Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 82: Meteor storm

"Lao Zhao, the person you rescued, it is not a problem to break through the first three realms." The hybrid king broke the silence and said again.

"Should." Zhao Mingkong did not say absolutely, but he also thought so. After all, according to his own observations, Chen Zong's strength was not weak. He belonged to the peerless Tianjiao class, and the peerless Tianjiao class had to break through the first three realms of the light. How difficult it will be.

The hard part is to start from the fourth realm.

The fourth realm is called the Meteor Realm.

To some extent, the fourth realm is a synthesis and sublimation of the first three realms.

Fourth Realm: Meteor Realm.

Chen Zong stood under a red sky, and at his feet was an endless wasteland.

A stream of crimson streamers quickly passed through the sky, leaving a trail of crimson burning trails, which was extremely dazzling, and the clouds at the edge of the sky were rendered red, as if ignited, burning like a fire burning the sky.

A man standing on a barren field, looking up at the red sky, suddenly felt like a small dust.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's eyes and pupils reflected a red streamer turning direction, and quickly fell downwards. Looking at its trajectory, it seemed to be facing him.

The menacing, breathtaking breath was sweeping like tide, heavy ripples rippled like ripples in the void, layer upon layer, rendering a string of pale red.


The breathtaking scorching breeze rushed forward, seeming to burn yourself into coke.


Amazing sound came from the shock. The terrible and extreme breath fell when the air cracked down, and suddenly made himself feel a feeling of difficulty breathing, almost suffocating, as if his body was going to be suppressed.

When Chen Zong saw it, among the crimson red, there was a Mish round stone, which was burning and turned into a meteorite.

The power of this blow is very strong, it suddenly surpasses the usual eightfold entry to the sanctuary, reaching the level of the ninefold entry to the sanctuary.

His cultivation is the peak of the eighth entrance to the sanctuary. The power of this crimson meteorite that has been shot down has reached the peak of the ninth entrance to the sanctuary, beyond his own great realm.

Such power is dare not to dare to connect to the ninth of the sanctuary, even if it is the limit of the ninth to the sanctuary. The result of being hard-wired is to be shocked and wounded.

But Chen Zong felt that although the strength of this meteor was strong, it was not enough to really threaten himself.

However, Chen Zong did not intend to shoot, and his body flickered slightly to avoid it.


The meteor hits the ground, the ground shakes endlessly, and cracks spread rapidly around the fall of the meteorite. The flames spread along the numerous cracks, and there are countless fist-sized pieces like arrows off the string. Like sputtering sweeps in all directions.

All the square kilometers are covered by it. Even though the power of the fragment is not as good as that of a meteorite, it is also very tyrannical, reaching the middle stage of the ninth stage of the sanctuary.

This kind of power, the ordinary Ninefold Limits of Divine Realm, are difficult to face. Even if it is not wounded, it will be very embarrassing.

Chen Zong, however, understatedly avoided all attacks.

But this is just the beginning.

The crimson streamers flying over the sky seemed to receive any instructions, and they turned around and fell downward, each of which was a few hundred pounds of stone, burning with red flames, and filled with terrible power.


Suddenly, three meteorites fell towards their place of standing, without mercy, the power carried by each meteorite all reached the peak of the ninth peak of the sanctuary.

After these three meteorites, more meteorites have fallen.

Chen Zong immediately understood the meaning of the meteorite.

The assessment of this situation is to face the meteor or even the meteor shower and survive under its attack. As to when it is considered to pass, it is not clear.

Thinking carefully, this is also a torture point. If you don't know when it will end, your heart will have no bottom, and the invisible pressure will be even greater.

After all, when you know when it will end, you have more in mind to be more confident, at least you have a mental preparation.

But if it is bottomless, it will be dazed, lost, and invisible pressure will increase greatly.

For a time, Chen Zong did not feel any pressure. Similar experiences were not without, but he had passed them all. This time, it was the same.

The sky wind unfolded, Chen Zong quickly dodged.

Boom boom!

Three meteorites fell and continuously exploded. The earth shook even more violently. The terrible fragments irradiated in all directions. They covered everything like a heavy rain, but were avoided by Chen Zong.

More meteors fell.

For a moment, the sky seemed like a meteor shower. Regardless of danger, just a glance, there was a magnificent and thrilling beauty.

But under this thrilling beauty, there is an extremely dangerous crisis, not to mention the ordinary ninefold limit of sanctuary, even if the severe ninefold limit of sanctuary is inevitable.

It feels that the entire sky is falling, and the denseness is like a rain that completely covers the wasteland. No matter where it goes, it will face the attack of the meteorite.

Nowhere to run!

Nowhere to hide!

This wasteland looks endless, wide and empty, and it is difficult to find a hiding place.

In other words, you can only face it, and blind dodging is not the answer.

For example, now, under constant dodge, Chen Zong is keenly aware of the changes of the meteor shower. It is no longer the messy and random fall before, but seems to be adjusted slightly. After the adjustment, there is a blockade. The surrounding changes, the power emitted by the meteorite faintly connected into one body, suppressing down.

Only in an instant, the pressure facing Chen Zong increased several times.

These pressures are still not strong enough for him, but Chen Zong knows a little. If he continues to do the same, he will only increase the pressure again. In the end, I don't know how strong it will be.

In this case, don't dodge.

As soon as his eyes were frozen, his pupils shot a faint, sharp edge, and Shen Yejian was scabbard at the moment.

The light of the sword was dark and crossed the void, as if bringing a trace of darkness and advent.

The black sword light is not conspicuous, only the thickness of the fingers, but it penetrates the void in an instant, hits a meteorite a hundred meters away, and the meteorite bursts into a few dozen smaller pieces instantly, impacting in all directions.


The meteors that came to their own bombing were blasted by Chen Zongyi sword in a volley. After the explosion, even though there was still power, its power dropped by a level and the threat was even smaller.

Boom boom!

Every meteorite invaded from all directions was eaten in the air at a distance of 100 meters, and then exploded, like a magnificent fireworks-like magnificent, fascinating.

The figure of Chen Zong stands under the fireworks of the flourishing age, his long back stands like a sword, and his sharp edge looms straight into the sky. It seems to run through the sky like a scroll, which is passed down through the ages.

Swing the sword again. Suddenly, the broken meteor block was crushed again and spattered around, colliding with other pieces, which could not affect Chen Zongmin. This is clever. If anyone sees , Will be astounded.

The test of the fourth realm should be the integration and sublimation of the first three realms. Chen Zong is also not afraid, and believes that with his own strength, he can pass through.

As for the fifth realm, Chen Zong is still unclear, but he still crossed the fourth realm first.

But, how can we be considered to have crossed the fourth realm?

While thinking, Chen Zong was wielding a sword, crushing one after another.

Although the power of this meteor is very strong, it is not much to itself, but it is more and brings some pressure.

Even if the practice of refining the body is suppressed, with the strength of practicing Qi cultivation, it is not difficult for Chen Zong to cope.

If Zhao Mingkong and others knew it, they would be surprised. They speculated that Chen Zong might be able to break through the fourth realm, but it would be very difficult.

Who would have thought that Chen Zong was not only relaxed in the first three realms, but that the fourth realm did not bear much pressure, because they did not know Chen Zong's ability.

Originally, Chen Zong's foundation was very powerful and amazing, and the retreat in that half year not only fully tapped the potential inspired by the pressure and grinding in the sea for more than two years, but also fully converted it into strength, and more than fifty mist crystals Power is exhausted, and deeper understanding of the mysteries of heaven and earth.

Therefore, his own strength is much stronger than half a year ago, even if it is the same, it is also stronger.

Boom boom!

The more and more meteorites fall, the more dense they become, their momentum becomes more and more violent, and the pressure increases accordingly. It feels like the sky is about to collapse, suppressing everything.

Chen Zongyin has a feeling that it is difficult to breathe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is also because the practice of refining the body is caused by the suppressed relationship. Otherwise, with strong physique, it is enough to easily resist this feeling.

However, even if the practice of refining the body was banned, relying on the practice of qi cultivation, Chen Zong was not afraid.

It's like a battle of life and death.

Chen Zong did not use it as a game from the beginning. This is a battle, a life-and-death battle. If he cannot carry it, he may be killed.

Of course, being killed here is not a real death, just a challenge to leave.

But if you don't look squarely, you will develop bad habits invisibly.

The meteor shower couldn't help Chen Zong. It seemed to be irritated. The redder became more fiery. The more meteors appeared, the denser and more violent it became, from rain to torrential rain.

"It's endless." With a secret whistle, Chen Zong suddenly soared into the sky, and instantly passed over the meteor stars to the sky, rushing to the highest point he could reach, a sword swept out.

Suddenly, the countless sword lights, sword qi and sword mang surging, and converged into a sword, turned into a sharp to extreme black sword man, slender as hair, but tough enough to tear everything easily.


Heaven and earth line!

With this sword out, the sky suddenly became dim, as if dusk fell, the void was torn directly, and the meteor that had just fallen was also split into two.

The sky was torn under this sword, and a huge crack appeared, and the crack spread quickly, as if it reached an endless place, and gradually broke.

This sword seems to exceed the upper limit of this side's secret realm, and breaks its limit. In the faint, Chen Zong rises up for a while.

Break through.

(Little sister-in-law can break into the realm.)

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