Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 40: Sword Emperor Donglai (10)

The old man in Montenegro and Fushou Jianzun broke out with a life-saving card and fled. The speed was very fast, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye. Chen Zong did not pursue it, fell quickly, and took away the ghostly blood sword and the ring. Sword marks away.

There, there is the appetite of the former sword-dog strong like a ghost king.

"Chen Zong ..."

"The name seems to have been heard somewhere, and it's a bit familiar."

"Young, non-upper world, suspected to be from Tai Xuan Realm or Xuan Yuan Realm, named Chen Zong, and the sword power is extremely strong ..."

It seemed that all kinds of information were chained together and turned into a flash of lightning, which instantly tore everyone's minds, and a thought flashed together. That was a title.

"Sword Emperor!" Someone suddenly changed his expression and exclaimed.

"Is it the person who set off the nine-color ceiling, and was given the title of Sword Emperor by the King Tower?"

"The Emperor Lingwu crowned countless times, but was surpassed in this era, that is, the legendary sword emperor, is it this person?"


Greatly shocked!

Great shock!

If it is true, it is undoubtedly amazing.

Sword Emperor!

Everything that these two words carry is no trivial matter.

Synthesizing everything in the kingdom of Kings, this title represents the first person in the peerless demon evil and the first person in Kendo Tianjiao since countless years since ancient times.

Perhaps the current strength is not the first person in Kendo, but it already has such potential.

Hanshan Jianjun couldn't help trembling, trembling couldn't help himself, and the chill kept emerging from the deepest part of his heart.

Sword Emperor!

This person turned out to be the most talented person from ancient times to the present. He is the top-ranked demon evil sword emperor at the top of the Jiucaifeng tablet.

And myself, before going to provoke such a person.

Canglang Sword Master is trembling all over, pale, cold sweat seeping from his forehead, flowing down his cheek quickly, his body cold.

Before, I didn't know whether to ask for the so-called secret treasure of the other party, even if the other party didn't give it, I planned to launch a sword attack.

Fortunately, fortunately, he did not really pull the sword, and did not even leak the killer, otherwise he who waits for himself is afraid of death.



Canglang Sword Master wanted to escape but did not dare. He was not too young. He had already lost the fighting spirit of the past and lost the sharpness and delicacy that an excellent sword repair should have.

Sword practitioners must not be reckless or impulsive, but they should not be overly concerned.

When you break, you break, when you cut, you have to be wise.

Canglang Sword Master, has been lost, but does not know it.

Chen Zong ignored the Cold Mountain Sword King and Canglang Sword Emperor, and his body passed by quickly. For the two of them, they were no different from the ants, as long as they stopped provoking themselves, they were safe.

However, if you are not interested and are trying to provoke yourself, then blame yourself for being merciless under your sword and do your best.

Not long after, Chen Zong came to the place where the Sword King Wangui was beheaded.

The grave price is that if the King of Swords of Ten Thousand Swords is backswept and the bones are left, only a broken black robe, a ring and a broken sword will fall on the ground.

Although the robe was good, it was broken and useless.

Chen Zong first stowed the ring and then grabbed the broken sword.

Sword of all ghosts!

A very top-level sacred sword, at this time, was dilapidated and lost all its power.

But from this, Chen Zong can still feel his fierce breath.

The atmosphere was dark, gloomy, cold, and fierce, as if it was connected to hell, to pull people down.

But as time passed, the breath quickly passed away and became weaker.

This sword is useless but also evil. Chen Zong immediately urged the fire in Zihuan to burn the flames, directly covering the broken Wangui sword, completely purifying the remaining evil power, making it completely discarded and turned into a piece of scrap iron. No value, just throw it away.

It was the appetite of Wangui Sword King, Chen Zong inspected it carefully.

As a strong swordsman, he was also a kind of person who acted on his preferences. He didn't know how many treasures were plundered. The collection contained in the ring was so rich that it surprised Chen Zong.

However, Chen Zong's own wealth is also amazing. Therefore, apart from being very valuable or useful to himself, Chen Zong will not care too much.

After a search, Chen Zong found a piece of black inherited spirit jade. The black inherited spirit jade is about the size of a fist, and looks like a skull. His face looks like a ghost, and is lifelike. At a glance, it looks like a ghost. If you want to spread your face to the same level, you can hear countless fierce ghost howls, making people fall to hell.

But this kind of mental shock is nothing to Chen Zong. Chen Zong's eyes stared at each other, facing the black grimace and black hollow eyes. In an instant, there was a scarlet light shining from the depths of the grimace's eyes. Out.

The information rushed like a torrent of water into Chen Zong's mind. For a time, Shenhai seemed to be rendered, dark and deep, and the countless coldness was permeated, as if he had turned into a hell.

But these visions did not affect Chen Zong's.

"Mantra of the Ghosts ..."

When the scarlet grimace was restrained, Chen Zong also inherited it.

This is the adventure that Wangui Sword King got in his early years, a weird and evil technique, a complete set, which is very complete, and has created Wangui Sword King's heinous name.

Chen Zong calmly resisted the shock of Wanli Jianqi and the cold and cold breath, and at the same time realized the mystery of Wangui Zhenjing. The more he understood, the more dignified his face.

Sure enough, it is an extremely evil technique.

To practice this technique, we must consolidate our holy rites.

The destiny holy weapon condensed by the Sword King is the Sword of Man.

This makes Chen Zongxin long for it. After all, the destiny sacred artifact will be inextricably linked with its own bloodline, which can make its own power be more thorough and even exceed the limit. Its efficacy is much stronger than the sacred artifact of the same level.

In addition, the holy sacred artifacts will be continuously improved, so there is no need to replace other holy artifacts due to the improvement of cultivation and the enhancement of strength.

After all, the longer the sacred artifact is used, the more it will fit with itself, and the more it will be used.

But unfortunately, the means of cultivating the sacred sacred artifacts of these ten thousand ghosts are too evil. First, they must find the embryo of the organ, just like an embryo. This embryo must be immersed in enough and strong blood for three years without interruption. Give it a preliminary spirituality.

This step is worth mentioning. There are many ways to obtain essence and blood, such as killing monsters.

However, after the essence and blood incubator embryos, it must be refined into the body, and then it needs to be smelted like a large number of souls. Among them, when the human soul is the most suitable, the quality of the sacred sacred artifacts is the best.

It is precisely because of this that Wangui Sword King only slaughtered a city that year, and the souls of the people in that city melted to make Wangui Sword truly take shape.

The last step is to need a powerful soul with great potential, melt it into it, and then conserve it with the most exuberant blood, so that it can become one of the ghost kings and take the sacred sacred weapon.

At this point, the natal holy weapon is truly completed. Next, it still needs to continually refine the soul and draw the essence of blood, so that the power of the natal holy weapon continues to improve, and the quality also continues to improve.


The process of cultivating the ancestral holy artifacts by the mantra is really too evil. The most important thing is that the sacred holy artifacts cultivated by these methods are the sacred holy artifacts, and the ghostly appearance is Chen Zong. Disliked.

If you do n’t like it, it ’s not suitable, it ’s not suitable, no matter how good it is.

The fire in the Zihuan Burning Market suddenly burst out, and the mysterious fire-refining tactics were thoroughly operated to the extreme, so that the power of the strange fire of this day was fully exerted, wrapping the inky ghost head in his hand and burning wildly.

The Tianhuo Taoism is integrated into the Zihuan Burning Market Fire, which makes the power of the Zihuan Burning Market Fire soar.

Under the frenzied burning, the grimace seemed to be mourning, mourning ceaselessly, it seemed to beg for mercy, and it seemed to threaten Chen Zong, but Chen Zong ignored it and kept pushing to destroy it.

Chen Zong is not a compassionate man, nor is it a saint, but he feels that this thing is too evil. If it falls into the hands of others, there is no guarantee that there will be no extra killings and incidents. It is very displeasing. Since this is the case, then Destroy and prevent future troubles.

The grimace was very stubborn, but it still couldn't resist the amazing power of this terrible Zihuan burning market fire.

A little bit, the black breath continued to emerge from it and was burned into nothingness by the flames.

After a moment or so, there was no trace of black air permeating, and the whole face was burnt red, like a red iron.

Hunyuan Ironsmith!

An overwhelming blow, bringing together the power of the whole body, and even the blow of the spirit force bursting out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ directly hit the ghost's face.


Subtle and crisp sounds rang out. Immediately, cracks appeared on the ghost's face, spreading quickly, like spider webs all over the top and bottom.


The entire skeleton was broken apart by Chen Zong's tyrannical blow, and turned into countless fragments. It was attacked again by the iron smelter for the second time, and was broken more thoroughly.

Hunyuan Ironsmith's Third Strike!

The entire grimace skull was completely broken and turned into countless fans. With the shaking of Chen Zong ’s palm, the sky was full of meaning. Suddenly, he took the fan to fly away, scattered between the heavens and the earth, and there was no semi-convergence. Possible.

This is not to say that Chen Zong's approach is too cautious, but that this thing feels very evil to Chen Zong. Be careful not to overdo it, so as not to cause yourself any trouble.

As for the contents of the Mangkid Sutra, the other parts are rather ordinary, except that the destiny of the Mangjuku is more prominent. It can be said that the true essence of the Manghosu Sutra is the incubation of the Mangjuku Demon Sect And secret law are all born around this destiny holy artifact.

In this way, Chen Zong will not be of much use unless he can learn from it other ways of cultivating the destiny of the destiny.

But Chen Zong also knew that it was difficult.

However, since there are such peculiar exercises as the Mantra of the Ghosts, will there be other similar exercises or mysteries that can conserve the sacred artifact but not so evil?

For a time, Chen Zong's mind was lively.

Although Shen Yejian is good, one day, he will not be able to keep up with himself. At that time, he will inevitably have to change to another sword.

If you can find the secret method of the birth of the holy holy weapon, you should solve everything.

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