Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 64: Evil eye

Darkness filled the void, covering the sky and covering the sun, completely shrouded.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu shuttled through the darkness, tearing to death with swords.

Tian Mingzi trembled in his arms, and the horrific vigor erupted in an instant, as if the hurricane raged and bounded, repelling everything to shake everything.

"Give up your secret avatar or secret treasure, I will spare your life." Tian Mingzi's voice also sounded and passed into the ears of Chen Zong and Chen Xiu.

After all, Tian Mingzi is a half-step holy saint, or a powerful elder of Wanling Pavilion. He knows more information than most half-step holy saints, so there are only two explanations.

One is that Chen Zong has a special secret treasure that can give birth to an avatar.

The second is that Chen Zong has a secret avatar, which can split a avatar.

Regardless of whether it is one or two, in short, there is one more avatar, and the strength of that avatar is very strong, it seems to be even more arrogant than the deity. Of course, Tianmingzi is also somewhat uncertain which one is the deity and which is the avatar.

However, it is extraordinary in any case, and if you can get it, it will definitely become stronger.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu's hearts sank a little, and the most worried thing happened after all.

For a long time, the reason why Chen Zong didn't show the avatar of Shura in front of people was that he didn't want people to see it, so he was exiled.

In the face of Tian Mingzi, a half-step great saint-like powerhouse, his strength is too arrogant, and his devotion to exert all his powers is not his opponent at all, and he cannot fight at all.

As a last resort, only Shura's avatar Chen Xiu can be exposed. Compared to revealing secrets, it is more important to keep his life, and as long as the other party is beheaded, the secret is still a secret.

Murder, cohesion in the heart of Chen Zong and Chen Xiu, more solid and stronger.

All the strength broke out, without reservation, kill.

Every sword condenses the ultimate killing power.

The deities and avatars have different swordsmanship.

The kendo of the deity is the supreme kendo of the seas and rivers, and the kendo of the clone is a very pure killing kendo, as if born only for killing.

To the extreme, any one of them will have unparalleled power, but for the time being, Shura ’s Killing Kendo is obviously more powerful, but the Supreme Kendo of the deity has infinite potential, and the stronger it will be in the future. .

Tian Mingzi has experienced countless battles and has a broad knowledge of Chen Zong and Chen Xiu's sword skills.

Very strong!

Very bright!

It is truly a contemporary sword emperor with unlimited potential.

The more so, the more determined Tian Mingzi's killing heart.

Not only is it for revenge for the killing of the spirit son, but also to get rid of the aftermath. Otherwise, these evils, if escaped by him, will become stronger and more terrible in the future.

Now, it should be removed. As for the avatar or avatar of the avatar, you can find it from the corpse of the other person. Even if you cannot find it, you must remove the other person.

Tian Mingzi shot more and more fiercely, the power of each move became more and more amazing, black light swept through, chill invaded all directions.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu formed a mysterious battlefield to further enhance their strength. Two to one, but also very reluctantly, could only fight, fell into the downwind, and fell into danger, almost being wounded and even killed.

But Chen Zong and Chen Xiu resisted such terrible pressure and kept on fighting.

Use your body skills to the extreme, and your sword skills to the extreme.

The strength of the half-step grand saint is really terrible. Whether it is himself or a clone, the strength is at the level of entering the sacred realm, which is already very strong, and it is difficult to find an adversary, but facing a half-step grand saint. However, even in the case where the deity's avatar constitutes the mysterious formation, he still feels that extremely strong pressure is coming, and he wants to crush himself and his avatar.

Change to other sanctuaries, such as Tian Jianzi, under such pressure, it is difficult to move, let alone confrontation.


Too big!

However, Chen Zong also felt that there seemed to be something exploding in the deepest part of his body, and it seemed that some power was being shaken and excited.

That's potential, it's the potential hidden deep in the body, and it's just a little bit excited.

But the pressure is too strong and too strong, and the load of Chen Zong and Chen Xiu is getting stronger and stronger, I don't know how long it can withstand.

However, no matter whether it is the deity or the avatar, the mind is extremely tenacious. As long as there is a trace of possibility, he will not give up, and he will surely persist in the end.

Pressure is constantly accumulating and getting stronger and stronger, just like an invisible mountain that is constantly aggravating, giving the deity and avatar a feeling of almost collapse. This collapse is not only mental but also physical.

The more fighting, the more amazed Tian Mingzi was, and the more fearful he was.

This son is terrible and sensational.

If someone had told himself before that that a sanctuary could compete with himself, he would absolutely slap it to death, but now the fact is in front of him, and it is his own experience.

break out!

Tian Mingzi's breath became more and more powerful and astounding, terrifying to the extreme.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu only felt as if a storm of extinction suddenly swept away, and they wanted to cause them to collapse physically and mentally.

If you ca n’t carry it, you ’ve reached the limit. If you continue to carry on, you will not only be able to bring benefits to yourself. On the contrary, it will cause irreparable trauma, which is a trauma that directly damages the foundation.


Tian Mingzi saw that both Chen Zong and Chen Xiu stepped back, and immediately understood that the other party couldn't carry it.

In this case, kill one first.

Heavenly Seal!

The power of the Tianming Seal displayed under the eruption is 30% stronger than before, and it is becoming more and more terrifying.

Chen Xiu blasted out with a sword, as if a chaos dragon rushed out of the abyss, the air was roaring, and a trace of gray arcs surrounded his body. It seemed to destroy everything and all life.

The sword that was exerted as much as possible, but failed to compete with the previous general, and was immediately crushed by suppression.

The sky and the sky fell down like a bamboo, and without hesitation, the void was suppressed again, and the bodies of Chen Zong and Chen Xiu were also difficult to move.

Going to die?

Tian Mingzi's eyes also burst out with unparalleled sorrow and ruthlessness. Finally, he is going to avenge his brother, and finally, he is going to get rid of one who will become a poster child.


With both hands pressed in the air, suddenly, the ancient black god-like mountain underworld seal fell at a faster speed, and the sense of oppression brought by it became more and more shocking and terrible.



If this blow is completely dropped, Chen Zong and Chen Xiu may fall apart in an instant, and even the soul cannot be saved, and the soul will be scattered.

However, even so, Chen Zong and Chen Xiu are not half afraid, because they still rely on them.

Without hesitation, Chen Xiu erupted into an astonishing breath, as if the heavens and the earth shattered in countless numbers, as if coming from the endless nothingness like a tide, and suddenly filled the sky, tearing the darkness, causing Tian Mingzi to feel involuntary. The tightness, there was a feeling of cold all over the body.

It seems that something terrible will happen.

Too late to think, Chen Xiu's eyes were suddenly covered with darkness, deep and thorough, just like the abyss.

Immediately, the light burst out, and shot directly into the sky, and with an unparalleled mighty power, the ink trembled that day, but fell again.

However, the black light condensed into a black wheel, and it became bigger and bigger between continuous rotations, and even leveled with that day's mourning. Between the rotations, it not only blocked the fall of the mourning sky, but also resolved the terrible coercion. Both Chen Zong and Chen Xiu regained their ability to act.

The sound of Kaka Kaka suddenly sounded, and in Tian Mingzi's shocked eyes, a crack appeared in the Tian Mingyin's full force, and then, like a torrential dyke, the whole Tian Mingyin began to break.

After the black giant wheel crushed Tianming Seal and paused, it was crushed by volleys, and the terrible coercion seemed to destroy everything. There was an unspeakable evil intention and coercion, which immediately caused Tianmingzi to tremble. The chill swept the whole body.



After many battles, Tian Mingzi's instinct was extremely amazing. Without hesitation, he pulled back immediately.

He felt that if he was hit by that **** wheel, he would definitely be hurt.

However, the giant wheel locked Tianmingzi, and there was a feeling that Tianmingzi couldn't get rid of it no matter where he went.

That being the case, it's broken.

The power erupted again, and the black light around Tian Mingzi was so strong that it was a blow that he did his best.

Sealed with both hands, the Tianming Seal was exhibited again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This time, Tianming Seal not only did its best, but also used the force beyond its own load to cause some damage to himself, but he had to do so Otherwise, it cannot be blocked.


The stone was horrifying, and the shocking impact that came out of it was terrible power. The sky was falling apart. The void storm swept all directions, destroying everything, arranging mountains and rivers pouring in all directions, as if the sea collapsed and destroyed the world.

Under the earth-shattering big bang, the evil wheel of silence also shattered, and the Yin Yin was also broken that day.

Tian Mingzi bears the brunt of it. With a heavy muffled sound, Tian Mingzi instantly turns into a stream of black streamer and retreats at an amazing speed.

Under the impact of those forces, Rao was unable to hold his half-strength level of strength, and was directly traumatized, and he was not light. He had to get rid of the wounds and heal, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

As for Chen Zong, he can no longer care, because he feels a terrible force raging in his body, trying to destroy his body and destroy his vitality. If it is not removed in time, I am afraid it will have serious consequences. .

Suddenly, a **** black sword-light glowed from the side and fell off in the air.

Heaven and earth line!

This sword, as if it were accurate, as if waiting for him there.


Jian Guang cut off, and with a scream, an arm flew up.

After all, the black light was far away, and the speed was so high that Chen Zong could not chase the slightest. He could only watch the other person leave, and it was in his eyes.

Ran away.

In this half step, the strong man of the Great Holy Order escaped, from under the eyes of the deity and the avatar.

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