Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 72: Tianjiao Wine Tasting

In Xuanming City, there are Xuanming District, and Xuanming District has a total of 108.

This is Xuanmingcheng's preferential treatment for the Mingbang Tianjiao.

As for the strong men on the mysterious list, all of them are at least ninefold in the sacred realm. They are either important figures of great power or peerless strong men in casual repairs, and they will basically not stay in Xuanming City.

The 108 Xuanmingyuans are not completely adjacent, but are separated from each other by a distance of about several kilometers, so that the usual practice will not affect the other party.

Similarly, there are semicolons in the 108 Xuanmingyuans. The highest number is the highest, and the lowest number is the 108th. This is the difference.

However, most of the Mingbang Tianjiao are not in the city. A considerable part of them come from various major forces. They usually either go out to practice or stay in their respective forces to refine.

On the 84th, two people were drinking alcohol in Xuanmingyuan.

A man in a purple robe seemed to be noble, but his eyes were narrow and long, giving a cold feeling.

A man dressed in black, perfectly set out a steel-cast iron-cast muscle profile perfectly, sitting there, like a mountain of iron, suppressing in all directions, unmatched.

"Lin Heming was defeated by a newcomer, which is really a bit unexpected." The young man with a strong body like an ancient animal grinned, immediately grabbed the sea bowl and drank it, and immediately drank the water in the sea bowl.

"Lin Heming is just a waste of exhausted potential. It will be sooner or later to be defeated." The young man in the purple robe with narrow eyes narrowed his eyes. It's nothing. "

"That being said, but this person is a mid-level and semi-holy practice, and his strength can continue to improve."

"Even if it is promoted again, at most it is included in the top 100, it is not a concern." The youth of Zipao still disdain.

However, he is ranked 84th on the Hades list and has very strong strengths, such as Lin Heming, but he can be defeated in a few moves. A person who has to exhaust his strength to defeat Lin Heming is nothing at all.

Hearing this from the Zipao youth, the young black youth did not say anything.


Chen Zong lived in No. 105 of Xuanmingyuan, and the original owner Lin Heming naturally brought his own things and left.

"It's so full of vitality." When Chen Zong walked into Xuanmingyuan No. 105, he was suddenly surprised.

The strength and purity of the heaven and earth here is more than double that of the restaurant where I lived before.

Staying in such a place for a long time is very beneficial to the improvement of Xiu Wei, even if Xiu Wei reaches the limit, it is also good.

The space here is not very large, and the layout is relatively simple, but it looks very comfortable. It seems to have been laid out with clever techniques, which will make it easier for people to enter the state of cultivation.

"Yes." Chen Zong secretly rejoiced, but did not expect that once a sharpening, he could get such unexpected benefits.

As for how Lin Heming was, Chen Zong didn't think much about it and left after losing. The world is so simple and straightforward.

"The bottleneck for practicing Qi is slightly loose, so I will try to see if I can practice the ninth layer of Taiyuan Mo Yungong." Chen Zong secretly settled in this 105th Xuanmingyuan and started practicing.

And the outside world, because Chen Zong defeated Lin Heming and lively.

Immediately, some information about Chen Zong was also excavated, but not much was excavated. It was only known that he was a casual repairer and came from Zishan Prefecture.

Of course, the so-called saying that from the small place in Zishan Prefecture with the master for many years until the death of the Supreme Master recently, it is an excuse made by Chen Zong.

After all, this world is very complicated, and some high-profile people do not show up. They are indifferent to fame and fortune in a remote place. They will teach some disciples, and wait until a certain level, then let the disciples go out to practice and sharpen themselves.

Although there are not many such examples, they are real, so it is not easy to cause suspicion.

Even if some people want to follow up, it will be difficult for them to find any evidence to prove that Chen Zong is lying.

If Chen Zong said that he came from Gufeng House, if people in Gufeng House knew that there would be no other unnecessary changes.

"From Zishan Mansion, named Chen Zong ..." Li Xielang, who had just arrived in Xuanming City, heard the news and seemed to think of something. His eyes suddenly burst into a sharp coldness, which was like cold electricity. .

"Uncle Liu, please ask for more detailed information." Li Xielang said to the middle-aged person who was next to him.

"OK." The middle-aged man looked dumb, and the answer was very simple.

"If it's you, it's just ..." A flash of horrific murderousness flashed through Li Xielang's eyes.

"Well, that guy looks familiar."

"I recognize that he is a fierce wolf, the Tianjiao of the 93rd in the Ming Dynasty."

Pedestrians stared at the figure in a black robe embroidered with silver wolf and exclaimed.

"These days seem to be a little bit unusual.

"Don't you know, the wine made by that one is about to open again."

"Oh, Tianjiao Wine Tasting is about to start again."

"Come on, it should be this month."

"The one who made the wine is not ordinary. If you are lucky enough to taste a glass, there is no regret in this life."

"Haha, you think it's beautiful, but unfortunately, only real geniuses are eligible to be invited."

"But I don't know who will be invited this time."

"Of course, those who are on the bottom of the list will be invited, and in the past, if they are in the city, chances are that they will also be invited, and some other talented rookies should also be invited."

Judging from the past Tianjiao wine tasting, this seems to be the case, if there is no change this time.


"Ten years of pots and pots, sun and moon refining the body ... Tianjiao wine tasting conference." Chen Zong stared at the turquoise fluorescent posts in his hands, looked at the contents, and whispered to himself.

In this fluorescence, it seems that there is a fragrance of wine.

Chen Zong's nose twitched several times unconsciously, trying to distinguish the fragrance of the wine, but the fragrance of the wine is very subtle, if not, it seems like a subtle fragrance floating, so that Chen Zong seems to grab, but again Unable to grasp and constantly affect Chen Zong's mind.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zongping recovered, but a smile hanged at the corner of his mouth.

To be honest, Chen Zong has been completely aroused interest.

Tianjiao Wine Tasting Conference or something, this wine only interested Chen Zong.

In addition to swords, fine wine is also one of Chen Zong's preferences. Every time I go to a new place, I must find a famous restaurant to taste some fine wine.

"But this day's proud wine tasting conference seems to have some meaning. I have to ask someone to ask." Chen Zong, who was already interested, stepped out of No. 105 Xuanmingyuan and strode outside.

Chen Zong can only be regarded as a newcomer. He has a more one-sided understanding of the history of Xuanming City. He just heard about this proud wine tasting conference.

As the person receiving the invitation, if you do n’t understand it, then you do n’t know anything.

However, those who grew up in Xuanming City knew quite well the so-called Tianjiao Wine Tasting Conference, and it was not long before Chen Zong got relevant information.

"So it is." Chen Zong suddenly realized.

This so-called Tianjiao Wine Tasting Conference is actually more personal.

It was initiated by a senior man with a strange temperament who lived in Xuanming City privately. This senior man has a good wine and also likes his own winemaking. The wine he produced is not only delicious, but also very memorable and extraordinary. Effect.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of preferences or other reasons. Since 80 years ago, this predecessor held a wine tasting conference every ten years. The invitation was only for the young geniuses who did not enter the sanctuary Only qualified geniuses qualify for invitations.

In addition, it would happen to be in the Xuanming City that day. If not, the senior man would not bother.

Basically, as long as they are in Xuanming City, those who have been on the list and those who have been on the list will get an invitation, and those who can get invitations are often not very old but have extraordinary talents. Although it is not on the list, it has good talent and potential, and it is a rising star.

"Souvenir of the wine, really interesting." After Chen Zong explored the news, he returned to the Xuan Ming Yuan No. 105 in Xuan Ming District.

However, when he just came to his own Xuanmingyuan, Chen Zongdun stopped at ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ because there were two figures coming forward.

One was a young man in a black robe, with sharp corners, cold eyes, and a trace of green awns. The vicious wolf that seemed to be hidden in the dark, aimed at the prey, and would kill him prey at any time, killing the prey. Shred.

The cold and horrifying eyes of the young man in the black robe stared at Chen Zong through hundreds of meters, as if to see Chen Zong through.

Chen Zong stunned for a moment, then his eyes narrowed, and he felt a threat from the opponent. It seemed that this person's strength was stronger than Lin Heming.

Immediately, Chen Zong also noticed that the middle-aged man next to the youth in black clothes was cold and old-fashioned, and looked dumb, but it brought a greater threat, causing Chen Zong's heart to contract suddenly.

Very strong!

This middle-aged man is definitely a strong man who has entered the sacred realm, and is not comparable to the double and double sacred realm. Even if he uses the Shura avatar himself, it is probably not his opponent.

"You are Chen Zong, good for killing me Sirius's concubine Chen Zong?" The black wolf young Li Xielang opened his mouth, his voice was extremely cold, and he brought a sharp cold wind and cold assault.

"Sirius Gate." As soon as Chen Zong's pupils contracted, something unexpected.

I didn't expect to be here to meet people at Sirius Gate.

This is the Xuanming District, and people who are not in the Xuanmingyuan can't come in and out at will, in other words, this person is most likely to be the arrogant on the list.

Moreover, this person was still from Sirius Gate, and Chen Zong understood the purpose of the other party.

However, Chen Zong was not afraid, and the only thing he was afraid of was the silent middle-aged man who was very threatening.

Fortunately, this is Xuanming District. Xuanming District has the rules of Xuanming District. You cannot fight here. If there is any contradiction, go to Wudoutai to solve it.

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