Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 70: Mixed yuan is not broken

The nine magic changes!

The figure flickered, split into two in an instant, a sword killed the sky, and a sword swept out.

"What is it?"

"So smart?"

Seeing Chen Zong split into two, he exclaimed one by one.

The four figures staggered in an instant, and Chen Zong felt that Lin Heming, who had been slain from the ground, was actually just a ghost image, just to confuse himself, but as real, very brilliant.

Chen Zong's body style also shocked Lin Heming.

The figures staggered, but they fought dozens of times.

Lin Heming waved between his hands, changing rapidly, but was unable to break Chen Zong's sword and attack Chen Zong.

The two landed together, their bodies turned around, and rushed towards each other at an extremely fast speed. Their bodies were elegant and agile.

"Yunhe eight must!" Whispered, Lin Heming's hands were filled with jade white luster, revealing astonishing sharpness like gold and iron, like a sword.

One hand is like a white crane's wings, permeating the amazing luster and sharpness of a sword, and the other hand is like a white crane's pointed mouth, which can penetrate the world and sometimes change into sharp claws, tearing the sky.

Point, cut, wipe, tie, crack ...

Instantly, Lin Heming's hands changed into many moves, each of which was unique and powerful.

Each move is not only light and elegant, but also tricky and secretive. It is also sharp and sharp, with several energies intertwined and intertwined, giving out even more amazing power.

"Okay, the master's Yun Heba's eight hands are getting more and more exquisite." Lin Heming's servant was secretly excited. He followed Lin Heming for many years and also saw Lin Heming's cultivation and practice, so he knew something.

So the servant was determined, and the master won.

But the next scene made him feel incredible and shocked.

The challenger blocked Yun Heba's best move.

"What sword trick is that?"

"Dripping water is not leaking or airtight."

"There are such moves."

One by one exclaimed for Chen Zong's sword strokes.

Five-foot circle, sword circle is not broken.

Although Lin Heming's Yun Heba's eight hands are extremely delicate, they are completely blocked by Chen Zong's sword-breaking circle.

Since understanding the mystery of the heart sword, this non-breaking sword circle has become more and more perfect.

Unless Lin Heming beats Chen Zong many in absolute strength, it is difficult to break the sword circle.

Lin Heming was extremely shocked. This is the first time he has encountered such opponents. In the past, if he exhibited Yun Heba ’s smash, he would defeat the opponent in a short time. After all, Yun Heba ’s smash is very exquisite. The application is extremely clever.

Either, the opponent tried his best to resist, but was defeated and defeated by his own Yun Heba.

Or, the opponent's strength is better than himself, which in turn defeats him.

As now, it was the first time to completely block his own attack.

Lin Heming even created a feeling from the bottom of his heart that no matter how he attacked, he couldn't break the sword circle.

If you can't break the sword circle, you can't attack the opponent, let alone defeat the opponent.

It seemed like a sudden deadlock.

Chen Zong is also very surprised. This Lin Heming's moves are extremely delicate and powerful. Under normal conditions, Chen Zong finds himself facing his attack and can only resist, but has no counterattack.

This also shows that Lin Heming's strength is very strong.

For a while, Chen Zong didn't mean to fight back. He exhibited a sword-breaking circle to resist Lin Heming's attack, while carefully observing the mystery of Yun Heba's unique skills.

This martial art is very clever, concentrating and concentrating strength continuously, on the edge of the palm on the five fingers, avoiding waste, and can exert the power of its own power to the extreme.

And the speed of each shot varies, making it difficult to grasp the rhythm and law, the strength is uncertain, it is even more difficult for people to grasp the force when responding.

If it is too light, then it cannot be resisted. If it is too heavy, the strength is too strong and erratic, and it will be caught by the opponent.

Moreover, its moves are varied and even more elusive. This is a very advanced martial art. Perhaps at the level of sacred level, the grade is not high. , The power is absolutely mysterious.

Other mountain stones can attack jade!

Why Chen Zong came to Xuanming Central Area was not to compete with other geniuses.

The reason why we have to compete with other geniuses is to sharpen ourselves by seeing other geniuses.

Lin Heming, as a top ranking player, is highly advanced, and also has martial arts accomplishments.

In other words, this is a good whetstone.

Of course, you need to be cautious when choosing a sword, or you won't be able to sharpen your sword, but it will not be impossible to grind your sword.

A quarter of an hour!

Lin Heming displayed Yunhe's hands for an entire quarter of an hour, continuously attacked, and tried from all directions in all directions, but constantly fast or slow, whether strong or weak, whether dignified or tricky, all were intercepted by Chen Zongyi. .

That sword seemed to have a unique spirituality, keeping all the dead corners intact.

It was as if he had known his attack and intercepted it, as if he had attacked the sword on purpose.

With each attack, the sword will burst out with amazing power and make Lin Heming have to spend more power to disintegrate.

Obviously the opponent is not as good as himself in strength, but his swordsmanship is extremely exquisite, especially this defensive swordsmanship, which can be said to be unbroken.

"There is no such thing as unbreakable in the world. See me Lin Heming smashes you." Lin Heming was also inspired by ambition and strong fighting spirit.

The breath became stronger and stronger, and deep in Lin Heming's eyes, there seemed to be a white bloom.

One arm, a short robe grinning, seems to be blown by the wind, full of vitality, diffused between the arms, seems to change into wings.

"Yunhe is a must ... Heyi cut it!"

Drinking in my heart, the momentum also increased sharply, my heart was like a knife, white cranes bright wings, arms raised and merged, the amazing sharpness bloomed from the edge of the palm.

The arm is like a knife.


One arm shot down, as if the sky knife came into the world.

This knife, when viewed from a distance, looks like a huge white crane waving its wings.

It was cut with a knife, and the scream of high altitude was amazing.

This knife was as white as the wings of a white crane, and fluttered like a cloud of heaven, as if splitting the Wudoutai and the sky in two moments.

Everyone outside Wudoutai was frightened, and just felt this knife, it seemed to split themselves up, terrified.

Chen Zong looked dignified.

Crane wings cut!

It was so strong and strong, the astonishing knife pressure came, and Chen Zong gave birth to a feeling of incompetence. It seemed that he could not completely resist it without breaking the sword circle.

This knife not only has terrible power, but also has amazing mystery, enough to break through the normal sword-breaking circle.

This kind of strength, even if it is unusual in the first stage of the sacred realm, can still barely compete with one or two.

Although Chen Zong had previously beheaded a sacred place, it was in the case of using the Tiansha force field and other means. Now he is fighting Lin Heming. Chen Zong did not intend to use such means.

But the people in the bottom list are indeed very strong, and they are not trivial.

So, how strong should the top 10 players be?

Can it really counterbalance the sacredness of the ordinary?

Or ... into the holy realm?

In the four major domains, the common sense that Chen Zong knew, the semi-holy level could not fight into the sanctuary, let alone beheaded.

However, after coming to the Heavenly Realm, Chen Zong himself did it. Although he relied on the power of Shura's avatar, anyway, at least on the surface, he did it, killing one and entering the holy realm.

You have it yourself, and others may have it.

Tianyuan Sanctuary is the highest place in the sacred realm of Lingwu. The practice path is the most prosperous, the resources are the most abundant, and the inheritance is the most complete and profound. Everything is possible.

Chen Zong flatly does not arrogantly, thinking that he is the best, the most fortunate, and the most wise, the world is so big, the cultivator is so many, and the genius is so outstanding.

But it is because of this that the world is more exciting.

The thoughts flickered by, just in an instant. With Chen Zong's current thinking speed, it had no effect at all.

After all, his cultivation is actually too low. On the surface, it is a medium-level semi-holy level, but it is a limit of transcendental realm, and the gap between the high-level semi-holy level is huge.

The slashing of the crane wings suddenly increased Lin Heming's strength a lot. His power was terrible. It was even more arrogant than the big man with a giant axe in Sirius Gate that day. One sword was enough to kill him.

This knife ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ also brings a lot of threats to Chen Zong.

"The realm of the heart!"

Suddenly, when the mind was moved, the power of the mind was consumed, and the invisible power pervaded, covering five meters.

Everything in the five meters was clearly perceived by Chen Zong. The pure white sword slashed into the realm of the heart, and the speed seemed to decrease suddenly and slowly.

However, in the eyes of outsiders and Lin Heming, the crane wing chopping has not actually slowed down, and the speed is still amazing. It seems to split the heavens and the earth, but after entering the realm of the heart, these five-meter circles are clearly perceived by Chen Zong, which is more than usual Strong, ten times stronger, so in Chen Zong's perception, Crane Wing Chop seems to have slowed down.

The strength of that knife light was also more acutely and clearly grasped by Chen Zong.


It seems to resist, it seems to fight back, and follow the weakness to kill.

The crane wing chopping light suddenly trembled, bursting out with a terrible power.

But in the realm of the heart, Chen Zong's perception was also magnified ten times, and the sword speed was amazing.

From the outside, only the flicker of the sword light blocked the pure white knife light and broke it.

Immediately, the blood glow permeated the air, and it turned out to be a burst of air.

Sword of blood!

This sword seems to be more advanced than before.

Lin Heming's heart suddenly burst, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly displayed his body skills. He was as flexible and fast as Baihe Xiangkong, and quickly avoided. A bright blood flower bloomed in front of his eyes, and it seemed to cover a world. Immediately, a little blood was like a flower. Spit out, bursting out at an alarming speed, killing like a lightning burst.

Too fast!

Unparalleled speed, it's astonishingly fast.

Suddenly, Lin Heming's body was pierced, bringing a shadow of blood flying into the sky, and the blood beads glittered in the sun.

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