Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 3: 3 wins (below)

(Liu Dao really convinced himself, actually seeing the wrong time, tears, and the third one was offered)


Take control!

The majestic power of the earth and the lightness and magnificence of the heavenly power, black and white flow in the body, clear and distinct, like two disjointed rivers.

Every power is completely under his control.

I saw that Chen Zong also entered the self-confidence state. The people watching the battle around were a little surprised, but I was not particularly surprised. After all, in the eternal battlefield, or among the top forces in the void of the universe, there were many people who controlled the self-compassion. Yes.

Fighting in the imaginary world, unless its own strength gap is obvious, otherwise it will use self-comfort.

Timberwolf's strength is not low, especially he entered the Eternal War Fortress earlier than Chen Zong. He has experienced more battles here, and his talent is quite brilliant. The strength brought about by the combination is quite terrible.

In the self-confidence, the infinite endless chain sword unfolds, the sword and sword are connected, and the chain is endless, as if there is no beginning and no end, each sword is just right.

The sword light surrounds the endless, endless, endless, as if everywhere, for a moment, it seems that many people are waving their swords at the same time, showing different sword tricks.

Around, there were packs of wolves around to launch an effective organized attack.

In the end, it seemed to be a confrontation between Jianguang and the pack of wolves.

Jianguang burst, the wolf shadow collapsed, but he condensed in an instant, alternating between birth and death.

Fierce fighting, high intensity, and constant consumption of power, but in the self-confidence, it will not affect your own strength.

The Taoist mastery of the forest wolf is also a top-level Taoist mastery, and it also reaches the extreme.

"Not easy."

"You can fight to this extent with the Timberwolves."

The more people watching the game, the more surprised they became, but the thought of Chen Zong's age and detection evaluation was taken up by the slightest disdain.

For Peerless Tianjiao and even Peerless Demon Sin, the time difference of one year is enough to bring a significant gap in strength.

The gap will undoubtedly become even more obvious if you practice for a few more years, or even more than ten or twenty years.

It is undeniable that no matter how good his luck is, Chen Zong won the eternal heaven and earth order. He is definitely one of the world's outstanding generations. He belongs to that world's top peerless Tianjiao and even peerless evil level, and some ability is normal.

But in the Eternal War Fortress, it is not surprising that there are more such people.

Chen Zong is in absolute calm. His sword is in his hands, and his blood is inseparable from each other. His greatest strength lies in absorption and learning.

Introduce all the advantages of the other side, draw the essence of them, integrate into themselves, and then improve yourself.

Lin Wolf is the most prominent opponent he has encountered. Chen Zong even feels that he is even more powerful than Tai Xuan Shengzi.

Of course, I haven't met Tai Xuan Shengzi for quite some time. It ’s hard to say how far the other party has grown, but this is a feeling.

Timberwolves, maybe really better than Taixuan Shengzi.

In their own self-confidence, even after such fierce fighting, the two men's breathing did not have the slightest haste and disorder.

"The mad wolf is bloodthirsty!" The low voice sounded suddenly, as if the howling wolf howled on the moonlit night, spreading in all directions, making people extremely distracted.

The dark wolf shadow spreads all around, but the eyes radiate dazzling blood, and the blood of the wolf claws and fangs is diffused like a flame.


This is a lore, the pack of wolves madly bloodthirsty to kill, to tear all the prey to pieces.

Liangyi sword world!

The black and white bicolor mixed element surrounds all directions and is directly isolated, allowing the pack of wolves to attack with bloodthirsty blood.

Heaven and earth line!

Jianguang gathered, and suddenly became dim all around, and then, a black to the extreme Jianguang with amazing majestic and heavy, permeated with unparalleled sharpness and overbearing tearing void.

The hair-like sword light reached, tearing the void, and Timber Wolf's heart trembled involuntarily, his appearance changed slightly, the impossible became possible, the body twisted and turned, and he avoided them instantly, and several hairs were cut off. , Flew up, and was smashed by sword air.

But Chen Zong seems to have mastered the trajectory of the forest wolf, and the second sword has already been shot, as if the forest wolf ran into it.

The third sword!

The fourth sword!

The sword is precise, the sword is deadly, and the forest wolves fall into the wind all at once, they can only dodge and parry constantly.

The rhythm is directly mastered by Chen Zong.

"This man's swordsmanship is quite brilliant."

"Indeed, it's quite the style of Yitian Sword King."

"Well, compared with Yitian Sword King, it seems that Firefly is better than Haoyue, which is completely incomparable."

In a few words, the battle between Chen Zong and Lin Wolf became clearer.

The forest wolf has a sword.

That sword tore his arm, and the next sword penetrated his shoulder.

Another sword pierced the forest wolf's heart.

The forest wolf fell to the ground, his body faded in Chen Zong's eyes and disappeared.

Death in the virtual world is not real death.

Chen Zong also found that his personal information has changed.

One win is displayed on the number of matches, one win is displayed on the highest winning streak, and ten is displayed on the record.

Immediately, there was a new choice, whether to continue the war or to end.

Chen Zong thought for a moment and chose to continue his war.

This time, Chen Zong was given the right to choose the battle environment.

"Keep it as it is," Chen Zong secretly said.

In less than ten minutes, a black and white portal appeared in front of him, and a figure stepped forward.

This is a man who is extremely tall and strong, looks like an iron tower, and makes Chen Zong slightly surprised, because this is a woman.

A woman who is so majestic and so burly is really surprising.

However, the universe is empty, there are countless worlds, and countless situations naturally exist. Chen Zong was slightly surprised and recovered as usual, and quickly checked each other's information.

The name is not important, information such as battle wins and top wins is important.

This person is also a fighter, but the battle victory is three wins and two losses, and the highest winning streak is two. Its detection and evaluation are as inferior as themselves.

However, from the information point of view, it is much better than himself. Of course, Chen Zong has already understood the crux of the problem and will not consider himself inferior to others.

On the contrary, when someone better than himself appears, he will give himself more motivation to catch up.

"Newcomer." The burly woman's voice seemed grandiose, worthy of her body, and grinned immediately, "take my hand."

Before the voice fell, the thick palm of a giant bear was lifted up and slammed into it. The dark earth power was condensed in it, making this palm even more magnificent and domineering, as if a mountain moved across and hit it with great force. Shen, smashed and shattered, and the wind that brought it was oppressed, and called Chen Zong asphyxiation.

The power of the heavens moves, white light permeates, and Chen Zong's body seems to be free from all weights, and becomes extremely light and agile. In a moment, he avoids, bypasses, and approaches, and a sword bursts out of the air.

First, the lightness and speed of the Tianling power, when the sword was assassinated, it was immediately converted into a Diyuan force, and a stronger horizontal attack broke out.

In terms of direct destructive power, Tianling force is inferior to earth elemental force, but Tianling force also has its own advantages.

Applying one kind alone will only be one-sided. If two kinds are applied alternately, they will make up for their respective deficiencies.

It is said that at the fourth level, the elemental power and the spiritual power can be merged at the same time to become a stronger and more powerful force with both characteristics.

This burly woman's strength is indeed very strong, but compared to the previous forest wolf, it is slightly inferior. After being seized by Chen Zong, she continued to attack with one sword, control the rhythm, and eventually lost.

Chen Zong's record became thirty, the victory and defeat became two wins and zero losses, and the highest winning streak also became two.

Continue to fight and match opponents randomly.

Chen Zong's third opponent was a very short and short person. He might not even reach a height of 1.5 meters, but his arms were very long, and he fell down completely beyond his knees.

The arm trembled, and the black and white claws spit out from the wrist, half a foot long, and the cold light flickered as if it could tear everything.

This person did not directly attack, but moved quickly, blessed with the power of heavenly spirit, the speed became faster, and eventually turned into a white streamer, surrounding Chen Zong.

For a time, it was difficult for Chen Zong's eyes to capture each other's trajectories.

Suddenly, like a ghost, his body suddenly leaps into a blackness, and he kills them with astonishing power, his claws tearing into the void, and he wants to tear Chen Zong into pieces.

The long sword seemed to be ready. A sword was blocked, the sword was working, the force was released, and the counterattack came out. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong found that his opponent in this field seemed to be in strength. Not so good, but it is amazing in speed and flexibility, and its fighting style is a type of opportunistic one-shot, one-shot kill. If it fails, it immediately backs away, moves at high speed, and then looks for opportunities. Launch an attack.

The speed is so fast that for a time, it is difficult for people to chase and it is indeed a difficult opponent.

Chen Zong is not slow to pay himself, but at present, he has not cultivated any corresponding martial arts.

After all, Chen Zong found that using the power of heaven and earth to motivate his past swordsmanship, although it could exert its power, it was not thorough enough.

In order to give play to the advantages of the power of heaven and earth, martial arts must be matched with it, which is undoubtedly the martial arts in the vein of the Lord of Eternal Battlefield.

Then you need a record to be able to redeem it.

The most basic exchange requires a thousand records.

Since it is difficult to keep up with the opponent's high speed, then it is necessary to change constantly, waiting for the opponent to launch an attack to counterattack, and defeat it in one fell swoop.

Therefore, the people in the war zone have basically not practiced any martial arts, and they are also exerted by their own body, but it is difficult to show their due power.

On the contrary, it will limit the exertion of the power of heaven and earth to a certain extent.

Closing his eyes, Chen Zong raised his perception to the extreme. This is a point he is good at and should be fully utilized.

Although his eyes were closed, everything around him gradually appeared from nothing to blurry in Chen Zong's perception. A ghostly white figure was running at high speed, flickering like a ghost, and immediately, a few elusive jumps Turning around, he approached himself quickly, and the black cold light was killed from the white.

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