Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 16: When the sword comes out of the sheath (1)

Xu Mubai's cousin!

Chen Zong stunned for a moment, then immediately stunned.

It turned out that Xu Mubai did not enter the small world of Xuanming, but he gave up his order to his cousin. The other party was the first day of Mingbang and the chief disciple of Xuanming Palace. He should have this ability and power.

However, Chen Zong did not want to please each other because his counterpart was Xu Mubai's cousin, even if it was Xu Mubai himself, Chen Zong would not do the same.

"Sir, this is the Xuanming tree with seven Xuanming fruits on it. My cousin asked me to take these Xuanming fruits to prepare a pot of elixir, but Xuanming fruits are guarded by two Xuanming viper snakes. I can only hold one of the Xuanmingzhus, and I ask you to drag the other one, so that I can pick up the seven Xuanminggus. "Xu Mulong saw a touch of surprise on Chen Zong's face, and there was something inside A little bit content, but he hasn't forgotten his purpose, of course, he won't tell the true effect of Xuanming fruit.

Xuanmingshu and Xuanminggu were only known to some people in Xuanming Palace, and they were not passed on.

"As long as you help me get all the Xuanming fruits, I can give you a Tianyuan Dan as a reward." Xu Mulong added.

A Tianyuandan!

This is definitely a lot of wealth for the semi-holy class.

However, Chen Zong could not be moved.

Chen Zong was more curious, in fact, that mysterious fruit.

Although I have never heard of it, an intuition at the bottom of my heart told Chen Zong that Xuanming fruit is not simple.

This is the Xuanming Small World. Anything in the Xuanming Small World is an opportunity that can be obtained. Naturally, there is no question of who it belongs to.

"Tell me the true efficacy of Xuanming fruit." Chen Zong said very directly.

"I am not very clear about the specific efficacy of Xuanminggu. I only know that it is a holy medicine, and it is a kind of adjuvant of some holy class elixir." Xu Mulong frowned slightly, "It is my cousin Xu Mu I will pick it for nothing. "

As he spoke, Xu Mulong had a feeling of being seen by Chen Zong's sharp eyes, and he couldn't help feeling a little angry.

Seeing that the other party didn't tell the truth, when he moved out of Xu Mubai and planned to put pressure on him, Chen Zong secretly sneered, and became more sure that this mysterious fruit was extraordinary.

Turning to stare at one of the fruits, Chen Zong suddenly felt a sense of oppression, as if there was an invisible pressure directly on his brows.

in danger!

Xu Mulong's strength is good, but in terms of perception, he can't compare with Chen Zong.

Combined with what Xu Mulong said, the source of danger may be the so-called Xuanming Viper.

"Since you are not willing to tell the true effect of Xuanming fruit, then you have your own skills." Chen Zongwei smiled sharply, his words sharpened like a sword, and suddenly Xu Mulong's face changed greatly, his eyes were cold, as if he was going to draw with a blade Open Chen Zong's body.

Unfortunately, Chen Zong was not afraid.

"Since you have the ability, go pick it." Xu Mulong ironed out to conceal the true effect of Xuanming fruit, and his attitude was very tough.

From Xu Mulong's point of view, these seven mysterious fruits are things in the sac, and they deserve to belong to themselves, how can other people get their fingers.

Although it is said that there is an explanation component of Xu Mubai, in fact, only one Xuanming fruit can be taken, and the second one is invalid.

After all, most of the Xuanming Fruit Xumulongs are gone.

Chen Zong did not pay attention to Xu Mulong, but carefully observed, with his extraordinary eyesight, he could not find where the Xuanming Viper was, as if fused with the trunk of the Xuanming tree, which was very secretive. You can only feel the danger.

Stepping forward, Chen Zong slowly approached the Xuanming tree, paying attention to the movement around him.

In other words, pay attention to the movement of the so-called Xuanming Viper and Xu Mulong on the Xuanming Tree.

Xu Mulong stared at Chen Zong with a sneer look, to see how Chen Zong picked the mysterious fruit.

In the view of Xu Mulong, without the top ten strength of the Mingbang, it is not an opponent of the Xuanming Viper, or even his own cousin Xu Mubai, and other peerless top 10 peerless Tianjiao, it is also difficult Under the guard of two Xuanming Vipers, any Xuanming fruit was picked.

This kind of self-confidence made Xu Mulong ignore Chen Zong, and instead reported a good attitude.

Because Xu Mulong determined that Chen Zong could not get any of the mysterious fruits.

Step by step, apart from the sense of crisis, Chen Zong still couldn't feel where the Xuanming Viper was.

Immediately, Chen Zong stared at one of the mysterious fruits, his eyes were as substantive as possible, and a hint of breath filled out, locking the mysterious fruits.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt that an extremely cold atmosphere permeated and locked himself away as if to freeze himself.

Chen Zong was horrified, paused, his eyes twinkled with extremely sharp, and through the mysterious fruit, he saw a pair of cold and ruthless eyes.

Those eyes made Chen Zong's muscles rigid for no reason, a chill was born from the soles of his feet, straight through the back of his head.

very scary!

But Chen Zong only found one Xuanming Viper, not two, and perhaps another lurking elsewhere.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong regained his calmness again, guarded by this powerful alien beast. This mysterious fruit is even more extraordinary and must be obtained.

As for what effect, let's talk about it.

Step by step, Chen Zong kept walking forward and approaching, but the Xuanming Viper had not moved, only a pair of cold and ruthless eyes gazed at Chen Zong, the cold and pressing breath locked it.

Seems waiting for Chen Zong's shot.

Chen Zong watched Xuanming Viper while gazing at Xuanming fruit while watching other movements around him.



The right hand grabbed forward, and the five fingers spread slightly, as if the dragon's claws traced a mysterious and extremely trajectory. The clouds flowed naturally and smoothly, and it was natural, so you should grab that black fruit in your hand.

Just as Chen Zong's palm was about to touch Xuanming Fruit, the latent Xuanming Viper moved.

If the sculpture is static, it will not move, like lightning when moving, it will be extremely fast.

Chen Zong shook his palm, brought a heavy phantom, and instantly avoided the smashing of Xuanming Viper, grabbing Xuanming Fruit again, but the Xuanming Viper reacted more quickly, and immediately chased away, and his tail fluttered. Shattered the vacuum-like bombardment to Chen Zong's chest.

Chen Zong was frightened. This powerful attack had a creepy feeling. If he was hit, he was afraid that his arrogant physique would not be able to withstand the slightest, and he would be seriously injured.

The left hand trembled, and Jin Shenyuejian flew out of the scabbard instantly, crossing a stunning arc of light, and beheaded like a waning moon.

This sword is majestic, mighty, overbearing and sharp!

This sword is unparalleled!


Suddenly, the sword collided with the tail of the Xuanming Viper, the sword light was broken, and Chen Zong felt a terrible impact coming from the mountains and the sea, causing the Jin Shen Yue sword to almost release his hands and fly out of his chest. Swelling, as if vomiting blood.

The force was extremely overwhelming, and extremely cold, invaded the body and attempted vandalism. Chen Zong quickly ran all forces to resist.


In an instant, Chen Zong backed up by dozens of meters to stand still, and his blood was surging.

In this scene, Xu Mulong suddenly made a laugh.

"My conditions haven't changed. As long as you assist me to hold down a Xuanming Viper and let me pick up Xuanming Fruit, I will give you a Tianyuan Dan as a reward." Xu Mulong said again.

Chen Zong didn't bother with Xu Mulong, who had a strong sense of superiority, but stared at the Xuanming Viper, his thoughts turned sharply.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's thinking flickered by hundreds.

After a collision, Chen Zong knew that Xuanming Viper's strength was terrible. With his current strength, he was not an opponent. Moreover, Xuanming Viper's fighting instinct was amazing. He wanted to break through its defense with his skills. Xuanming fruit is difficult.

After some calculations, Chen Zong was not sure.

In this way, the power of Shura's avatar will be used.

From the outside, as soon as he stepped into the eyes of the Holy Realm, Chen Zong was worried about what was seen, and he was generally unwilling to use the power of Shura's avatar, but here, a virtual dragon could not be seen.

His body flashed, and Chen Zong approached Xuanming fruit again, as fast as lightning.

When Xu Mulong was angry and gloated, Xu Mulong also moved.

As long as Chen Zong resists one Xuanming Viper, he can make Xuanming Xuan resist another Xuanming Viper, so as to pick up Xuanming Viper.

Seven Xuanming fruits are distributed throughout the huge Xuanming tree, and there is a certain distance between each other. The Xuanming fruit selected by Xu Mulong is the farthest from the Xuanming fruit selected by Chen Zong, which is several kilometers in length. distance.

Although a few kilometers is nothing for a semi-holy master ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the more you can cross it in an instant, but the distance of several kilometers is enough for him to respond, even if Chen Zong is repelled, The Xuanming Viper came after him, and he also had enough time to react and quickly got out.

Xu Mulong had a good idea and acted quickly. Chen Zong naturally noticed Xu Mulong's actions, but he ignored them.


Tiansha force field!

Suddenly, a terrible horror spread out, covering a range of 20 meters, and fell directly on the body of the mysterious viper.

The body of Xuanming Viper's body froze slightly, and the cold and ruthless eyes flashed a mess.

The strength of the Tiansha force field lies in the deliberate impact and interference, which leads to the weakening of strength. This ability is often effective for life with souls, but it has no effect if it is directed to life without souls.

The Xuanming Viper has a soul, is a wise life, and will naturally be affected.

However, Chen Zong also felt that the effect of the Tiansha force field on the Xuanming Viper was not as high as expected.

The level of the Xuanming Viper is only semi-holy, semi-holy limit, powerful semi-holy strength, but it is still not as good as entering the sacred realm, but the ability to resist the Tiansha force field has reached the level of entering the holy realm.

However, Chen Zong is also glad that the Tiansha power field is effective, otherwise he will have to use more hole cards.

The suppression of the Tiansha force field affected the Xuanming Viper, which was chaotic and slower for a moment. Chen Zong slashed into the air, and the force of force broke through the air. After he repelled the Xuanming Viper, he took the opportunity to pick it up. Picking up a Xuanming fruit, grabbing it with the left hand, Xuanming fruit fell into the hand, and a chilly atmosphere fluctuated quickly, as if it was going to penetrate the arm through the palm to enter the bone marrow.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately put Xuanming Fruit into the ring. nt

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