Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 79: Complete

(I'm really sorry, I said that it was updated at nine o'clock, but there was a temporary problem, and it was delayed until now)

The division of the strength of the half-step grand saint is very straightforward, that is, one-star to nine-star. The one-star is naturally the weakest, and the most common half-step grand saint is the one-star.

The difference in combat power between each star is very obvious, at least doubled, and maybe even doubled.

As for the nine-star rating, there is another name, ten-star rating, also known as the invincible half-step saint. However, those who can reach the nine-star rating are already very few. As for the ten-star rating , And even less rarely.

In fact, there is another saying that if you want to break into the great holy realm and become a Xeon, you must first have a seven-star combat power to have hope. The higher the combat power, the greater the hope.

Seven-star combat power can only have a little hope.

In other words, each of the Great Holy Realms has at least a seven-star combat power in the half-step Great Holy Level.

The six-star combat power is so strong, and the seven-star combat power is at least doubled. How terrible should it be?

Chen Zong cannot imagine.

However, Zhao Mingkong, the silver sword king, can resist Luo Yan. Its combat power should also be a six-star level.

Chen Zong did not ask this.

According to Zhao Mingkong, there are currently more than a hundred people on Miguang Island. The highest combat power is seven stars, with a total of three. One of them is the most powerful. Its combat power is very close to eight stars. This is almost a bit, but it is also a seven-star level, very strong.

As for the six-star combat power, there are almost ten. Luo Yan is among the best, and the rest are five-star and four-star combat power.

In other words, on the entire island of Miguang, the lowest combat power also has four stars.

As for the below four stars, unless you are lucky, it is difficult to reach the Miguang Island, after all, it is located in the center of the Miguang Sea.

Moreover, one-star two-star and three-star combat power, after staying here for ten years, had to turn over the fog source or beast source, and had to go out and hunt the fog monster or sea beast.

The Mist is divided into lower middle and upper positions and the more powerful Mist Lord.

The strength of the lower Fog Demon is at least equivalent to the three-star power of a half-step saint, and the strength can reach the four-star level.

The strength of the median fog monster is at least five stars and strong at six stars.

The strength of the upper fog monsters ranges from seven stars to eight stars.

As for the so-called mist demon king, it is at least nine stars.

As for the classification of sea beasts, it is the same as the fog monster, but in the water, the sea beasts may be more scary.

If the three-star combat power meets the weakest Fog Demon, you can fight it, maybe you can kill and get the Fog source, but if you encounter a more powerful Fog Demon, there is only a dead end except to escape.

Therefore, no one with less than four stars can be found on the Miguang Island.

"Little friend, in the past ten years, you have to cultivate well and strive to take your strength one step further. Then you will enter the sea of ​​lost light. If you are lucky enough, you can live longer." Zhao Mingkong said.

Although he tried to save Chen Zong, it was just a coincidence, not deliberate. After all, he had never met Chen Zong before.

Now introducing Chen Zong so much is also due to his own personality factor, but let him give up the fog source to Chen Zong to live, this is impossible, unless the relationship between the two reaches a level of friends that can trust each other.

But that is not easy.

People's hearts are separated by belly, and the old rivers and lakes may not be able to see the depth of each other at a glance, at most it is just a little more certain.

In the final analysis, what Zhao Mingkong, the silver sword king, has done is benevolence, and Chen Zong has only gratitude in addition to gratitude.

If it were not for Zhao Mingkong, Chen Zong would not know what happened now.

Zhao Mingkong's Dongfu is located on a mountain several hundred meters high. It can be seen that it was cut with a knife. The knife marks are obvious, but there is a natural feeling.

From that tiny knife mark, Chen Zong could see that Zhao Mingkong's knife skill was very superb, maybe he was still above his sword skills.

Of course, I haven't consulted, it's hard to say.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth here is really richer than the first time when they first entered Miguang Island, and the purity is better than several dozens.

"Let's stay here for a while." Zhao Mingkong said, "When do you want to leave Miguang Island, tell me, I will send you a ride, I will not leave in ten years."

"Thank you senior." Chen Zong was grateful.

Now I am very interested in the light environment.

In general, what is valuable in Miguang is the mist source of the mist demon and the mist source of the mist demon and the animal source of the sea beast.

The mist crystal can help to understand the mystery of heaven and earth. The mist source is an upgrade of mist crystal. The effect of understanding the mystery of heaven and earth will be better. As for the beast source, it is different.

Miguangjing is an independent space, which is related to leaving Miguanghai.

Newcomers, there is a chance to enter the Miguang Realm for free. If you want to enter the second time, you must pay a fog source or animal source.

A piece of inferior fog source or beast source represents the life of a lower fog monster or lower sea beast.

If it is to be replaced by mist crystals, a thousand mist crystals must be used.

Chen Zong couldn't help laughing after he knew it, because the mist crystals he owned were still only fifty or so.

A thousand yuan, then you have to hunt a thousand mist demon, and the mist demon is not so easy to encounter.

It's really not that easy to live here, but, finally, there is hope, there is no need to wander around like before, no way out.

As long as there is a hint of hope, Chen Zong will hold on tightly, and now the hope seems not small, how could he give up on it.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Zong asked Zhao Mingkong about the mystery of the lost light.

"The lost light environment is a test of itself." Zhao Mingkong first sorted out his thoughts before he said, "A practitioner must be excellent in all aspects to be flawless in order to become a true strongman."

Zhao Mingkong's words Chen Zong immediately understood.

The test of the mystery of light is aimed at the test of the truly powerful.

For example, strength, speed, response, will, mentality, and so on.

"There are ten realms in Miguang."

"If you can break into the seventh realm, you will be eligible to live permanently in Miguang Island. You do n’t need to pay any source of Wuyuan Beast, and you can enter and exit the Miguang realm at will." Zhao Mingkong's words suddenly made Chen Zong slightly bright.

"If you can break into the eighth realm, it is said that you can leave Miguanghai." Zhao Mingkong's eyes glowed.

It is the wish of many people to leave Miguanghai, but how many people are disappointed to despair.

"Where is the ninth state?" Chen Zong could not help asking.

"Unclear." Zhao Mingkong laughed. The ninth state is unclear, and the tenth state is even more unknown.

But as long as you pass through the eighth realm, you can leave, the attraction is not small.

"Senior, has anyone left?" Chen Zong could not help asking.

"Yes, definitely, but in the past 10,000 years, it hasn't." Zhao Mingkong answered very directly.

"The assessment of the Miguang Realm is related to your own cultivation of the realm. If you want to challenge, you can try it now." Zhao Mingkong said: "Or you can practice here for a period of time and then take a look at it. "

Having said that, Zhao Mingkong is actually not very optimistic about Chen Zong.

Although the test of the miraculous realm is closely related to his own cultivation, he can have entered it himself, and he knows how difficult it is.

The reason for saying so is actually that Chen Zong still has to leave here within ten years. Since he wants to leave, it is normal to challenge the light environment, so he won't come here for nothing.

Although Chen Zong was very interested in the lost light environment and wanted to challenge it, he still thought about it.

Because, when I get to a safe environment, I need to retreat well.

In the past two years, he has been wandering around the Miguang Sea and constantly fighting, bringing himself a lot of grind, further stimulating his own potential, and he can just sort out and further improve himself.

Since the assessment of the miraculous realm is closely related to its own cultivation behavior, it may be more beneficial to improve other aspects while the cultivation cultivation is unchanged.

Zhao Mingkong didn't say much. It was a coincidence that he could save the other person. Bringing the other person here is considered to be a good deed. His original mentality is very good. For him, it is just a hand.

Zhao Mingkong practiced on his own, and Chen Zong also opened a small cave house by himself. After heavy deployment, he entered the cave and started retreating.

Chen Zong had a deeper understanding of the way of speed before, but now is a good time to learn.

To save time, Chen Zong directly took out a mist crystal and filled it with divine thoughts, and realized the mystery ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Before, Chen Zong had never used mist crystals, so this use immediately felt himself The effect of enlightenment is better, the mystery of the day and the earth seems to be more clearly presented in his eyes.

After the power of Wujing was exhausted, Chen Zong felt that he was deeper and deeper in the mystery of the heavenly wind. He struck iron while hot and immediately took out the second Wujing to realize it.

When the power of the third mist crystal was exhausted, Chen Zong suddenly felt a slight tremor in his body and mind, as if there was a breeze passing by. The wind seemed to come from the outside, as if it was derived from the body. Out.

Only in an instant, Chen Zong felt that he seemed to be transformed into a gust of wind and could soar in the void of heaven and earth.

This feeling is very wonderful. Chen Zong knew that his sky was incompetent and broke through.


Sure enough, the state of perfection is not comparable to the state of Dacheng. This wonderful feeling alone makes people want to stop.

As if it could really be turned into a gust of wind.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately went out of the customs, and once out of the gate, he immediately exhibited the Tianfeng Wushen method, and his shape turned into a ray of wind, hovering between heaven and earth.

Fast and slow, everything is under control. Stop when you stop, move when you want. As long as there is a slight gap, the wind can pass through.

Unparalleled feeling.

The sky wind is invisible and colorless. Now there is no phase, which greatly improves one's survivability. When encountering unbeatable targets, this body style can play a big role.

But Chen Zong was not complacent, because the opponents he encountered now are too powerful, and the sky wind in the perfect situation is not enough to make himself compete with that word.

However, in any case, the breakthrough of body style brings not only strength but also the inside.

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