Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 89: Qianlong

One person descends on the audience!

The King of Mountains and Seas has such a mighty power. His long hair is snow-white, but his face is ruddy like a baby, and his blood is strong.

The King of the Sea and Sea swept away, falling on Chen Zong, deep in the bright and magnificent eyes, but there was a hint of surprise.

Enter the sacred realm of Yae!

At a glance, just at a glance, Shanhaiwang saw Chen Zong's cultivation clearly, and even saw that Chen Zong had a good cultivation practice, but what level did the cultivation cultivation reach? Impervious, can only be definitely late in mixed heaven.

Gas initiates!

And they all reach the late stage, which is really amazing.

"I don't know the little friend's name or surname?" Shan Haiwang asked, smiling.

"My surname is Chen Mingzong, and I have met the seniors of Shanhaiwang." Chen Zong responded with no humbleness, no excitement, and no sorrow.

"Chen Zongyou, I saw you as I did, and would you like to go to Hanshe with my husband?" Shanhaiwang directly invited.

Chen Zong turned his mind and immediately agreed.

Today, he is in the protection of Miguang Island's power. This kind of protection has been in the past, if there is none, but after passing the seventh realm of Miguang, Chen Zong feels more and more obvious.

It was an unimaginable force, faintly gathering around him, permeated and hard to detect.

The strength of this force is very amazing. Even if the blood kills Wang Luo Yan and other strengths, he does not want to break it, and even when someone takes a threat to Chen Zong's life, it will cause this force to fight back and be killed directly.

This force is overbearing. No one can resist any six-star and seven-star combat.

Even if it is eight-star combat power, it will be killed.

Nine-star combat power is not immune.

As to whether the legendary ten-star invincible half-step saint can resist, it is not known.

In any case, there are still more than nine years, it is safe to stay on this Miguang Island, almost absolute security, unless it is shot by the great holy realm.

Therefore, if the king of the mountains and seas is going to be against him, he can be safe and sound.

This kind of protection is not just to save lives, but all means to deal with oneself, whether it is killing, suppressing or trapping, will cause its counterattack.

This feeling became more and more obvious after Chen Zong broke through the seventh realm.

"Please." Shan Haiwang laughed, turning into a light, as if carrying the power of the three mountains and the five seas to quickly leave the sky, after Chen Zong's salute to Zhao Mingkong, he quickly turned into a ray of heaven, The mystery of the form surprised everyone.

As soon as Chen Zong left, the others gradually dispersed.

Zhao Mingkong, the silver sword king, was still shocked.

I didn't expect that he was just a junior descendant who would save his life, and it was incredible that he had such amazing ability.

The King of Bliss is also a face with a sullen expression. Previously, he still said that the other party could pass the first three realms, even if he passed the fourth realm, it was very good. As a result, the junior suddenly passed the seventh realm. The face was hot, but the heart was more shocked, the ultimate shock, unparalleled shock.

The King of Blood Slayers left with an introverted killer, he was waiting, waiting for the time to come, waiting for the time to come.

ten years!

No, it's been more than nine years. It's very short. For myself and others, maybe a retreat has passed.

Then this time, you have to retreat carefully, and strive to cultivate that supernatural power to a perfect state, master it thoroughly, and increase its power greatly.


The King of Mountains and Seas is the first strongman on the island of Miguang, and may even be the strongest among the practitioners in the sea of ​​Miguang. The Dongfu where he lives is not the closest, but the farthest from the Miguang Realm.

Theoretically, the closer you get to the realm of light, the more intense and pure the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and the clearer the mystery of the heavens and the earth.

But Shanhai Wang did the opposite.

Chen Zong found that the cave where the King of the Sea and the Sea was located was located on a mountain, and the other side was the Miguang Sea outside the Miguang Island.

Yishan against the sea!

Among them, there are arrays of arrays that are constantly running, permeating all kinds of light and interweaving together.

In Chen Zong's keen perception, the matrix method seems to have evolved the vision of the mountains and the sea, explaining the mysteries of the mountains and the sea.

Shanhai big array!

This is a large array controlled by the King of Mountains and Seas. Once laid, it can gather the vitality of the heavens and the earth, condense the mysteries of the mountains and seas, and be more conducive to their own cultivation and enlightenment.

Therefore, the strength of the heaven and earth here is not inferior to the center of Miguang Island, and the mystery of the mountains and the sea is permeated, which is more suitable for the cultivation of the king of the sea and the sea.

"Little friend, please sit down." Shan Haiwang smiled and reached out to signal, he sat down first, as if there was a vision of mountains and seas rising and falling behind him.

Chen Zong sat across from a table opposite the King of Mountains and Seas, not humble or overbearing, without fear, as if he was not facing a powerful seven-star warrior, but a peer.

This indifferent, let the King of the Sea and the Sea secretly nodded praise, not to mention one into the holy realm, even if it is the other half-step grand holy level, other than Lei Yan Wang and the ancient wind king can not be so calm in front of themselves.

Sure enough, it was extraordinary to be able to break through the seventh realm all of a sudden, and it was called a demon in the world.

"The younger friend can break through the seventh realm for the first time in the light realm, which really shocked the old man." Shanhaiwang laughed, without any concealment of his inner surprise and admiration in his tone. King Tower, don't you know how many smallpox detonated? "

"Jiucai!" Chen Zong answered without hesitation, Shan Haiwang's pupils contracted in an instant.

Colorful ceiling!

After living for thousands of years and nearly ten thousand years, the experience of Shanhaiwang is not rich. Before entering the Sea of ​​Miguang, he was already a strong man with good combat ability and extensive knowledge. He knew deeply how to detonate the colorful ceiling. difficult.

Even the Tai Xuan Realm from which he was born has more genius, but the same is true.

Numerous years from now on, it can detonate the nine-color smallpox, but there are only a dozen or so people. Unexpectedly, this person is one of them.

No wonder ... no wonder he can break through the seventh realm at once.

You must know that you have crossed this seventh realm, but it took more than twenty times to succeed.

Immediately, Shanhaiwang felt fiery.

"My friend, I am optimistic about you, and I can definitely break through the eighth realm and leave Miguanghai." Shanhaiwang laughed with a certain tone.

"Senior, is it true that you can leave Miguanghai after crossing the eighth realm?" Chen Zong asked, after all, this is just a saying.

"True." Shan Haiwang said with affirmative, "As far as I know, a strong man named Wanxing Wang ten thousand years ago broke through the eighth realm, left Miguang Island, and took one person away."

"Take someone away?" Chen Zongwen said suddenly.

"Yes, if you break through the eighth realm, not only can you leave, you can also take one person away." Shan Haiwang said extremely surely, his eyes burst into a strong spirit: "Little friend, the old man has a request, please also the little friend Can promise. "

"Seniors, please." Chen Zongdao, vaguely guessing.

"It seems that the little friend should have some guesses, yes, the old man just wants to invite the younger one day, if he can break through the eighth state, he will take the old man away." Shan Haiwang Ningsheng said, his eyes became far away. This mysterious sea of ​​light has been more than 3,000 years. Too long. With the ability of my husband, I am afraid I ca n’t cross the eighth realm and leave on my own. My friend gave me hope, but please Friendship works. "

Chen Zong did not immediately agree, but was thinking.

"Senior, can only take one person away?" Chen Zong couldn't help asking.

"The king of stars before 10,000 years only took one person away. As for how many people he could take, the old man was not sure."

"Predecessor, Zhao Mingkong, the silver sword king, has a life-saving guidance for me. If I can only take one person away, I will choose Zhao Mingkong." Chen Zong said again, with a solitary look.

It is Chen Zong's principle to have revenge for grace and revenge for revenge.

Zhao Mingkong has his life-saving grace. If he can really break through the eighth realm and leave, he can choose Zhao Mingkong first.

In addition, there is an elderly Tiangong, who also has the grace of preaching, but the elderly Tiangong does not know how far away from Miguang Island, and cannot find it.

"Seniors and juniors can promise that if one day I can break through the eighth realm and take people away, there will be one senior," Chen Zongzheng said, making the next promise.

The King of Mountains and Seas was pondering and thinking.

"It's better, it's better than hopelessness." Shan Haiwang finally sank and saw that Chen Zong was a kind-hearted man. Since he said so, he wouldn't violate it.

I have been here for a long time, and I have no ability to break through the eighth realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Therefore, I can only rely on others, and I have already said that, and that is the only way.

It's better to leave a little hope than hopeless.

"My husband has nothing to give you, and this Qianlong Baodan will be given to the little friend." Shanhaiwang took out a palm-sized octagonal black jade box and handed it to Chen Zong: "This Qianlong Baodanai I got it earlier, and it is very helpful for the practice of entering the holy realm, but it is useless to me. I thought it had never been useful. I did not expect that the little friends could come here by virtue of the practice of entering the holy realm. Fate. "

"Thank you, senior." Chen Zong did not shirk.

Although the assessment of the Miguang Realm is closely related to your own cultivation, after you leave the Miguanghai, the depth of cultivation is also very important.

In addition, since Chen Zong also promised that if there are enough places, he will definitely take Shan Haiwang away, so the other party's gift to Baodan can also be regarded as a reward.

"If the little friend doesn't hate it, then he can open a cave house for retreat and practice here." Shanhai Wangdao said: "So there is an old man here, and the Xiaoxiao generation dare not act lightly."

"Thank you, senior." Chen Zong thought, and agreed.

Chen Zong also wanted to break through the eighth realm as soon as possible, so he left the place, so he quickly opened a cave house and started retreating.

As for the King of Mountains and Seas, Qianlong Baodan is indeed astonishing in value, but it is actually useless in the Sea of ​​Miguang. Only by getting it outside of the Sea of ​​Miguang can it show its amazing value.

Since I want to seize the hope of separating here, I should pay something.

(Last night I planned to take my wife and children out to play today, so I stayed up late to write an extra chapter, ready to do today, and go home at night to write another chapter, just two more to offer, please pay attention to the public account: Six Road Depression , I believe you love me)

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