Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 7: Mysterious order

"So daring!"



"Big brother is willing to solicit you, it is a gift for you, it is a great gift. You refused, but you didn't say a word." Sima Rou, like an enraged tigress, was so fierce that she rushed to tear Chen Zong apart.

Sima Li glared at Chen Zong, killing his mind and killing him, his sharp eyes seemed to pierce Chen Zong.

However, no matter how angry or ridiculed Chen Zong was, Chen Zong's look remained unchanged and completely ignored.

Big Sima!

Sima Huanyu!

The ninth list!

so what?

Chen Zong's ambition is very big, how would he be willing to fall below others and become a vassal.

"The courage is pretty good." The young man in a black gilt battle armor secretly said with a little appreciation in his eyes.

If Sima Huanyu is solicited and ecstatically worships, it is a waste, an insult to the name of Mingbang Tianjiao.

Chen Zong's refusal made Sima Huanyu and Sima Huanyu's eyes flash a cold mang. The cold mangson was extremely cold and sharp, as if tearing heaven and earth across eternity. Chen Zong suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

It was like when the tiger was staring in the forest when it was still very weak, it was extremely strong.

Sima Huanyu was killing himself.

Chen Zong is extremely sure about this.

However, under such occasions, Sima Huanyu, regardless of identity, will not take any action, but it may not be necessary if it is elsewhere.

In any case, Sima Huanyu's strength is now much stronger than himself. Against him, unless he uses the Shura avatar, he is not an opponent with his strength.

But Chen Zong is not afraid. When he really wants to attack himself, under the crisis of life and death, the power of Shura's avatar must also be used, and it is not even impossible to let Shura's avatar shoot directly.

Everything, on the premise of being alive.

It is undeniable that this battle made Chen Zong thoroughly famous.

Sima, who is a direct child of Tianjiao, who defeated the Sima family, rejected countless people from the ninth peerless Tianjiao Sima in front of countless people. Is there anything more powerful than this?

"It's a good thing, it really deserves to be the representative of our group." As soon as the group of non-committees became excited, unknowingly, Chen Zong was regarded as the representative figure of the younger generation of group-intervention, and he was shared by all.

"It's an idiot, he turned down Sima's offer."

"Indeed, he must have inflated his confidence. He was too self-righteous and took a step to the sky."

For many people, following Sima Dasha's peerless arrogance is equivalent to embarking on a road to heaven.

In this way, people who originally saw Chen Zong's unhappiness became more and more ridiculed of Chen Zong, but those who originally admired Chen Zong were even more admired.

Whoever has the guts, even if he wants to refuse, will euphemistically refuse to offend Sima Huanyu, instead of directly rejecting, like Chen Zong, lofty words.

This is momentum!

Also faith!

Chen Zong didn't feel arrogant, because what he said was not vain, but a goal that he was confident to achieve.

The heart is so, there is no need to hide.

That rhetoric said that even though it offended Sima Huanyu, even though it became the focus of many discussions in Xuanming City, Chen Zong had a feeling of transparency inside and outside, and his heart was as smooth as running through the mud. Endlessly.

After defeating Simali, Chen Zong lived in the 76th Xuan Ming Yuan. This Xuan Yin Yuan is larger, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth is also more intense and pure, which is more conducive to cultivation.

Zheng Tuo brought Nan Wukong to visit, and Chen Zong was naturally warmly entertained.

"Although I saw you upset before, but now I can only admire you." Nan Wukong stared at Chen Zong and said seriously, not irony, but a kind of words and admiration from the heart.

If he was replaced by Sima Huanyu himself, would he accept or reject it?

Nan Wukong himself did not know clearly, and even if he refused, he would not be as lofty as Chen Zong.

To most people, Chen Zong is arrogant and ignorant, but a few people can see the kind of self-confidence that comes from the heart and from the soul of Chen Zong.

"I have long admired it," Zheng Tuo laughed.

"Then you come to me to express your admiration, don't worry about being remembered by Sima Dasha." Chen Zong asked with a smile.

Chen Zong's counter-question caused Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong to be a little surprised. When they came, they didn't consider so much. So to say, it is indeed possible to indirectly offend Sima Da to be remembered.

"Well, although I'm not as good as that Sima, but if you want to deal with me, you will have to tear off a piece of flesh." Nan Wukong snorted coldly, and his words were sharp, revealing an indescribable determination and ruthlessness .

"The name of the wild cut is not fictional." Zheng Tuo laughed.

Although not as good as Sima Huanyu, he is not afraid.

Every Tianjiao who can be ranked on the bottom of the list is very strong.

If it is because of this fear, what cultivation is better to talk about, it is better to disperse to cultivate as an ordinary person, marry a wife and have children, and farm and hunt.

They were not afraid, and Chen Zong naturally would not turn them away, but took out ten years of Qiankun Sun and Moon Wine to entertain them.

When they drank, they were shocked at once, but Chen Zong just smiled slightly and didn't explain more, which seemed to them both more and more unpredictable.

Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong did not stay long after the visit. After Chen Zong sent them out of the Xuanmingyuan, they turned on the protective power of the Xuanmingyuan again. After closing the gate, they continued to practice.

The practice of Qi training has just broken through to the mid-level semi-holy level, while the practice of refining the body is only the limit of the low-order semi-holy level, and there is still great room for improvement.

Furthermore, several disciplines of qi and martial arts can be further refined.


Chen Zong felt that time was very important, and he wished to use one day as two days and three days.

The growth environment from the beginning is not as good as many of my peers, especially after coming to the heavenly sanctuary, the gap is more obvious.

The genius of Tianyuan Sanyu not only has a better growth environment than itself, but also the cultivation environment. The inheritance and the guidance of the strong are all above themselves.

Naturally, they will be strong.

But most of you have been relying on your own ability to cultivate step by step until now. Now when you come to Tianyuan Sanctuary, you still need to rely on your own ability to cultivate, fight, and improve.

If you are lazy, you will lag behind others.

He does have some talents and is improving, but others are not bad, and he is also improving.

Cultivate, compete with yourself and others, and even with heaven and earth.

Three days later, a major event happened.

In the 73rd Xuan Ming Yuan, Chen Zong looked at the black token in his hand and stared at the font on it.

"Xuanming Order."

The dark triangle of this irregular triangle is about half the size of a slap. I do n’t know what the material is. The tentacles are cold and very heavy. It was sent by a strong man who had recently entered the Holy Land.

The man who entered the sacred realm claimed to be Xuanming Palace.

Any Tianjiao on the Ming list is eligible to get a piece of Xuanming.

According to the Xuanming Palace strongman who sent the Xuanming Order, this Xuanming Order is related to the Xuanming Small World, which is a small world controlled by Xuanming Palace, and it is a place full of opportunities. Small world.

For any practitioners below the sanctuary, the opportunity of the Xuanming Small World is enough for them to have a clear promotion, even reborn.

For a long time, the Xuanming Palace's small world was not open to the public. Only the outstanding disciples of Xuanming Palace were eligible to enter. This time, however, I did not know why, and even issued a Xuanming order to the Tianbang.

There are a few disciples in the Xuanming Palace, which are naturally qualified to enter the Xuanming Small World.

At the same time, a rule also spread out. Before the Xuanming Small World opened, any practitioner who entered the sanctuary would hope to get Xuanming Order and enter the Xuanming Small World.

That's the challenge!

As long as you defeat any of the Phantom Tianjiao, you can capture the Xuanming Order from them.

There was even a small news report that when the Xuanming Small World opened, it would not recognize anyone.

In other words, at the beginning it was Xingming Tianming who received the Xuanming Order, but when the Xuanming Small World opened, he only needed to hold the Xuanming Order to qualify.

It may seem simple, but the subtleties in it are worth studying.

That is to say, it is not limited to challenge Mingbang Tianjiao to defeat it, to get Xuanming Order, but also to obtain Xuanming Order through other methods, such as stealing, threatening, etc.

Regardless of the process, just look at the results.

Xuanming Palace did not admit such a gossip ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but did not deny it. Keeping a silent attitude makes people speculate that it seems true and false.

Under the benefit, people will always be tempted, or even risked, to do something that violates the rules.

The importance of the Xuanming Small World is beyond imagination, and its attraction is beyond imagination.


"As far as I know, the small world of Xuanming is one of the important places of Xuanming Palace. It opened only once in a hundred years. There are many opportunities in it. Rare opportunities are not to be missed."

"Yes, so we must get at least a mysterious order, and let the best disciples under the door enter."

The forces of Tianjiao disciples who are not on the Mingbang list have held emergency meetings one after another. How can they better get the Xuanming Order from the Mingjiao Tianjiao?

"These are the disciples of Xuanming Palace, and they must not be provoked. These are the disciples of the four major forces. Don't provoke them."

"Then the rest of these, the first ones to start with are these people."

Talking while sketching out the list.

There are 108 arrogant people in the Mingbang list, of which more than thirty come from the five major forces in the Xuanming Realm, most of them come from the powerful forces in the thirty-two provinces, and a small part come from small forces or directly from casual repair.

The five forces of Xuanming Realm are the most powerful and cannot be provoked or difficult to provoke. Therefore, if you want to get Xuanming Order, you can only start from the arrogance of the Mingbang outside the five forces.

The best are those scattered repairs, followed by the small forces who are arrogant, and again, the big forces are arrogant. As for the five forces, they are considered superpowers and are directly excluded.

The Xuanming small world is important. It is extremely attractive and naturally makes people feel emotional.

As one of the Sanjiao Tianjiao on the Ming list, Chen Zong was also spotted. nt

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