Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 18: When the sword comes out of the sheath (3)

A thunderous turbulent world, like the first thunder after horror, like the first sound of the world opening.

That was the prelude to life and the prelude to the end.

The evil spirit broke through the air like a thunder, and hit him, directly hitting the mighty Xuanming Viper.

Xuanming Viper was shocked, but was unavoidable. He was directly hit by the thunderous thunder, his body was trembling, and his arrogant power broke his body through a blood hole.

For three consecutive swords, Chen Zong only felt pain all over his body. It seemed that he was being cut crazy by the sword. The power of the Holy Spirit is still strong for Chen Zong now.

"There can only be one more sword." Chen Zong secretly said.

With another sword, your body's endurance of the Holy Spirit will reach its limit, and if you continue, you will hurt yourself.

The fourth sword!

Burning Thunder!

Sword light turned into a thunderbolt and was shot out. He once again hit Xuanming Viper and penetrated the body of Xuanming Viper through the sword wound.

Under severe pain, the huge body of Xuanming Viper trembled violently, a tail slammed wildly and broke the ground.

But the vitality of Xuanming Viper is so tenacious that there is no sign of death.

Chen Zong pays himself, even if the power of the Dripping Blood Sword is used, it is difficult to kill it, unless the power of the Dripping Blood Sword is exhausted.

The Dripping Blood Sword can only be used for two or three more times. If it is used to kill a black snake, Chen Zong feels uneconomical.

make a prompt decision!


While the Xuanming Viper's body was being traumatized, Chen Zong would start to leave.

Suddenly, Chen Zong realized that Xuanming Viper's breath was falling, and he stopped.

The body of Xuanming Viper continued to twist and sway, as if in pain and struggle, gradually shrinking, and the powerful breath also dropped a little.

It seems that the previous rage is passing.

Chen Zong's eyes suddenly lighted, and a saint retreating like a tide, returned to Shura Fen's body, his own power flowed throughout the body, alleviating the burden caused by the saint force, while staring at the Xuanming Viper.

Xu Mulong chased from a distance. After thinking about it, he couldn't relieve his inner anger, so he chased up. He didn't see Chen Zong and Xuanming Viper fighting, but saw that the breath of Xuanming Viper was weakening. .

Taking this opportunity, Chen Zong once again issued a sword.

Sword of blood!

A sword reaching Xiaocheng Realm has faster blood speed, stronger power, and flashes of blood, and then hits the descending mystic viper.

Take advantage of his illness!

Kill kill!

One sword after another was continuously killed, bombarded on the Xuanming Viper, and through the wound, it was forced to destroy the body, and the sword raged wildly.

Xuanming Viper struggles constantly, but it is difficult to fight back.

Under Jin Shenyue sword, the vigor of the Xuanming Viper, which ended violently, greatly reduced its strength, suffered continuous damage, and was cut off by Chen Zong.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Zong put the body of the Xuanming Viper into the ring.

Anyway, it is also a weak monster, which is somewhat valuable.

Seeing the death of Xuanming Viper, the speed of Xu Mulong surged, and he crossed the sky like a streamer, approaching Chen Zong, and his arrogant breath locked Chen Zong.

"Chen Zong, hand over those two mysterious fruits." Xu Mulong's expression was somber and cold, and it was as if it were sword-like.

Of the seven Xuanming fruits, Chen Zong picked two, and the other five were swallowed by the Xuanming Viper after being violent. One Xu Mulong did not get one, and even lost a precious Xuanming. puppet.

Therefore, you must get Xuanming fruit, even if there are not seven, at least you must get two, one for your own use and one for your cousin, so that you can make up for Xuanming's loss.

Chen Zong's heart moved slightly, then she looked at Xu Mulong calmly: "You tell me first, what is the true effect of Xuanming fruit?"

"After taking Xuanming fruit, people can enter Xuanming state. Under the Xuanming state, the efficiency of cultivation or understanding will be significantly improved, but each person can only take one." Xu Mulong said immediately.

At this time, Xu Mulong didn't have any hidden meaning. As long as there was any chance, he would get Xuanming fruit.

"That's the case." Chen Zong heard the words, secretly happy.

No wonder Xu Mulong wants to get Xuanming Fruit so much. No wonder there is a powerful Xuanming Viper guarding it. It is indeed a precious medicine.

After learning about the true efficacy of Xuanming fruit, Chen Zong naturally could not give it to Xu Mulong.

His body flashed, and Chen Zong went away immediately.

"Stop!" Xu Mulong first froze and then became furious.

He originally thought that he was telling the true effect of Xuanming fruit, and Chen Zong would give it to himself. Now it seems that he is playing with himself.

At the same time as the roar, Xu Mulong burst out at full speed and smashed out with a single finger. The strong black finger burst out into the air with an astonishing sense of forest coldness, as if Chen Zong was going to run through.

Turning around, Chen Zong slashed with a sword. The sword light was as if the moon was falling, majestic and domineering. After cutting the fingers, he killed Xu Mulong.

"Chen Zong, leave Xuanming fruit, I will spare you." Xu Mulong screamed again after breaking the sword light.

"If you want to die, just come and get it." Chen Zong was polite.

"Dead!" Xu Mulong was furious to the extreme, Xuanming's true power was running, and a force of power burst out, the black breath soared into the sky, and it filled with astonishing fluctuations and the temperature plummeted.

Immediately, Xu Mulong shot it with a palm, and the black palm print was condensed and compressed like black water, not only with an amazing chill, but also with a mountain-like weight.

Shot down!




Chen Zong only felt that one palm fell, and the extremely cold breath permeated the whole body, and he would seep into the body from the body surface, freezing his strength and vitality.

For example, Sheng Yuan, the strength of this Xu Mulong will obviously be stronger.

But at this moment, Chen Zong is not even stronger than Sheng Yuan during the First World War.

A flash of blood flashed out like a **** lightning.

Sword of blood!

Immediately, Xu Mulong's fingers trembled, and the dark black mysterious power spread quickly. Wrapping the fingers, gently shaking them, there was a slight sound.

With ten fingers in a row, each of the black fingers burst out like a torrential rain. The speed is extremely fast and the power is amazing.

The nine magic changes!

The three figures changed alternately, avoiding the strength of ten fingers in a row, approaching Xu Mulong, and cut off with one sword.

This sword is as majestic as a mountain.

Powerful and powerful.

Xu Mulong only felt a whole meal, and seemed to be overwhelmed by the mountains.

Xuanming true armor!

A pair of black armor phantoms emerged, protecting themselves against Chen Zong's sword.

Mysterious Python

The arm trembled, the dark mysterious power rushed endlessly, and the entire arm instantly filled, as if the bones were removed, the arm became extremely soft, and there was an indescribable tenacity, like a python shaking the body, bursting out Amazing power.

Vaguely, Chen Zong seemed to hear the python's roar and smelled the python's fishy smell.

This blow, there is a bit of the shadow of the Xuanming Viper, like a reduced version of the Xuanming Viper abruptly culled, and the intention of killing it suddenly.

Chen Zong's expression was stunned, his eyes burst into an astonishing coldness, as if through a void sword.

Jiu Jin Shen Yuejian suddenly brought amazing power, erupting instantly, a sword swept through the thousands of armies, pulled out a touch of the lingering moon light, and then stabbed forward, as if the thousands of horses charged.

With one blow, both backed away, and the realm of hearts opened.

The six-meter circle is under control. Even if he closes his eyes, Chen Zong can accurately grasp everything within six meters.

The 150,000 Jin Jin Yue Yue was in hand, and the power was stimulated to the extreme.

Thousand-edged swordsmanship!

Dripping Sword Technique!

The two swordsmanships are performed alternately.

Xu Mulong's hands quickly condensed the fingerprints, and a huge black seal condensed.

Xuanming's Handprint!

This is the well-known secret method of Xuanming Palace. Its power is astonishing and powerful. It fell like a black mountain when it fell into the sky. It was extremely heavy and chilling.

Xu Mulong's Xuanming fingerprints are much stronger than Sheng Yuan's.


As if the sky is falling apart and the earth is broken, Chen Zong feels that his bones are trembling, as if to be crushed.

Cracks also appeared in the ground underneath, spreading quickly.

The realm of the heart swayed slightly, as if to be crushed and crushed, but stubbornly resisted.

There is no escape!

There is a feeling of being locked from soul to body.

Then, break it.

Celestial War Body!

Instantly, wield the sword.

Jianguang exploded into innumerable numbers, shaking the sky, as if to break the sky.

This sword is like a shower.

Heavy epee light collapsed.

Immediately, a volume of blood light, like a blood-colored lightning, struck across the sky.

Sword of blood!

Under the power of Tianjing's battle body, Xiao Cheng has a **** sword, and his power reaches the extreme level.


Xuanming's handprint was a little meal ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then, a crack appeared and spread quickly.

Xu Mulong's pupils widened, her face surprised.

It was incredible that his own Xuanming's fingerprints were broken.

Sword of blood!

The second sword, as if shot down from the sky, was like a blood-colored lightning that tore the sky and the earth to the extreme.


Xu Mulong's pupils shrank, terrified.

His strength is indeed not weak. Although he is not on the bottom list, his strength is a little higher than Sheng Yuan's.

But in the face of Chen Zong's sword, there is a feeling of power and impotence, which is difficult to resist.

"Chen Zong, I will come to you again." The voice fell, and Xu Mulong was rolled by the black rays, as if a pair of black light wings grew out of the back, suddenly rolled one by one, and suddenly turned into a black streamer. Going away at an astonishing speed, it disappeared in front of Chen Zong in an instant.

Scarlet Lightning lost his target, but did not bombard the ground, but under the control of Chen Zong, the power was restrained and returned to himself.

Chen Zong stared at the direction of Xu Mulong's departure, his face was slightly dignified.

Xu Mulong is not weak, and is also a disciple of Xuanming Palace, or a cousin of Xu Mubai. Now he has complained with him, and there will be a lot of trouble later.

Maybe soon, there will be trouble coming to your door.

However, as long as you are strong enough, you will not be afraid of trouble.

Taking out a mysterious fruit, Chen Zong gazed and found that although the mysterious fruit was dark in black, there were actually some mysterious lines on it. The lines seemed to stay on the surface, and it seemed to be deep inside.

A hint of coldness permeated, with mysterious mystery.

"Xuanming fruit can only take one per person, and when I am separated from Shura, I get one each." Chen Zong secretly said. nt

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