Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 23: Unfathomable (4)

(This chapter is the addition of Liu Yan's request, the second more at five o'clock)

In the void, a pair of eyes gazed through Wanzhang, and those eyes twinkled with silver goddesses, as if they could see through the mystery of all things, and could see the battle over Da Luomen clearly.

"What a terrible talent." This man is the strong star power of Tian Luozong and the pillar of Tian Luozong.

The top forces must have at least four-star power to stay in business.

At this moment, the first strong man in the terroir of Territory was scared.

What a talent it is to be able to unleash the sanctuary of the Holy Land, but it can release the amazing strength of the elite two-star combat power.


For a moment, this person was very, very emotional, and deep in his heart, there was an irresistible greedy.

"With my talent, the elite four-star combat power is the limit and cannot be further advanced."

"If you want to go further, you have to have a good chance."

"This child is talented, but it is absolutely impossible for him to play the elite two-star combat ability by entering the sanctuary, and there must be a big secret in him."

"If you capture it, that big secret belongs to me. By then, it will not be impossible to have a five-star combat power."


Everyone has it. The difference lies in strength and weakness.

For practitioners, deep cultivation and strong strength are the tireless pursuit and longing.

No matter what kind of practice, what kind of martial arts mastery, what kind of mystery, in the end, it's all about strengthening ourselves.


On this day, Luo Zong's four-star warrior was extremely heart-moving, but he did not immediately shoot, but continued to observe.

He is cautious.

The fighting news here cannot be completely blocked at all, and it is very likely to spread to other realms. At that time, it will inevitably attract strong men from other realms.

If you capture it blatantly, you will inevitably provoke other strong enemies.

Let no one else know.

Over Da Luomen, Chen Zong had a single sword and fought against the three strong men.

A two-star powerhouse!

Two one-star warriors!

To one enemy three, but did not fall behind.

Of course, in the case of borrowing the power of burning Shashugong, Chen Zong could not enhance his strength with the supreme power of martial arts. Therefore, to promote the strength to the extreme, he can only play to the level of the elite two-star, but on his own Superb swordsmanship, but it can completely hold the three strong hands together.

In addition, Chen Zong faintly felt that someone was staring at himself, his eyes were very dim, but with a touch of greed.

If it weren't for Chen Zong's perception of Superman, he wouldn't be able to feel it.

Chen Zong felt a threat with the greedy gaze in the dark.

The realm of the heart covers all directions, covering a hundred meters of circle, everything within 100 meters seems to be controlled by Chen Zong. With the exquisite swordsmanship, Chen Zong circulates among the three half-step grand saints. , Do not fall in the slightest.

On the contrary, this three-half-step and half-step holy-strength strongman was extremely shocking.

It is completely unthinkable that a junior who has entered the sacred realm has such strength, which is too scary and appalling.

The old drunkard who was returning saw from a distance and doubted life directly. He even felt that he had cultivated on dogs for thousands of years of cultivation.

"Fight!" Shouted the big-roman two-star powerhouse.

With their three-and-a-half-step sacred powers, they have to fight against a sacred junior and say that it is a shame to go out, but they feel the pressure more clearly.

It was an invisible pressure.

There is also an inexplicable astonishment from far-sightedness.

This is still the case today, what if the other party broke through to the half-step grand sacred level?

Wouldn't its combat power increase sharply? By that time, what would Ronald use to resist?

Da Luo sleepy sky array!

Suddenly, the three half-step holy-strength strong men moved in shape, shifting and translating with heavy phantoms, spreading in three directions, forming a triangle to surround Chen Zong.

Countless black mangs are spread across the square like crisscross silk threads, connecting the figures of the three strong men, as if to be integrated into one.

Black was permeating, spreading quickly, and rendering all around, Chen Zong only felt as if he had fallen into a prison, a **** of pressure invaded and oppressed from all directions.

Da Luo sleepy sky array!

This is the only formation of the big roman, and it is also a mighty formation that claims to be sleepy.

Of course, sleepy days are just an exaggerated statement, but they also show their characteristics and power.

If the three strong one-star warriors are deployed together, it will be enough to siege the two-star strong warriors, and then cooperate with them to continue the siege and slowly die.

Now, the combination of an elite two-star combat power, an elite one-star combat capability, and an ordinary one-star combat capability is enough to completely trap the elite two-star combat capability, and then slowly siege to death.

Chen Zong could feel the amazing pressure constantly pressing, and a series of black silk threads spread and fell on his body, layer upon layer, seeming to completely restrain himself and completely drowsy.


Feng Jian's extreme consciousness of swordsmanship was spurred instantly, Shen Yejian was instantly killed, and he crossed a series of black silk threads, tearing them directly.

But through the touch of the sword, Chen Zong could clearly feel the tenacity of the black silk thread.

Chen Zong immediately understood that he could not be trapped for a long time, otherwise, the longer the time, the more unfavorable he was, and then he would have to reveal his true strength.

The realm of the heart is compressed, and everything around is clearer.

Chen Zong is looking for flaws in this formation.

Everything in the world is perfect, everything is relative. The so-called perfection is just that people cannot find flaws.

This array is really exquisite and extremely amazing. For a while, Chen Zong could hardly find any flaws.

However, it can be exploited.

Promise sword!

Infinite Sword!

Heaven and earth line!

Suddenly, Chen Zong burst out and killed, one sword was stronger than the other, killing in three directions respectively.

Under the formation method, the strengths of the three and a half-step sage-level strong men temporarily merged into one, and directly resisted all of Chen Zong's three sword lights.

More black mansions entangled in silk threads.

There was a smile on the corner of Chen Zong's mouth, full of confidence.

Although Fang Cai's three swords were completely resisted, Chen Zong also caught a trace of flaws.

The inconsistencies in strength among the three are flaws.

Blood Thunder Burst!

The blood thunder burst in a perfect state, its blood thunder power is extremely amazing, and can let Chen Zong unbridled impetus to display.

Amazing breath permeated in an instant.

Wind disease!


Wind and fire hit the sky!

Only momentarily, Chen Zong cast the Fenghuo Three Swords to the extreme, integrated into the power of blood thunder, the power increased greatly, and the direct attack power was not inferior to the world, even more than a few points.

Its subsequent destructive power is even better than the world.

Boom boom!

The explosion was endless, and the impact was continuous. This kind of power was also a direct attack on the weak points, and immediately called the three big Romans strong to look greatly changed.

Heaven and earth line!

The endless sword light spreads out, and instantly condenses, becoming darker.

Killed with a sword, the dark sword light can absorb all the light in the world like a black hole.

This sword instantly expanded the flaws killed by Fenghuo Three Swords.


The weakest half-step sacred-level strong man flew out and could not withstand the power of that sword. If there were no other power to temporarily protect it, this sword would not only repel it, but might even kill it.

Lei Guanghuan!

Suddenly, Chen Zonghua turned into a ray of light at an astonishing speed through the gap in the formation, and smashed into a volley with a sword, killing the ordinary one-star half-step saint.


The two-star, half-step Grand Saint suddenly changed his face, yelled quickly, burst out at full speed, and his hands blasted out. The black palm print spreading in all directions, each one contained amazing power.

Immediately, a tens of meters of black palm print was extremely solid, rushed out of the other palm prints, and blasted to Chen Zong.

If Chen Zong insists on chasing that star power, he will be hit by this palm.

He said time later, Chen Zong didn't mean to dodge, and turned around and sword.

Blood Thunder Burst!

Heaven and earth line!


The power of this sword has never reached three stars, but it is already among the top two stars.

Splitting the black palm print like a bamboo, and killing the two-star strong man with big Roman, Chen Zong ignored it, quickly turned around, and assassinated with a sword in the air.

Infinite Sword!

The infinite sword incorporated into the blood thunder burst, even though it is not as strong as the world and the frontier ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But under the power of the extreme sword, its power is very terrible. Its power is not ordinary ordinary one-star combat power at all. Contending.

Under a sword, the heavy palm print was broken, pierced through the body, and pierced through the back.

The overbearing power made the body of the ordinary one-star half-step grand saint flew backward.

In the sky above Xiuluomen, the reason why Chen Zong did not kill is to hide his strength and use his opponent to sharpen himself.

But now, since all of them are coming to Da Luomen, naturally it is necessary to use the proper means.

Chen Zong couldn't help feeling a bit of emotion. It seems that the so-called plan called the so-called steadiness and the so-called step-by-step exploration is not suitable for himself. In the final analysis, everything must be pushed forward with great strength.

Of course, all this is built on the condition that there is sufficient strength. If the strength is insufficient, then you should shrink your neck and develop slowly to avoid attracting the attention of others.

And now, even the half-step grand saint strength Chen Zong, who is an elite three-star combat force, is not afraid, and even if he is willing, he can break through to the half-step grand saint level in a short time. Even more horizontal, even in the face of four-star combat power, they are not afraid.

The strongest player in the terroir is the four-star combat level.

Have strength to rely on, be confident and fearless.

One sword, killing one of the one-star half-step big holy strongmen of Da Luomen, and also angered the other two half-step big holy strong men, and the two broke out without hesitation and used the secret method.

The breath suddenly increased by several ten percent, and it became more and more powerful and amazing.

"Fuck it!" The eyes of the elite two-star powerman almost burst into flames, his body tumbling, as if the tide was endless. Between the shots, it became more and more fierce and violent, as if the sky was broken.

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