Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 53: Real opportunity

The hall was empty and seemed endless. Eight ancient silver pillars stood like pillars of heaven. Four blood-rays traveled through and drifted away.

Each of the three figures chased a piece of blood, and every time when they wanted to catch up, they reached out and grabbed it. The blood light suddenly increased in speed and slipped away from their hands.

Several times in a row, Xueguang slipped away from his own hands, but Chen Zong was not angry, but became more calm and calm, carefully watching and feeling.

The trace of blood light is uncertain and there is no trace.

My heart was calm and calm, and the waves couldn't be overwhelmed. Chen Zong stayed in place and seemed to be waiting.

The disciples of the ancient robes of the Purple Robe and the Black Sha Tongsha continued to erupt in pursuit of their own speed, but no matter how their speed increased, they still couldn't catch up with the blood, almost, each outbreak just came close to catching up The feeling of being able to succeed even with the slightest difference makes them fluctuate.

At the corner of his eyes, Yu Guang glanced at Chen Zong's stop and did not continue to pursue Xue Dan. He immediately sneered and disdaind from his heart.

A half-holy level, even if there are some means and talent, but it is still so. In the face of real strength, everything is nothing.

"Well, you are a half-holy class and you are deliberately trying to compete with me for the Blood Dan, which is ridiculous." Disciples of Zifeng of the Disciples of Gufengfu secretly taunted.

Field of Hearts!

Suddenly, the realm of the heart spread out, covering a radius of five meters, and mastering everything within five meters.

"That's ..." The old man suddenly felt an unusual wave in Chen Zong's body, and when he felt it carefully, he was suddenly shocked, and his heart was even more shocked, and a little ecstasy emerged.

At this time, a blood Dan turned into a **** streamer, passing quickly, just a few meters from Chen Zong, just into the envelope of the realm of the heart.

At that moment, Chen Zong grabbed it.

It is like a hand-painted flower, which understates the flowing clouds, and has an indescribable charm that returns to its true meaning.

A faint lingering image remained in the air, and Chen Zong had already stopped, and the blood had disappeared at the same time.

A blood dandelion fell into the hands of Chen Zong.

"So pure energy." Chen Zong felt the fluctuating breath of Xue Dan in his hand and was suddenly shocked.

If you don't take it immediately, put it into the ring and look at another blood dan.

There are four capsules of Xuedan in total, and the other two are chasing one capsule each. Chen Zong has already collected one capsule and the last one is flying around.

Chen Zongmai started his steps. If he walked like a wandering court, he couldn't see his direction, and seemed to be changing with the blood.

The powerful soul gives Chen Zong a stronger sense and insight, and his mind bursts like lightning, constantly deducing calculations.

Chen Zong did not release the realm of the heart all the time, it was very exhausting.

After half a quarter of an hour, the realm of the heart once again excited to cover a range of five meters, waiting for the blood to fly by itself. This is the result of countless deductions by Chen Zong, and it should not be wrong.

Waiting for dozens of breaths again, the realm of the heart keeps consuming the mind, which has been consumed for less than half before a **** light flew by.

As soon as he entered the realm of the heart, Chen Zong directly captured the trajectory and took it.

Start with the second blood Dan.

"Okay." The old man took this scene into his eyes and was even more delighted inside.

The other two also noticed that they were shocked and couldn't believe it.

A semi-holy class, how could it be possible to get Blood Dan faster than the two of them.

The rapid outbreak and the rapid increase in speed are already the secret ways to increase the speed. These kinds of secret methods have a great impact on themselves and are unwilling to cast them. Even if they were not killed when Chen Zong was hunted down before, but now, how can one enter the holy realm? Go down by a semi-holy level.

To fight.

The speed increased, and the body became more rapid and agile. He immediately caught up with the blood, grabbed the blood, and started with blood.

The two also stopped at the same time. The disciples in the ancient robes of the ancient robes were pale and fluctuating. As for the black shaman, it was because they were covered in a black robe and could not see their faces, but the breath was much weaker.

Obviously, the load of the outbreak was great.

"Now that you both got Blood Dan, the old man will give you a chance." The old man's unpredictable eyes swept away, and the three of Chen Zong's hearts suddenly jumped unconsciously: "The old man let you in, just to repatriate Spending time and adding some fun, but now, my husband is in a good mood and decided to give you a chance to get a real chance. "

"True opportunity!" Chen Zong's eyes flashed sharply, and the disciples of the ancient robes of the Purple Robe also became quicker in breath, and the breath of members of the Heisha became more and more volatile.


This old man is unfathomable, and Xue Dan has already shocked them. So what's the real chance?

Wouldn't it be great to get that real chance.

Chen Zong could not help feeling a little excited.

"This cave is called Gusura Palace, but it was left by my master, King Gusula." The old man said again.

"King Shura?" The three of them were stunned. They had never heard of the name, but they could be called kings, either king-level geniuses, or king-level strong ones.

In this case, it is clearly the latter.

So, is the true chance the legacy of King Shura?

Inheritance of a powerful king?

For a while, both of them were excited except Chen Zong.

As for Chen Zong, there is already the memory of King Taiyuan, which is the same as the inheritance of King Taiyuan, so it is more calm.

A true strong man must have strength, but also have a mind. If he is empty and has strength, he does not have a mind, but it is just a role like a reckless husband.

But empty mindedness has no strength, just like the sky tower.

Only when you have both, can you become the strong.

The old man's robe sleeve waved. Suddenly, a buzzing sounded, and the eight ancient silver pillars of the hall shook together. The blood-colored lines above seemed to be activated, such as the dragon and snake dancing, releasing an amazing breath.

Immediately, an ancient silver gate appeared in the hall, and the ancient vastness was deep and magnificent.

There was a line of blood-red lines on the gate. The lines were intertwined with silk threads, and it seemed to be faintly drawn into a figure, and the figure was filled with endless mysteries.


The ancient silver door opened. Behind it, there was a flood of blood. The blood seemed to have countless corpses floating, just like Shura Purgatory, and the terrible evil was permeated. Immediately, the three looked together. Unspeakable thrillers spawn from the deepest heart.

This door seemed to open the way to Shura Hell.

Chen Zong's body was immobile, but his face was dignified, while the disciples of the ancient robes and the members of the Heisha shivered and stepped back unconsciously.

This scene falls in the eyes of the old man, and it has a profound meaning.

"This is a test. If you want to be passed down by my master, you must pass this test." The old man said, his voice was a bit heavy and Xiao Xiao, which made people stunned: "If you fail the test, you will die in it. Whether you want to participate in the test or not is entirely up to you. If you don't want to, the old man will send you away now. "

When they heard that they were going to die, the three looked dignified.

No one wants to die.

But in front of the great opportunity, everyone wants to get it.

Although Chen Zong already has the memory of King Taiyuan, King Taiyuan is the king of Taiyuan, and the other kings are the other kings, each with their own means.

Maybe this ancient Shura king's inheritance is suitable for himself.

Anyway, since I encountered this opportunity, I have to challenge it and get it.

All three are determined and want to get a chance and endure the crisis of death, which is normal.

If you are afraid to retreat because of this, then what chance will you encounter in the future, is it not as worried as fear of retreating, so what kind of cultivation is better to disperse and cultivate to find a remote place to spend the rest of your life.

"Since you are not retreating, then go in." The old man said.

The members of Heisha flickered, their bodies disappeared as if engulfed in blood.

Immediately, the disciples of the ancient robes of the Purple Robe also entered, and Chen Zong entered last.

"I hope you can pass this assessment." The old man mumbled to himself.


The sea of ​​blood is endless, the sea of ​​blood is tumbling, and the intense and intense **** smell is frantic. It keeps drilling into the body from the nostril, and the whole person seems to melt in this blood.

Wherever you look, you can only see the blood.

It seems that a long time ago, Chen Zong's body fell and appeared in a doomsday-like ruined world. The sky was dark red, a ray of blood was surging like a tide, and the situation was endless. Countless blood was drenched, countless cracks appeared in it, countless dead bones were buried in the dark red earth, and the bones were everywhere, making people creepy.

Further afield, Chen Zong saw the amazing red light and terrible heat emitted by magmatic lakes.

The smoldering sulphur smell and **** smell permeated the air, and it was suffocating.

Fierce, evil, endless.

This is like a place of Shura purgatory.

Chen Zong's face was dignified. Such a place is really terrible. The shocking moment of shock is always coming. It seems to erode his mind and become a mad monster who only knows about killing.

But Chen Zong's soul is strong, his will is extremely firm, and he has not been affected. However, this influence is not one-time, but a long-term subtle influence.

Chen Zong is now confused about another point. He entered here to test.

So what is the test?

The old man didn't say the specific content, but just said to test and enter here, that's all.

With doubt, Chen Zong's eyes swept away and he retracted, gazing at one side and moving forward.

Did not say what the test was, was the old man missing? Or is it intentional?

Or, in other words, the content of this test is hidden in it, and you will know it by then.

Anyway, now that you've entered here, let's go, you can't stay still.

A weird sound sounded, and suddenly, from some huge cracks, a creature with a strange appearance quickly climbed out, all black and red, looking like some kind of demon crawling out of hell, showing his teeth and dancing. Extremely amazing, one after another rushed to Chen Zong.

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