Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 27: 80 thousand miles Shenguyuan

Tianyuan sanctuary is divided into nine realms, and the nine realms are not directly connected. Among them, each has a gap, like a heaven, and it is difficult to cross.

The shortest route for Chen Zongyu from the Xuanyuan Realm to the Taixuan Realm is to cross the Tianyuan, then cross the upper Yuan, and cross the Tianyuan again, before entering the Taixuan Realm.

To be sure, this trip is a long and tedious journey, and I don't know how dangerous it will be.

However, everything Chen Zong was well prepared and calmly faced.

Entering the battle lightly, with only a sword and a ring on the body, but within the ring, there are amazing treasures. If you let people know, how many people will be killed because of jealousy and greed.

Within the Xuanyuan Realm and the Upper Yuan Realm, the separated Tianyuan has a name, named Shenguyuan.

Shen Guyuan is not Mizusawa, but a piece of sinking land that does not know how many miles, the battle of ancient times, burying countless bones, which is full of white bones, so it was named as such.

Shen Guyuan runs across 80,000 miles away. If he wants to step into the upper realm, he must cross it. More importantly, the mysterious power in Shen Guyuan can't cross the void and can only be performed on the ground. As a result, speed will also be affected.

In the ordinary sanctuary, you can't go out of your life for a lifetime, because the nature of the evil is so terrible that they have blocked their way. Only the top powerful and Tianjiao have this ability, but they also encounter many dangers. A little carelessness is the end of death.

At the Shenguyuan, the sky is dim, exuding an extremely depressing atmosphere like a thick and heavy lead cloud. It seems to be suppressed at any time, and the sky collapses to destroy the earth.

The traces of electric redness were extremely red, like a demon's presence in the thick and deep lead cloud, even more shocking.

Standing on the edge of Shen Guyuan, Chen Zong was facing a violent black wind, his expression calmly, his eyes gazing ahead.

At a glance, the sky was dark and there was no end in front. Only the depth was deep, like an abyss, like the mouth of an ancient troll, swallowing the sky.

Those who are not strong enough to see this scene will only scare their legs.

Chen Zong took a deep breath, leaped forward, and volleyed straight down, the wind blowing from his ears made a terrifying whistling sound, the wind condensed like a knife, and the cold front was extremely sharp, constantly rushing from the bottom up, cutting wild It seems to chop Chen Zongling.

The power of these wind knives is amazing enough to cut the ordinary into the holy realm to pieces, but for Chen Zong, it is nothing, and even the strength of the body cannot be broken.

Under the defense of the body strength, Chen Zong's robe was intact.

Leaping from top to bottom, Chen Zong felt that his body was constantly falling, and there seemed to be a force below, turning into an invisible hand to grab his own body, and pulling fiercely, it was difficult to resist.

Several kilometers!

After falling thousands of feet, Chen Zongfang could clearly see the ground.

Shen Guyuan's ground is potty and rough, and it seems to be broken away. The dark and dark land exudes an extremely heartbreaking atmosphere, as if lurking by countless fiendish monsters.

In many places, pieces of gray bones were exposed, adding more fierceness to this gloom.

However, Chen Zong's mind is tenacious, not shaken by foreign objects, his appearance has not changed in the slightest, his eyes are like the water of an ancient well, and he can't stand the waves.

The body seems to be falling into a group of meteorites, and it is extremely fast. It seems to be directly impacting the ground, like a broken body.

When his feet were about one meter away from the ground, Chen Zong's body suddenly stunned. It seemed to be still in time and space. In a moment, it dissipated, and his body fluttered down like a feather.

It was just the moment when the forces collided with the sinking momentum, rolled away like a storm of extinction, and seemed to break down in all directions, directly impacting the seemingly broken ground below. It was even more shocking, and Shengsheng was split into cracks, meandering like lightning, shocking.

Unless you have a domineering physique and amazing power control, you will not dare to do so. Otherwise, the power of the momentary pause will cause inexplicable damage to yourself, and in severe cases, you may even break your body.

Chen Zong didn't do anything at all. On the contrary, the impact of the moment on his own power only made the blood slightly irritated, just like doing a warm-up. It was nothing at all.

With both feet in contact, Chen Zong can feel that the ground of Shen Guyuan continuously emits a hint of cold chill, if it has the chill of the cheekbones, a little bit through the sole of the shoe, until it gets into the sole of the foot Penetrating into the feet, spreading the whole body, silently eroding the body, leaving hidden dangers.

Chen Zong's eyes were introverted, and his strong body was trembling slightly. Suddenly, the heavy forces shattered the cold cold power that penetrated into the soles of the feet, without being affected in the slightest.

Looking ahead, Chen Zong stepped forward.

The power in Shen Gu Yuan is very weird, as if there are countless hands pulling down continuously, making it impossible to fly in the air, and even the speed is significantly affected, which is about twice as slow as the outside world. In other words, think To maintain the same speed as the outside world, it must consume several times the force.

Here, the vitality of the heavens and the earth is thin and mixed, which is very unfavorable to the practitioners of qi.

If you absorb the heaven and earth vitality here to restore the Holy Power, the efficiency will be very low, and it will also affect the quality of your own Holy Power, stained with unnecessary impurities, and in serious cases will affect your own foundation and affect future cultivation.

Therefore, before the practitioners enter here, they will prepare many things for themselves, such as Tianyuandan and other elixir.

And here, try not to do anything to reduce power consumption.

After all, the purpose of entering Shenguyuan is just to step into the Xuanyuan Realm or the Upper Yuan Realm.

Although there are indeed some opportunities in Shenguyuan, there are too few and too few, and the danger will only increase. It is not wise to come here to find opportunities.

Stepping forward, Chen Zong maintained an astonishing speed. This speed could not be compared with the outside, but let Chen Zong's power consumption be at a level that he could bear.

Although the surrounding world is thin and mixed, full of terrible erosion, Chen Zong is fearless, because the fire in Zihuan Burns Market is enough to completely purify its impurities, leaving only the purest part to be absorbed by itself. Restores exhausted power.

Although this recovery is very slow, it is better than nothing, at least it can put its power in a balance of recovery consumption.

As if riding a dust, Chen Zong's body moved, flying like a dusty wind for thousands of miles, moving forward.

The sky is windless!

This is Chen Zong's most profound body form.

When Chen Zong's body quickly flew forward, three unrecognizable figures also leapt from above, landing lightly, as if immersed in the dimness of the deep bones, and went to Chen Zong silently. Chased away in the direction of departure.

All this, Chen Zong does not seem to know.

Click! Click!

As if awakened, a section of gray bony bones trembled gently, constantly absorbing the dark power free from the air, as if the invisible large hands were brushing, the bones quickly suspended, and the sound of clicking and clicking was amazing. , To form a giant skeleton.

Each skeletal beast is over ten meters in size, and numerous gusts converge, sending out an amazing roar and roar, pouring into the skeletal beast. Suddenly, the flames of its black holes are burning.

The flame was so cold and glowing with strange red light that made people's hearts tremble.

Skeleton Beast!

This is the characteristic of Shen Guyuan.

Once you feel the vitality, the skeleton beast will awaken from the slumber, kill the living creatures, assimilate them into dead bones, and sink here forever.

The skeletons of bones were gathered from head to head, and their eyes lit up with scarlet rays, emitting extremely cold and brutal fluctuations. When the body moved, they ran straight, and quickly ran towards Chen Zong.

They just awakened when they felt the vitality of Chen Zong, and their goal was naturally Chen Zong.

Dozens of skeletal beasts are running wildly, which is extremely amazing. With the yelling wind of roaring and roaring, they rushed to Chen Zong quickly. There is a kind of horror who will not smash Chen Zong.

In the distance, Chen Zong felt the chaotic and bleak murderousness sweeping through, his expression moved slightly, his eyes stared at with a touch of clear light.

"Bone Skeleton!" Chen Zong whispered, crossing the Shen Bone Pit and entering the Upper Yuan, Chen Zong will naturally have a detailed understanding of Shen Bone Pit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ so I know that I will encounter the Skeleton Beast here. Assault, just didn't expect it to be so fast.

Of course, this is related to Chen Zong's vitality.

The vitality brought by the practice of refining in the middle of the eighth period of the mixed heavens is really amazing.

It is precisely these exuberant vitality that made the skeleton giant appear earlier.

Although Chen Zong was able to be restrained, Shen Guyuan was unusual and full of wonders.

Chen Zong was not surprised at all, but he was able to face it calmly.


Locking one of the skeleton monsters, Chen Zong's left hand and five fingers clenched into a fist and slammed it out. This punch seemed to break the void and shattered the layers of cloudy wind. It seemed to create a vacuum-like outrageous kill. .

This fist is used in the middle of the eighth level of the mixed heavens. The punch is like a dragon out of the abyss, fierce and unmatched, and it breaks everything. It is difficult to resist the ordinary entering the sanctuary.

With a bang, the terrible boxing power directly bombarded a skeletal giant, and immediately broke it down, turning it into countless dead bones and spilling it in all directions.

Although the beast monster is amazing, it is difficult to fight such a punch.

However, the broken bones were in the air, as if being pulled by an invisible force, quickly rolled back and recombined, and turned into a skeleton beast. The body rolled homeward, erupting into an astonishing speed. Charge to kill.

"Can't you kill?" Chen Zong's eyes were frozen for a moment, then, the fire in Zihuan burned to the left, the five fingers were burning, and instantly released an extremely blazing breath, as if it could burn the void, turning everything into ashes .


The second punch, carrying terrible power, came out again.

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