Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 24: 1 Sword to turn the tide (below)


The ground on the battlefield shook endlessly, and the earth waves swept away, like ripples and horrors.

Another demonic fort was shot down and smashed into the ground.

Block Twenty!

Already the twentieth demon fortress was shot down and destroyed. Although it is nothing at all for hundreds of demon fortresses, it is a great blow to morale.

Just following this situation, it is not easy to destroy hundreds of demonic fortresses.

"Come here." The voice of the Lord of the Divine Army suddenly entered Chen Zong's ear.

This tens of thousands of meters of demonic fortress is the strongest and most deplorable. Only by breaking it can the victory and defeat be laid.

Since Chen Zong has the ability to break the defense of the demon fortress, then let Chen Zong try to see if he can break the defense of this big demon fortress, so that they can break it and lay the victory and defeat in one fell swoop.

Under the auspices of Shen Xuan killing the Lord for half a step, under the protection of the great saint-level strong, Chen Zong quickly approached the big demon fortress.

Shen Xuan and the Lord also understand that breaking down these demonic fortresses will take a lot of time and energy. It is better to smash the big demonic fortress in one fell swoop to lay a victory.

go ahead!

Chen Zong quickly approached the big demon fortress under the support of the half-step saints.

This demon fortress is tens of thousands of meters in size and looks extremely huge. Far from being comparable to other demon fortresses, the whole body is burning with faint flames and looks extremely terrifying.

Chen Jianzong's eyes were cold as Chen Jianzong's intentions were promoted to the extreme, keeping to himself, the flames of the soul were burning, resisting the invasion of external evils.

The nine masters of the army shot in succession, resisting most of the attacks of the great demon fortress, and the **** Xuan killed the master and others to share the remaining attacks, so that Chen Zong could shoot freely.

Otherwise, the blow from this big demon fortress is enough to kill Chen Zong in an instant.

Chen Zong's expression was condensed. In the beginning, the sword power of the sword was working. Instantly, a sword was shot out of the air.

Infinite Sword!

Sword light converges, as if the swords are condensed into a general, powerful, and instantly tears the void to kill the big demon fortress.

That Jianguang was stunning.

When that sword light directly killed the protective power of the big demon fortress, everyone gazed to see if this sword light could tear the defense of the big demon fortress.

As a result, it was exciting.

This sword light directly tore the defensive power of the Great Demon Bastion without half a lag.

However, it was also disappointing, because the power of this sword was too weak, but it just tore the defense power of the big demon fortress, but it could not be maintained. It healed in an instant, and its speed was fast, even if it was the nine military masters. The strong cannot catch that fleeting opportunity.

This scene suddenly made people disappointed from hope.

"Boy, is there a stronger attack?" A military master shouted suddenly.

The sword of Fangcai is very strong at the level of entering the sacred realm. The ordinary ninefold of entering the sacred realm will be immediately spiked, and Chen Zong's cultivation is only the peak of the sevenfold of sacred realm, which is very amazing.

However, it is not enough to completely break the defense of the big demon fortress.

Need to be stronger.

Does Chen Zong have a stronger attack?


Of course there is!

The power of spirits erupted instantly.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's training strength soared from the seventh peak of entering the sanctuary to the eighth peak of entering the sanctuary, but the cultivation sent out was still the level of the seventh peak of entering the sanctuary.


It is another sword, but its power has soared a lot, and it was shot out instantly, once again hitting the defense force of that big demon fortress.

The power of this sword was much stronger, and suddenly called the half-step big holy class strong men startled, immediately staring, eyes sharp as needles.

With a snoring sound, a very slight sound sounded, and Jian Guang immediately tore up that layer of amazing defensive power.

Although it is not big, it still tears a crack. Although it disappears quickly, there is still a military master who seizes the opportunity and blows a blow. Its power penetrates through that layer and directly enters the big demon fortress. Inside.

The power of this attack was extremely tyrannical, and it directly killed hundreds of Nether Demon, but was tried to resist by a domineering demigod Nether Demon, which could not cause more damage.

This scene immediately made everyone look pale.

Although causing harm, it seems insignificant.

Chop Chop!

Chen Zong erupted again, displaying infinite swords in a row.

Several sword lights were successively killed, each hitting the difference in the defense power of the big demon fortress, tearing a rift, so that the nine army masters could shoot and attack into the demon fortress.

However, the demigod-level void demons in the big demon fortress shot in succession, blocking the attack and kill of several army leaders, and keeping the void demons in them.

Suddenly it was deadlocked.

Chen Zong took a deep breath, and it seemed that he wanted to keep one or two, but he couldn't do it anymore, he could only exert stronger power.

Jing Qi Shen was promoted to the extreme in an instant, with a force of incomparable force, rushing out, the terrible sword air, sword light and sword mang stirred in all directions, and the extreme sword was raised high.

Suddenly, the endless forces gathered to make the blade more dazzling, as if it were rising in a big day, shining like gold, dazzling to the extreme, it seemed to turn into a round of hot sun on the battlefield, shining light The surrounding light is getting dimmer.

Playing it again and again and again and again, Chen Zong has mastered this sword more profoundly and better.

Heaven and earth line!

When a sword is killed, the sword light is instantly condensed like silk, seeming to meander and sway, as if a little ink white is rippling in the water and has an indescribable charm.


Such as poetry!

Beautiful mood!

But if you feel it carefully, you can feel a trace of terrible sharpness condensing in it, tearing everything between heaven and earth.

The silky sword-light hit the defense of the Great Demon Bastion silently and silently, as if the snow and ice had melted, tearing a clear rift directly.

The nine masters of the army were too shocked and immediately burst into full force.

Just now, the gap torn by Chen Zong was very small, which caused them to limit their shots. The torn mouth is now very obvious, and there is no need to keep it.

Nine military masters are top half step holy class strong men. With all their strength, they can easily wipe out the weak half step holy class. It is terrible.

With such an all-out shot, the terrible force suddenly broke into the big demon fortress and destroyed it wantonly.

Within this big demon fortress, there is a top demigod, and the other deities are second-level demigods. They cannot completely resist the full attack of the nine army masters.

In an instant, thousands of void demons were killed.

For tens of thousands, there are thousands of them.

The power of the great demon fortress suddenly dropped a lot.

It was only after the sword was exhibited that Chen Zong's energy and spirit suddenly fell. In a short time, it was difficult to exhibit the second sword.

"Serve it." Shen Xuan's voice of killing the Lord sounded in his ear, a crystal clear elixir appeared in front of him, exuding a seductive fragrance, making Chen Zong feel that his spirit and spirit seemed to be recovering.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong took refining immediately, and the half-step saints protected Chen Zong firmly. This is the key to winning and losing.

Chen Zong fully operated the Taichu Jianyuan Gong, and the twenty-ninth floor of the Taichu Jianyuan Gong quickly refined the elixir. The spirit and spirit continued to climb and recover, and the consumed power quickly recovered.

Nine lords of the army kept shooting, while resisting the counterattack of the big demon fortress, while attacking as much as possible, consuming their power.

Time passed slowly. After thirty breaths, Chen Zong felt that his energy and strength had fully recovered to the peak, but the power of the elixir was continuously released.

Heaven and earth line!

Once again, the silky sword light tears through the void and kills again, tearing the defense force of the big demon fortress again.

The nine leaders of the army immediately burst out into the bombardment and killed thousands of Nether Demon once again, which made a demigod Nether Demon not bad.

Chen Zong's energy dropped, and he was quickly replenished with the medicine.

The third sword ... the world and the front line!



The power of the Great Demon Bastion is gradually weakening.

With the weakening of the power of the big demon fortress, its defense is also weakened, and the casualties caused by the nine army leaders are even greater.

Not long after, the Void Demon in the Great Demon Bastion died more than half, and its defense power was weaker. Even if Chen Zong did not take the shot, the defense of the Nine Army could also be broken.


The situation reversed and nothing could be done. The top demigod sitting in the big demon fortress immediately ordered and retreated.

If not, this big demon fortress is likely to be destroyed.

Thousands of meters of demonic fortresses have been difficult to create ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This tens of thousands of meters of demonic fortresses are difficult to forge, which is hundreds of times more than thousands of meters of demonic fortresses. Any one is extremely precious.

The big demon fortress retreated, and the other demon fortresses also retreated.


Headed by nine military leaders, they immediately pursued the kill.

The strength of the half-step big holy level is terrible, and the ordinary defensive strength of the demonic fortress can hardly completely resist it. If two half-step big holy level strong forces join forces, it is enough to shoot down a demon fortress in one shot.

Chase by victory!

Everyone's heart was full of excitement.

Kill kill!

The depressed heart was released in an instant and broke out completely.

The winner has been decided!

The speed of the demon fortress is getting faster and faster, especially that the speed of the big demon fortress is extremely amazing, and finally it is plunged into the void of the universe from the pursuit of the nine army masters.

After the angry nine masters shot and destroyed many demon fortresses, the remaining demon fortresses also rushed into the void of the universe and disappeared.

Without continued pursuit, in the void of the universe, the danger is unpredictable, and a little carelessness will result in death, and you can only give up.

After the war, it was aftermath.

After some reorganization, it was found that there were hundreds of demonic fortresses that were shot down. Most of them were shot down only after Chen Zong arrived. It can be said that Chen Zong had great credit.

It does n’t happen, it ’s so amazing when it appears. With a sword in hand, it directly dominates the victory and defeat of a big battle and reverses the victory.

This scene is really amazing.

Before that, who could imagine?

Naturally, Chen Zong who reversed a big victory and was summoned directly by the nine military leaders, but they were very curious.

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