping the black evil mark in nine layers, one's super-spiritual power will continue to be consumed, and one must continue to operate to supplement it. In this way, one's own super-spiritual power will be restrained.

Although the speed of consumption is not fast, and your recovery speed can keep up, but because of being restrained, some of your super-spiritual power cannot burst out. Try it. It was originally able to play high-end semi-holy level. Strength, can only play to the mid-level semi-holy level.

"Intermediate and semi-holy level ..." Chen Zong smiled bitterly, and his strength suddenly dropped to a level.

However, there is no way. For your own safety, you can only do so temporarily. However, if the danger you encounter exceeds the tolerance limit of the mid-level semi-holy level, you will only be able to burst out of your full strength. At that time, the black mark cannot be covered up. .

After temporarily hiding the black mark, Chen Zong walked out of the restaurant and began to collect all kinds of information.

Limited information was collected in the Hefeng branch of Gufeng House.

Chen Zong did not know that while collecting information himself, several people appeared from the Void Gate of the Void Hall in Zishan City, Zishan Prefecture. They all wore plain robes, their expressions were astonished, and they had a certain high meaning, all over the body. Domineering breath fluctuations.

Go to the Holy Land!

These people are all powerful men.

"According to analysis, if Heixayun Sword did not die in Cangyun Mountain, there is a 70% chance that it will enter Zishan Mansion. The four of us acted individually and must find it out." One of them said.

"it is good."

"As long as he is really in Zishan, I will find him."

"Dare to kill our disciples in Gufeng House. It is not enough to die a hundred times."

These four into the holy realm are the disciples of the ancient robes of the ancient style. They are also the people who have been assigned to pursue the Heishayun sword in Zishan. Of course, they are not entirely sure that the Heishayun sword will come to Zishanfu. After Yunshan, either go to Jinlong Mansion or to Zishan Mansion. According to the analysis of the strong men in the ancient style house, it is estimated that the Heixa Cloud Sword will enter Zishan Mansion.

Of course, some people from Gufeng Mansion entered Zishan Mansion, and some also entered Jinlong Mansion.

As for why they are not wearing purple robes, they are dressing up entirely because this is Zishan House.

A black evil organization, there is competition among the various branches, and naturally there are also competitions in the thirty-two prefectures.

If the disciples of the ancient robes in Zifeng enter Zishan, it will easily attract Zishan's attention. Although there is no danger, other accidents will inevitably occur.

So act low-key.


Collect information and organize analysis.

In Tianyuan Sanctuary, if he wants to cultivate further, there seem to be only two paths to go.

One is to join a certain force and become one of them, as usual, such as Taiyuan Tianzong in the Canglan World or Qingyunzong and Baiyun Mountain in the Lingwu Holy Realm, etc. This path is considered to be Chen Zong very familiar.

The second is to become a casual repairer.

When you join a certain force, you will get a relatively complete training. This is the point that Chen Zong is very familiar with. He is familiar with light roads, and with his own talents, he will certainly be valued.

However, if you become a casual practitioner, it is more free.

After thinking about it, Chen Zong didn't make a decision immediately. After all, he didn't know enough about Tianyuan Sanyu. In this case, let's do a casual repair for the time being.

When used to being a disciple of Zongmen, he may experience the feeling of casual repair.

There is no special reason. The simple one is a thought from the heart. In this case, Chen Zong decided to follow his heart and do a casual repair first. As for the situation later, if there is a really good force, Want to join and join again.

With the deepening of understanding of the true sword of the heart sword, Chen Zong grasped the essence of the essence, which is to follow the true heart.

When you have thoughts, you can start thinking.

Of course, even if Chen Zong became a casual retreat, it was not ordinary retreat.

The vast majority of casual repairs lack inheritance and resources. In terms of inheritance, Chen Zong is not lacking.

Gongfa, there is Taiyuan Moyun Gong of top grade.

In martial arts, there are Taiyuan Moyun fingers of the top grade and several sword grades and body skills of the top grade.

As for the cultivation resources, Chen Zong actually got some from the five heavy gold sha that the Heisha organization entered into the sacred realm. Some people had Yuandan, Diyuandan and Tianyuandan.

The three Yuandans of the Heaven and Earth people are the currency circulating among practitioners in the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary and everyone needs it.

The three types of Yuandan are not real elixirs, but after the refined and magnificent heaven and earth vitality of Tianyuan Sanyu is refined and liquefied to become a pure element liquid, and the element liquid is further purified and condensed.

It can be said that Yuandan is the transformation of heaven and earth's vital energy from gaseous to liquid and finally to solid. A human yuandan is equal to a pound of yuan liquid, and a yuan of yuan is equal to one hundred kilograms of liquid. As for a Tianyuandan, but It's amazing to beat 10,000 jin yuan.

In the transcendent realm, Chen Zong also absorbed fifty kilograms of Yuan fluid in the fierce battlefield, which was greatly improved, but that kind of yuan fluid cannot be compared with the yuan yuan in the Yuanyuan Sanctuary. It contains the same amount. The power is at least ten times different.

Renyuandan is often a currency circulating between the more powerful semi-holy level and the general early stage of entering the holy realm. As for the general supernatural realm, Yuanshi is still used in such a small net worth.

As for the middle stage of entering the sacred realm, it is generally dominated by Di Yuan Dan, while those who enter the sacred realm are mainly dominated by Tian Yuan Dan.

At the same time as the circulation of the three yuandans of the heaven and earth people as currency, it is also a cultivation resource. The semi-holy level can absorb the power of the yuandan, but it cannot absorb the earth yuan and the heaven yuan because the body cannot bear it.

The ancient Fengheixia branch was placed within the five-fold sanctuary of the sacred realm, and there were more than two thousand capsules of Yuandan and three hundred capsules of Diyuandan. As for Tianyuandan, there were only two.

However, the ratio between the three types of Yuandan is one hundred to one.

In a short period of time, Chen Zong did not lack the cultivation resources.

Information collection and analysis, Chen Zong has more understanding of Xuanming Realm.

The areas of the thirty-two provinces are large, small, strong and weak.

The strongest is Yunzhongfu. The weakest does not have a clear statement, about two or three.

Of course, the most powerful thing in the entire Xuanming Realm belongs to Xuanming Realm, which is the largest force in Xuanming Realm.

The head of each government is at least the strongest who has entered the sacred realm, and even the prince who has entered the sacred realm at the king level, the strength is even more terrible.

It is rumored that the owner of the mysterious realm is a quasi-great saint-like powerhouse.

However, these are not the real concerns of Chen Zong. Although the houseowner and the domain owner are powerful, they have nothing to do with themselves. Chen Zong really cares about the information that is beneficial to him.

Immediately leaving, Chen Zong prepared to go to the area under the direct control of Xuanming Palace, which was the center of Xuanming Palace.

Xuanming Realm is a collective name that is full of great boundaries. Among them, Xuanming Realm's central domain and thirty-two prefectures ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The central realm is directly under the control of Xuanming Palace, and thirty-two prefectures are managed Various prefectures are in charge, but at the level, the thirty-two prefectures are lower than the Xuanming Palace, and belong to the Xuanming Palace.

Going to the center of Xuanming Realm, Chen Zong naturally did not want to join Xuanming Palace, but to sharpen himself better.

In fact, many geniuses go to the center of the Xuanming Realm when they go out for training, where they become a place where geniuses concentrate.

With the wealth on his body, it is not enough to pay the void gate of the void temple, and can only rely on his own feet.

It was just that Chen Zong was very unlucky. Just about half a day after leaving Ziming City, a figure flew past him, and a young man in plain robe appeared in front of him.

The young man's eyes flickered sharply and stared at Chen Zong, as if to see Chen Zong through.

"Hei Sha Yun Sword, you can run very well, let me find it for a while." The man gazed at Chen Zong, as if he had recognized Chen Zong, with a tone of seventy or eight.

Chen Zong's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was astonished.

Who is this person?

I was able to recognize myself.

Thinking runs countless times in an instant, and Chen Zong analyzes the cause and effect.

First, the person was judged to be a member of the Gufeng Heisha Division, but it was overthrown.

"Kill me disciple of Qingfeng in the ancient style house, and you still have a code after cutting off your head." The other party spoke again, his expression became colder, but Chen Zong knew the identity of the other party, and Chen Zong was surprised. Yu, my heart sank even more.

His keen thinking suddenly reminded Chen Zong of the cause and effect.

It seems that he did not perform the task, but the Heisha people still completed it, and left the code they took, pushing the responsibility to himself. Even if the other party recognized himself, it was Hexa ’s leak. Your appearance.

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