Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 27: God forbidden

The sky is strong, like a raging sea, like a sea.

Chen Zong seems to turn into a ray of wind, merge into that wind, and keep moving forward, a feeling that seems to break 桎梏 beyond one's own limits spontaneously emerges, feeling like an electric shock, and continues to diffuse.

Tian Luozong's four-star warrior had endured the pain of the pain and threw the black metal ball in his hand.

The black light is diffused and radiates in all directions, shining like a round of dark sun.

Chen Zong trembled suddenly, the creepy chill spurted out from the deepest part of his heart, and instantly filled the whole body.

The four-star strong metal ball was very fast, but Chen Zong himself was unwell because of the detonation of the blood thunder species, and the Royal God's damage also consumed too much power, and his speed and response were somewhat slow.

Until now, the existence of Shura's avatar had to be exposed.

As his eyebrows flickered, Shura's avatar was about to rush out, and when he fled with his deity, the metal orb flickered, approached instantly, and burst into flames.

It seemed to explode in the void like a dark firework and turned into strands of black silk, spreading like a net of heaven.

It is extremely fast, and it carries an indescribable coercion, so that Shura's avatar is also affected, and it seems difficult to escape from the deity.

Only momentarily, Chen Zong was wrapped in countless black silk threads, intertwined with needles and needles, and when he touched Chen Zong's body, the strands of black silk thread seemed to melt into Chen Zong's body.

Chen Zong immediately felt that his strength was rapidly disappearing.


It is related to the practice of refining the body, the practice of practicing qi, and the practice of divine spirit, all of which are weakening and disappearing.

Speaking of time and time, countless black mansions enter the body, spreading everywhere in the body, as if every flesh and blood is under the black silk thread, Chen Zong feels like he has been deprived of all his power, For an ordinary person.

Without strength, nature can no longer fly in the air, and the body immediately falls.

Moreover, at such a height, it falls under the condition of losing strength. If it hits the ground, it will probably die.

However, Chen Zong was not panicked.

The other side is like this and won't let himself fall to death like this.


The wind screamed in his ears, becoming more and more intense, Chen Zong only felt that the boundless scenery was passing quickly like a stream of fire on the edge of his eyes, getting closer and closer to the ground.

It was a huge stone that looked very hard like metal.

If you fall directly on it, chances are that you will end up broken or even killed on the spot.

It's close!

Two hundred meters!

One hundred meters!

Fifty meters!

The rough surface of the metallic boulder is clearly visible.

Forty meters!

Thirty meters!

Chen Zong could smell the cold air of that rock.

Twenty meters!

Ten meters!


The speed of falling is extremely fast, ten meters, but it is only momentary.

At the moment when Chen Zong's head was about to hit the metal-like boulder and be broken, his body was stunned, and his head was only one foot away from the boulder.

One foot is the distance between life and death.

Rao is Chen Zong's extraordinary personality. At this moment, he was also relieved.

The other party's behavior is so secretive, and the secret treasure is used to deal with itself, it is to catch alive, otherwise, why bother so much.

Tian Luozong stared at Chen Zong's calm face, but was very upset.

I have used the precious one-time secret treasure, which is already very painful. I plan to use this to teach the other party and watch the other party panic because of falling.

Unexpectedly, the other party looked like a cloud of light and light wind, and seemed to care nothing about his life and death, and seemed determined that he would not let him die.

A bad breath stirred in my heart and I could not wait to pinch it.

Take a deep breath and try to calm yourself down.

Use this amazing one-time secret treasure, carefully planning this time, not to catch each other alive.

As long as the secret on the other side is forced out, after obtaining the great opportunity, then you can do whatever you want.

Thinking of this, I felt relieved for a bit.

Grab Chen Zong and leave at an alarming rate.

This person did not return to Tianluozong directly, but came to a secret place.

The hidden place needs to pass through a cave and then open the formation method to enter, and the other party does not have any intention to avoid Chen Zong. Obviously, after winning the secret treasure, Chen Zong has been reduced to an ordinary person. Get rid of.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if you avoid it.

This is a small valley, estimated to be only a few kilometers.

A wooden house in the middle of the valley is very simple.

"Here is a secret place that I discovered in my early years. Here, I got some chances, and got a secret treasure." Tian Luozong's four-star powerhouse has always kept this secret in his heart. Now, I can't help but say it, like a feeling, but also a show off.

"The mysterious treasure, named Feng Shen Ban Demon Orb, even if it is a five-star powerhouse, can't compete with it, it will be banned immediately and reduced to a waste." There was a sneer and a bit of pain in the face.

"I originally planned to keep it for my life. Today, you forced me to use the only deity to ban the magic beads." This man's expression suddenly became ruthless, his eyes were dazzling, and his tone was full of lingering meaning. "I just hope you don't let me down, otherwise I'll let you know what it means to survive and die."

"Of course, as long as you cooperate, I will spare you my life once it is done."

"Think about it yourself, it's better to live than die."

"What do you want?" Chen Zong stared at the other person, his face and eyes calm as water, and asked without hesitation, while examining himself secretly.

Although banned from all power, it is still possible to look inside.

Chen Zong can see his body, densely crisscrossed with black silk threads, exuding strange and profound breath fluctuations.

His own power did not really disappear, but was blocked by this black silk thread.

With a wave of his hand, Luo Zong's four-star warrior took out a pen and paper and placed it in front of Chen Zong, and said coldly, his eyes were full of enthusiasm: "Write down all your exercises and martial arts. "

He can see that the exercises and martial arts practiced by Chen Zong are extremely delicate.

"In addition, hand over your appetite." His eyes flickered sharply, but when the voice dropped, he did not wait for Chen Zong to respond, and took off the appellation directly from Chen Zong's fingers.

"Unconfessed." The strong commanded.

"Then you have to lift the power of banning the magic beads," Chen Zongbu said.

The spirit and spirit are all banned.

The person did not speak again, but his eyes were cold and unusual.

He did not return the admonition to Chen Zong.

There are often three ways to dismiss the admittance of the Lord.

One is the other party's automatic release.

The second is forcible dismissal, but this requires strong divine thoughts.

The third is to kill the opponent directly, and the natural release.

Now the opponent is banned by the forbidden magic bead and cannot be lifted automatically, there are only two remaining.

However, in the second case, if you forcibly cancel it, you cannot break it. If it can be broken, it will definitely hurt the opponent ’s soul.

Therefore, on this day, Luo Zongqiang could only press and hold it temporarily, otherwise if he hurt the other's soul, or if Jingqishen was banned, he would not know if he would die.

I still need the chance of the other side.

Then, everything can only wait until the other party writes down all the exercises and martial arts, wait until they get the chance on the other party, and then start to kill them directly. Then, abstain from dismissing the Lord.

Everything will belong to you.

"You'd better cooperate, otherwise, although I won't kill you directly, I won't be afraid of those who are Shuramen." Tian Luozong threatened the four-star warrior, and immediately made Chen Zong eyes cold Flashed by.

I am here to repay King Ngusura and revive Shuramon.

If Shuramen's people died because of their own reasons, and they were destroyed, they could not afford it.

"I need time." Chen Zong's voice became low.

"Okay." Tian Luozong's strong man showed a touch of pride, and was satisfied with his effective threat: "I will give you three days to write down all the exercises and martial arts, otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel.

Picking up the pen and paper, Chen Zong got up and went out.

"Where are you going?" Shen Luozong said in a strong voice.

"Here, are you worried that I will leave?" Chen Zong asked, with a hint of tone.

"Huh, here, even if you insert wings, you can't escape." Tian Luozong's strong man gave a cold hum, not to mention the fact that he was under the power of being blocked by the demon forbidden magic beads.

Chen Zong did not respond to the other party again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but instead kept walking away, seemingly unwilling to be under the same roof with the other party.

Tian Luozong did not chase after the strong.

This valley is only a few kilometers in size. At its own speed, it can reach any place in an instant.

What's more, your own thoughts can completely cover this place and fully grasp each other's every move.

At the edge of the valley, Chen Zong found a comfortable place to sit down, picked up pen and paper, and started writing.

The sky is windless!

Chen Zong first wrote this supernatural power.

Tian Luozong's thoughts of the strong are always covered. Although Chen Zong is banned, his keen sense still exists and can be felt.

Although Tian Luozong is the top sect, there is no real magical power, and there are not many magical powers, just two.

It would be great if we could get another one.

For a while, Luo Zong's strong man immediately paid attention.

Chen Zong writes in a non-Xu Bu disease, one after another vigorous words appear on the animal skin paper.

The content of Tianfeng Wuxiang is very mysterious. Looking at it, that day, Luo Zong's strong man was immersed in it, constantly enlightened and deduced the mystery, so Chen Zong's surveillance was relaxed a lot.

This is the result that Chen Zong wants.

This is also because Chen Zong was banned by the forbidden magic beads and was in this hidden valley, so he could not escape at all.

The reason for monitoring is still to worry about suicide, making all his plans fail.

"Open!" For a moment, Chen Zong felt that his monitoring had been relaxed a lot, and immediately ordered.

(You know, Liu Dao will definitely leave a trail for Xiao Xun)

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