Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 61: Tiansha (below)

"No, run away."


In addition, those people saw the killing of the brave man from afar. They were frightened, and immediately turned around and ran, the speed limit broke, and they hated a lot of legs.

The people headed by them were so powerful that they were all beheaded. They must not be opponents, they must run away and report this.

What was originally unpredictable was a major change due to a stranger. Such changes must be reported to the public in any case to respond as soon as possible.

"Friend, kill them soon." The two men who were pursued were seriously injured. When they saw that the pursuers were about to run away, their faces changed greatly, and they immediately shouted to Chen Zong: "Otherwise there will be big trouble."

Chen Zongwen said that his appearance remained unchanged, but he stepped forward, passing by like a blast, the heavy dragon sword swept across the sky, and the dark sword gas was rippling in the air like water.


There were originally thirteen people. Four were killed by Chen Zong, and nine people remained. These nine people had three middle-level and half-level holy levels.

The three middle-level semi-holy levels had the fastest speeds, and the six low-level half-holy levels lag behind. They were immediately overtaken by Chen Zong and beheaded.

"Damn it, fire a wolf smoke bomb." A mid-level semi-holy shouted anxiously.

The fastest middle-level semi-holy level waved suddenly, and a cloud of smoke pierced the sky like a sharp arrow. The thunderbolt exploded at a high altitude, sending out an amazing sound, and a fiery wolf filled the air. , As if the fire was burning like a cloud, amazing breath permeated in all directions.

Incomparably outstanding.

"No, my friend, you go away." The faces of the two injured after the chase suddenly changed, and they yelled at Chen Zong.

Chen Zong chased forward and slashed the three intermediate and semi-holy levels one by one. The evil spirits naturally absorbed into the body were cultivated and used by Chen Xiu in the sea of ​​knowledge.

To put it bluntly, as Shura Chen Xiu wants to cultivate and promote cultivation, the vitality of the heavens and the earth cannot work. Only evil spirits have effect.

Where is the evil?


Killing creates evil spirits.

Of course, Chen Zong will not be transformed into a killing madness, which is inconsistent with his heart.

What's more, the cultivation of the avatar is to improve its strength, but the most important thing is the deity. The deity is fundamental. If the avatar dies, the deity is safe and sound.

孰 Light weight, clear at a glance.

His body flashed, and Chen Zong appeared next to the two people who were severely injured. He took a quick look and took out a few pills to give to the other.

There are elixir for internal injuries and elixir for trauma.

"Thank you." The two did not hesitate, and thanked Chen Zong while taking the medicine.

After all, their lives were counted as Chen Zong's rescue. If Chen Zong was intent on hurting them, why not be so troublesome, a sword would be able to kill them.

"Friend, thank you for your help and rescue. The two of us were able to survive." After taking the medicine, one of them did not immediately run the exercises to catalyze the power of medicine, but said to Chen Zong, very grateful: "But now Friends, you still have to leave right away, or it will be even harder to wait until the master of Sirius Gate arrives. "

"Tell me what is this place? What is the situation?" Chen Zong asked back.

Originally, I didn't intend to intervene and didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, but I had to come to the door by myself.

Trouble is resolved now, but it also brings greater trouble.

Now that you've taken a shot, you can't be unclear about it, you should always understand something.

"Friend, this is Xingyun Mansion." The other party froze a little, realizing that Chen Zong was not a native of the mansion, but an outsider, but it was not surprising that he quickly answered.

"Xingyun Mansion." As soon as Chen Zong's mind turned, a map appeared in his mind.

Before that, Chen Zong had a special understanding of the thirty-two residences of Xuanming Realm, including their location, etc., and had already formed a simple topographic map in his mind.

This line of Yunfu is located next to Zishanfu and connected to Zishanfu.

So, in other words, the old man's senior of the ancient cave of King Shura of King Shura directly sent himself to the end of Cangyun Mountain and just entered the boundary of Xingyunfu.

In this way, it can be regarded as leaving Zishan House, and far away from Gufeng House, avoiding a crisis of being hunted down.

Of course, Chen Zong will not feel complacent.

After all, Xingyun Mansion is next door to Zishan Mansion, and it is only separated from Gufeng Mansion.

Moreover, the Heixa organization is the largest dark force in the mysterious realm, with eyes and eyes spreading in all directions, in case the ancient Fengheixa branch has heard its own news, maybe it will be found.

Chen Zongke didn't know yet. Both Gufengfu and Gufeng Heixa Branch had given up, because after searching for nothing, they all agreed that Chen Zong had died in Cangyun Mountain and was buried in the demon. Beast mouth.

"We are the Liu family. Only then did I chase down those who waited for me, but the doormen of Sirius Gate."

"Our Liu family is one of the big families in Xingyun Mansion. The Zong family is located in Xingyun City, and Sirius Gate is the second strongest force in Xingyun Mansion.

From the words of the other party, Chen Zong knew that there were four strongest forces in this line of Yunfu, headed by Xingyunfu itself, and down to Sirius Gate, the Liu Family, and the Lin Family.

The Lin family has always been relatively low-key, rarely participating in battles, and often maintaining neutrality.

Xingyun Mansion is naturally the strongest force and dominates everything, and Sirius Gate has always been overbearing and fierce. This time it will do something to the Liu family, but also because of some resource conflicts. The Liu family was caught off guard to seize that resource.

According to the other side, the resource is a mine that produces black steel ore, which can be extracted from black steel. It is one of the superior materials for casting weapons and is very suitable for semi-holy artifacts.

Tianyuan Sacred Realm is not comparable to the four upper realms. The number of semi-sacred artifacts is far superior, and it can be described as a mainstream weapon.

Even some transcendental realms may have semi-holy artifacts.

As for the semi-holy masters, almost all have semi-holy masters available, plus many semi-holy masters, the semi-holy masters are very popular.

Hot sales represent wealth.

The wealth is very exciting. For the big powers, the expenditures required are many, and naturally they must find ways to get wealth.

Sirius Gate has grown to this day, and it has been inseparable from their actions, and every time they have done it very quickly and secretly, it is too late for others to know.

Although Xingyun Mansion is powerful, it is at most a warning, and there is no substantial action.

As a result, Sirius Gate's actions became more overbearing.

In the past, Sirius Gate focused on the weaker forces. They suffered losses, but they could not fight, but this time, Sirius Gate focused on Liu's Xuangang Mine.

Xuangang Mine is far away from Xingyun City, and it is just an ore suitable for semi-sacred vessels. The Liu family does not attach too much importance to it. I also believe that no one dares to start with the resources of the Liu family. One of the forces.

Because of this, Sirius Gate successfully succeeded in one operation.

The strongest who guarded the mines only entered the sanctuary, there were only two, the other were semi-holy, and only the two of them escaped. They were originally killed. Thanks to Chen Zong, but also to Sirius. The people at the door intended to kill people to avoid leaking news.

Otherwise, they won't be able to speak here.

There seems to be a lot of content, but in fact, I just finished speaking in a few words, and the time is very short.

"Friend, thank you for your help. I am grateful for it, but I ca n’t appreciate it now. We must send the news back to the family as soon as possible to allow the family to respond as soon as possible. In the future, friends will come to Liu's house again. We will thank you very much. "One of them said quickly, sincerely saying:" Now, my friend is leaving as soon as possible, lest he be a master at Sirius Gate. "

"It's too late to leave now." The chilling voice suddenly sounded, and from near to far, an overcast wind struck, with a terrible evil.

The two and a half holy faces of the Liu family suddenly changed dramatically.

They recognized this voice, which was one of the Sirius Gate masters who attacked Xuangang Mine this time, a strong man who entered the sacred realm.

"Friend, please hurry up, if you can, please bring the news to the Liu family in Xingyun City." The two leaped up and said to Chen Zong, rushing forward while flashing.

The approach of the two was somewhat unexpected by Chen Zong.

To this day, Chen Zong has gone through countless things and has seen a lot. Generally speaking, when he encounters this situation, he immediately turns around and runs, many.

But like this, knowing how to defeat the enemy but stepped forward without hesitation, rarely.

The two of them reacted quickly, but Chen Zong responded more quickly, and immediately went past the two of them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Facing the sacred power of Sirius Gate.

Through breath perception, Chen Zong discerns the practice of the other party.

Enter the Holy Land!

It is almost at the early to middle level, and it will not exceed the later period.

In this way, one can fight.

If it was before, with high-level semi-holy strength, Chen Zong naturally avoided it, but now there is Shura's avatar, Chen Zong is not afraid.

A sanctification can be a battle.

Chen Zong is very clear that with his own deity's strength, he is not a heavy opponent to the sanctuary, which has been proven before.

Even the most common early stage of entering the sacred realm, the strength is also very strong, far better than the ordinary high-end semi-holy level.

The other party appeared, with a grim-looking face like a wolf, and his eyes twinkled with faint light. First, they swept the Liu family and fell on Chen Zong's body.

"Dead!" He shouted sharply, grabbing his sharp claws, tearing in the cold light, traversing with terrible killing intentions.

"Nine magic changes!"

Body change, dangerously avoiding the opponent's blow, approaching in an instant, Chen Zong did not hesitate to let Shura play the Tiansha force field as a split, and released instantly.

Seeing that Chen Zong actually avoided his own blow, the strong man who entered the sacred realm was a little surprised, but when he saw that the other party did not escape, he rushed to himself, and a cruel smile appeared on his face.

At the next breath, his complexion changed, and he felt an indescribable force descended directly on his own body, invaded his mind, and was astonishing. The blood of the corpse mountain spread in front of his eyes, the river was scarlet, and the bones were white.

The mind is attacked and disturbed. The strength is fluctuated and directly suppressed, and its strength can only play 50%.

This is undoubtedly terrible. One's strength is suppressed by 50%, and only 50% can be exerted, which is very unfavorable.

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