Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 12: Small world opens

(National Day Mid-Autumn Festival eight days off, you are awesome, Liu Da is still the same code word, this code word life is day and night)

"After Xuanming Small World, you and I will fight again." Wu Feng's voice was as cold as a knife, cut through the sky, straight through Chen Zongshihai.

"OK." Chen Zong responded.

In the first battle of the day, although I won, I did not win easily. Wu Feng ’s knife was pure and impressed me. Now Wu Feng looks sharper than that day, obviously strength. Both the knife and the sword have obvious improvement.

This is a good opponent, Chen Zong secretly.

Either strong or good opponent, suitable, can sharpen oneself, is a good opponent.

In the Xuanming Valley, the disciples of Xuanming Palace are gathered together, the disciples of Chaoyangmen are gathered together, the disciples of Jinjian Villa are gathered together, the disciples of Sima Family are gathered together, and the disciples of Evergreen Fort are gathered together.

There are more than thirty disciples of these five forces alone.

Wait, time passes slowly.

Suddenly, a chill seemed to fall from the sky, and it seemed to seep out of the earth valley, turning into a gust of wind and blowing away, hitting all directions.

This chill, as if penetrating the bone marrow, reached the soul, making people feel terrified.

An involuntary shiver, at the same time, the chill worsened.

I saw a wave at the center of the Xuanming Valley, and the waves rippled like water, attracting everyone's attention.

Silent and silent, a trace of black breath spread out from the void, slowly swirling around, and gradually, under the eyes of everyone, a black vortex exuding an amazing chill was formed.

The diameter of the vortex is about two meters, and it seems to be rotating in the forward direction, but if you look closely, it seems to be rotating in the reverse direction. A few more glances will give a sense of confusion.

"The entrance of the Xuanming Small World has been opened. You can enter with the Xuanming Small World. Remember that the Xuanming Small World opens for one month and expires in one month. The power of the Xuanming Small World will protect you from the Xuanming Small World." A majestic, low voice sounded suddenly, as if it came from above, as if from the bottom of the valley, it was indistinguishable.

The words are not long, but they contain some information that makes people consider.

The opening time of Xuanming Small World is one month. You must seize the time to find an opportunity!

Xuanming order is very important, whether you enter Xuanming small world or leave Xuanming small world, you will need it, you ca n’t lose it!

Several disciples of the Xuanming Palace started, and they were the first to leave, their bodies flickered into the swirling entrance, and they disappeared as if swallowed by the mouth of an ancient beast.

Then, Tianjiao, another disciple of the other four major forces, also entered in front and back. In a blink of an eye, the 108 Mingjiao Tianjiao was less than thirty.

"Go!" Tianjiao from other provinces whispered, among them, there are disciples from Gufeng House.

However, some time has passed since the last incident, and Chen Zong is also believed to have died in Cangyun Mountain, and these ancient Fengfu disciples did not pay much attention.

Otherwise, it is another trouble.

"Brother Chen, let's go in too." Zheng Tuo said, taking a step forward, his body was like a streamer.

In the blink of an eye, the 108 Mingbang Tianjiao all disappeared into the black vortex, and the Xuanming Valley, which had been a little more vital because of the arrival of the Mingbang Tianjiao, once again recovered its silence.

Slightly cloudy winds gradually passed by, permeating the mysterious valley, lingering for a long time.

Suddenly, a figure seemed to emerge from the darkness, silently, passing by like a ghost, approaching the vortex entrance of the mysterious small world.

With the first shadow appearing, the second third, and then one after another, there are dozens of them in the blink of an eye.

"Bold!" Fang Cai's dull voice sounded again, with the fury of the thunder of thunder, a terrible coercion came, as if extinction.

Immediately afterwards, a dark palm print condensed in the air, directly covering the entire Xuanming Valley, the sky was dark, and when the air was shot down, the palm prints were extremely clear and lifelike, as if the dragon was flying in the air, emitting terrifying terrifying pressure.

With this palm falling, it seems that the entire Xuanming Valley will also be crushed and collapsed.

The shadows rushing towards the vortex entrance seemed to be frozen in midair.

In the next breath, these dozens of ghostly figures will be suppressed by this terrible power, all turned into powder.

But I saw a faint and deep light that seemed to travel through the void of the void, and an instant breath erupted. It seemed that the shadows fell on the earth, extinct, and killed the huge palm with amazing sharpness.

There was a slight pause in the palm, and the terrible breath was resisted immediately.

Dozens of shadows once again restored their ability to move, quickly rushing towards the gate of the vortex.

However, the moment the first shadow came into contact with the Vortex's Gate, it shuddered. Then, from the beginning, it shattered and shattered, as if strangled by the positive and negative forces of the Vortex's Gate. It disappeared, and no sound was heard.

Following this, the second shadow and the third shadow were also shattered and disappeared.

But this did not scare the other shadows, one after another, as if to fulfill some kind of ambition.

Rush Rush!

A dark shadow approached the vortex gate, but was smashed and crushed under the power of the vortex gate, but the thirteenth shadow was slightly stunned, and the black robe rippled like a wave of water, resisting all directions, and faintly came out. There were terrible sounds, something seemed to be crushed.

But the shadow did not know how to resist the strangulation power of the Vortex Gate, and disappeared into the Vortex Gate.

Not long after, dozens of shadows were mostly smashed by the power of the vortex gate, but there were still ten shadows successfully hanged by the power of the vortex gate and successfully entered the small world of Xuanming.

Seeing ten dark shadows entering into it, the person who secretly shot against the huge palm disappeared suddenly, as if never shot.

Immediately, as the light dimmed, a figure appeared in the mysterious valley, carrying both hands.

This is a burly old man, who must be angry to reveal majestic majesty like a lion.

A terrible breath seemed to suppress the earth's ubiquitous, overwhelming spread from the body of the old man, crushing in all directions, flooding the world with eternity.

The eyes twinkled with extremely sharp precision, as if the cold electricity was tearing out of the void, sweeping in all directions, and the heavens were in the eyes.


Disappeared completely!

Nowhere to look.

"Heysha rat." The old man's voice was low and vigorous, and it sounded like a thunderous thunder.

The person who just shot is the strong man of Heisha. Although the old man does not know who the other party is, the breath is easy to distinguish.

"There are ten Heixia little mice entering the small world of Xuanming. I'm afraid they will cause some unnecessary injuries." The old man looked at the vortex door, and there was a moment of anxiety in the mighty faces of the lions.

Xuanming's small world is isolated from the outside world, and news can't reach it.

Therefore, ten Heixa semi-holy masters entered it, and the Tianjiao who entered the previous list were unclear.

As for why the Heisha people are willing to sacrifice dozens of people, they also have to enter the small world of Xuanming. The purpose is obviously very direct.

One is to kill Tianbang as much as possible.

After all, Heixa is the largest dark force in the mysterious realm. Their purpose is to destroy and be the enemy of the right path. Whenever the right path Tianjiao appears, they will find a way to assassinate and remove it.

Xuanming's small world opens, and there are a total of 108 Tianjiao who enter it. It is an excellent opportunity to let them go to the net. They must not miss it, even if they pay some price for it. .

Even if it is impossible to kill all 108 Tianjiao, but only a part of it can be killed, it is also very good for Heixa.

The second is that Heixa who entered the small world of Xuanming may get some chances and become more powerful.

The purpose of Heixa is to weaken the power of the right path and strengthen its own power.

The news couldn't get into the small world of Xuanming. Let the 108 arrogants know that they can only look at themselves, but this time, I don't know how many people will sacrifice.

After all, they dare to enter the small world of Xuanming. The strength of those Heisha semi-holy levels is definitely not weak, and they are definitely more powerful masters than ordinary high-order semi-holy levels.

With a bit of anxiety, the old man's figure flashed and disappeared again.


The Xuanming Small World is a real world on one side, but it is relatively small.

Of course, small and large are relatively speaking.

If it is equivalent to Tianyuan Sanctuary, Xuanming Small World is really small ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But in fact, its vast area is better than Xuanming Realm.

When Chen Zong and Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong entered, the people who had entered before had already left, leaving only a slight breath and footprint.

"Brother Zheng and Nan, I have always acted alone. This time, I will not be with you." Chen Zong said to Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong.

Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong did not feel that Chen Zong was arrogant. After all, after contact, they all learned that Chen Zong was not an arrogant one.

It is normal for some people to like to act alone.

"Brother Chen, I wish you a full harvest." Zheng Tuo laughed. Nan Wukong had relatively few words, but also said words of blessing.

Chen Zong also wished the other party a good harvest.

"Two, say goodbye." Chen Zonggong turned around and cast himself, leaving quickly.

After Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong recovered their eyes, they also chose a direction and left quickly.

After entering the small world of Xuanming, all directions are in all directions. Where to go, everyone can choose at will. As for what opportunities will be obtained, it depends on personal luck and ability.

The sky of Xuanming Small World seems dim, it seems to be covered with clouds, but it is still motionless, and it seems to have been the case since ancient times.

The slight cold breath permeated the air, everywhere, and integrated with the air.

In addition, the land is also black, those stones are also black, and the mountains in the distance are also black.

Black is the main color here.

The coldness is the breath here.

Xuan Ming Xuan Ming, Xuan Xuan Ming, mysterious and unpredictable.

According to Chen Zong's understanding, the small world of the Xuanming Palace is older than the Xuanming Palace, or the reason why the Xuanming Palace can appear is also based on the Xuanming Small World. nt

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