Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 21: Sword King and Emperor (Part 2)

Jianguang volleys, high above him, as if the gods wielded their swords and cut them down, sinking the earth to slaughter people.

Ling Tianjian Wang Yijian was with him, and immediately after that sword light, he savagely killed him. He was very clear that that sword alone was not enough to defeat the opponent.

Jianguang is sharp and unmatched, as if a rainstorm hits the sky, and it seems that the waterfall falls into the sea and is flooded, violent and unforgiving, fierce and unforgiving.

Chen Zong's eyes were as bright as cold electricity, the sword meant to his heart, a sword, as if rising from his heart, coming out with his hand, and ending with his sword.

Jianguang burst through the air, as if a silver-like glide across, shining brightly.




The three swords were stretched to the extreme by Chen Zong, extremely mysterious.

Weaken the opponent's attack, exquisite skills, dexterity and change, go ahead and overcome thorns.

Under the characteristics of Tai Chu Jian Yuan Gong, each sword of Chen Zong was able to break the opponent's attack.

A sword flew, and a speedy attack came. After Chen Zong crushed the heavy epee, he approached the Lingtian Sword King again, and the extreme sword suddenly shone with an astonishing radiance, as if a round of fierce sun suddenly burst out like a huge light .

The power of spiritual martial arts ... erupted!

In an instant, Chen Zong's strength of Qi training soared from the seventh peak of entering the sanctuary to the eighth peak of entering the sanctuary. The basic strength was greatly enhanced. One sword was cut off. The sword was extremely hot and mighty.

Moreover, this surge of power is also completely under the control of Chen Zong, because the divine thought is extremely strong.

Ling Tianjian's face changed suddenly, and the power contained in the sword of the opponent suddenly increased a lot, becoming more and more terrible, and a strong crisis pervaded from the heart.


A trace of Jin Mang suddenly emerged from the body, from the viscera, bones, and muscles, as if invisible magic brushes were drawn on the body's skin membrane.

This familiar scene and breath fluctuations suddenly called Chen Zong to know that Ling Tianjian also mastered the golden body.

Jin Guangyao is extremely dazzling, permeating away, making Ling Tianjian the whole person look like a golden god, and his defense power has greatly increased.

All forces also erupted, coming to death with a sword, showing an extremely fierce side.

The two swords collided, shaking the most terrible momentum, tearing and smashing everything, the amazing sword gas shattered into the void, glorious and brilliant, and swept across the ancient times.

The body of Ling Tianjian shuddered, and only felt that the opponent ’s sword sent a powerful force of terror, like the frontal charge of the ancient beast, which caused Ling Tianjian to tremble, and the arms holding the sword also shook. The chest was stuffy, and the golden light on her body flickered as if the residual candle in the wind would go out at any time.

The ability to not break the golden body is very strong, but it is also closely related to oneself.

Such as Chen Zong, in order to reach the mid-eighth stage of the mixed heavens, after practicing unbreakable gold, when he can master the amazing defense power that is higher than one level, and reach the level of the mid-eighth stage of the mixed heavens, it is increasingly amazing.

However, Ling Tianjian King did not refine the body, but only increased the strength of the body with the Most Holy Golden Body Fruit, coupled with some inadvertent accumulation in the past and the tempering of the blood of the ancient beast, reaching the level of five levels of mixed heaven. .

The show does not break the golden body, but it is only to make the defense reach the sixth level of mixed heaven.

Do not break the golden body also has the strength to withstand up and down, the collision of this sword, almost to reach the limit of breaking the golden body.

If Ling Tianjian ’s practice of Qi Qi was far better than Chen Zong, he would have been defeated under this sword.


Even if Lingtian Sword King did not want to retreat, the impact of this sword was very arrogant.

At the same time, Ling Tianjian King also continuously guided to remove that terrible impact force, causing his feet to crack.

Chen Zong suddenly rushed, and a sword swept out again.

An overwhelming sword, fiercely fierce, as if it could split the world.

King Ling Tianjian took a two-legged meal, as if he had taken root, and his body was filled with a breathtaking breath. A sword was beheaded again.

As a generation of dazzling sword kings, it is Chen Zong's predecessor. In the face of a younger generation, he can never retreat.

This is dignity!


The two swords collided again, and a terrible force burst out again, tearing all directions.

After this contact, Chen Zong just bounced off and cut off again, just like the tough and powerful sword of bamboo in the wind.

The second sword!

The third sword!

The fourth sword!

Chen Zong cut off one sword after another, and each sword interpreted the brutality and fierceness sharply.

The sword was cut, and the power was overwhelming. Ling Tianjian King resisted and resisted again and again, without breaking the gold body and flashing, and suddenly, Jin Mang was broken.

The whole person can no longer bear its arrogant power, as if slammed by a savage beast, and flew upside down.


The extreme sword waved, and the terrible sword lights tore through the sky and blasted out.

Boom boom!

The Lingtian Sword King had to wave his sword to resist, but was constantly repelled, flying backwards.

Despite the damage, King Ling Tianjian didn't mean to admit defeat, and his eyes seemed to be burning with an extremely unyielding flame.

When he was out in the wild, King Ling Tianjian also encountered the arrogant arrogance of the wild and was almost suppressed by it, but under the indomitable fighting spirit, he finally honed himself and turned defeat into victory.

Today, too.

The flames in Ling Tianjian's eyes were extremely hot. On Ling Tianjian, there seemed to be nothingnessy flames burning, permeating the horror of the sword.

The sword's mood is constantly rising, as if climbing endlessly beyond the limit, a faint strand of black fine marks like hair strands appearing in the void under the sword, permeating the shocking machine.

Chen Zong looked dignified, but a little excited.

Obviously, Ling Tianjian's attempt to perform an extremely powerful killing move is likely to be a blow to the extreme.

As a generation of top peerless Tianjiao, it almost swept the peers' tyrannical existence, and practiced more than a hundred years more than himself. It is also reasonable to be able to master a sword near the extreme.

look forward to!

Chen Zong is looking forward to the sword of Ling Tianjian, which is exactly the same, so that Ling Tianjian Wang has the opportunity to cast this sword.

A body of power penetrated into the sword body at an instant, and the sword's Taoism became more and more intense, like a flowing water flowing in a circle, permeating with amazing mysterious fluctuations.

Suddenly, the sword's qi rushed towards Jiuxiao, as if shattering the sky, and the light around it became dim, spreading at lightning speed, covering an area of ​​10,000 meters.

The astonishing killing power is above all beings, as if the gods are overlooking from above, and suddenly the hearts of the people around them tremble, and there is an irresistible tinge of panic and palpitations.

When Chen Zong's heart was dignified, his expectation and excitement grew stronger.

Suddenly, the eyelids seemed to tremble uncontrollably, the pupils seemed to fail in an instant, and they could see nothing. When they recovered, there was a terrible golden sword light that broke through.

That Jianguang looks very short, but it is extremely long, as if flooding the world, crossing all directions, killing since ancient times, penetrating through time and space.

The ultimate sword!

Mysterious sword!

When a sword is killed, you can feel the spirit of Lingtian Sword King falling instantly. This sword was exhibited under the wounded body. It has a greater impact on itself and its eyes have become a little dull. .

At the moment when the Lingtian Sword King exhibited the Xeon Sword, Chen Zong also raised the extreme sword. There was endless sword gas, sword light, and sword gusting around his body. , And quickly gathered away from the sword body.

In the face of Ling Tianjian's sword, which is extremely close to the extreme, Chen Zong did not hesitate to come out with real strength.

Heaven and earth line!

Despite the fact that this sword was only shortly after its inception, it is not yet complete, but it already has amazing power.

Killed with a single sword, Jianguang tears the sky like a silk thread, silent and silent. Under the characteristics of the sword power in the early days, it was promoted to the extreme.

Between heaven and earth, nothing seems to be able to resist this sword.

All eyes were attracted.

Even though the sword light was as thin as silk, its light was as dazzling as the sun.

Ling Tianjian's tired eyes filled with inexplicable thriller.

A sword approaching the extremes!

The other party is still young.

He has mastered such a trick.

You must know that in order to master this sword, you have spent decades in the wilderness, fiercely fighting fiercely, and after many deaths, you finally mastered it.

Sword Emperor!

Is that the demon that exploded the nine-color ceiling, recognized by the will of the king and heaven and earth, and given the title of the sword emperor?

Compared with myself, it really has a huge gap.

Cultivation that differs by more than a hundred years, but the other party is not inferior to themselves.

Mind, shake slightly in an instant.

A sword approaching the extremes collided in an instant.

The Lingtian Sword of the Lingtian Sword King and Chen Zong's heaven and earth are in immediate contact, two terrible sword lights, trembling together, and the void of heaven and earth seems to be imprisoned, turning into a picture, which seems to be branded on everyone Of the soul.

That Jianguang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is so dazzling to the extreme, it seems that the two true dragons are in a vacuum, as if they are timeless.

This picture was broken in a moment when it didn't last for a while. The two swords trembled together, seeming to send out an astonishing sharp sound, tearing all directions, both bursting.

Although they are all swords near the pole, Ling Tianjian King has a longer and more complete grasp, and its power is better than the world.

However, Chen Zong's sword was not weak, and his strength was overbearing.

Residual sword gas swelled in all directions, as if torrents rushed and overwhelmed everything in the world.

Chen Zong and Ling Tianjian Wang Qiqi were impacted and resisted each other.

Chen Zong's body was arrogant and completely resisted, but Ling Tianjian King looked a little bit embarrassed and somewhat wounded.

Even so, Ling Tianjian's eyes were slightly tired, but also with a strong unwillingness.


Immediately, King Ling Tian turned and turned into a sword light and quickly walked away.

This battle cannot continue because he knows that he cannot defeat the opponent at all, and if he fights again, he may be defeated.

Then, this battle is over. In the next day, when you are stronger, you will fight against each other and defeat them.

Don't give up!

Not convinced!

This is Ling Tianjian King, but also the mystery of Ling Tianjian's intention.

Always go ahead, break through difficulties and all obstacles, defeat all powerful enemies, and take precedence over everything.

(Now Liudao mainly writes the book of psychicism. When eating and before going to bed, he will think about Chu Mu ’s story on the earth. Once there is not much time, the second to six Taos do not want to deal with things casually, and want to write a complete story , Just did not fall into the reputation of the big brother Chu, it really is not so easy, but Liudao will work hard)

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